i absolutly beleive thereis some sort of energy. that we arent able to harness or understand . we are just starting to be able to understand its there because it messes with magnetic feilds. and this energy causes all sorts of shit to happen. unexplained noises, lights on and off. shit moving. who knows. but i personally have a hard time beleving its intelligent. because if there was really all that shit out there. dont you think all the maniacs standing in dark desolate places all over the world with cameras and shit would find absolute proof. you always hear some woman like , " i looked back and there was a man with a beard and a pipe, i turned, looked back and he was gone." but yet no one ever gets that picture. having memories of things when you were a kid is completely normal. our brains start to mix real and false memories together over time and things seem different than it was when it happened. just shit like scariest places on earth it so fake. theres no way in hell and on earth all that shit happened to all those people in that castle. chillingham i think it is. that stuff kinda ruins it for me. but i do get all self concscious sometimes. like " man if my ancestors really are watching me?. i look like an asshole". my grandfather is gonna smack the shit outta me when i get there when he sees how im living. lol ouija and all that stuff is fake though. there is a god though. i just dont think we hang around this place when we pass.