Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
root rot is mainly caused by hot water temps, just keep your reservoir water temp below 70 F and you will do just fine with preventing root rot from happening again.

Temps above 70 F invite bacteria and pathogens into your water, which we dont want. Yes it is true MJ grows best in 70-75 F water, BUT you risk inviting those pathogens and bacteria. 68 F is the optimal temperature to keep your MJ growing fast, without the hassle of risking bacteria and pathogens.


Active Member
Hey everybody,
I have a dwc setup 2 gallon bucket vegging 18/6 g13xhaze. she is about 3 week old added 1/8 tsp of maxi veg GH from first day she went into the bucket. A week later a change res add another 1/8tsp to clean res. half way tru week she started to turn white. So i changed res added 1/4 tsp to res. She seems to be real perky but her first 6 leaves are white. 2 days after i changed the res I added another 1/8 tsp to res. I don't think the color of the leaves will grow green again but, I just want to make sure I'm not underfeeding her. anythought would be great. Temps are perfect and ph is good and there is no sign off trouble with the roots.


Well-Known Member
Hey P man.. We really need to see some pixels.. My tap starts around 425 ppm.. I keep my PH steady by all means neccessary @ 5.8. Its kinda hard to maintain in a veg system from start but i monitor daily..
I begin my nute feeding as soon as the roots hit the water bro.. I bump to around 500-550 and see how the plants react and after a few days or so..Ill bump again if the reaction is nice..
U dont need alot of nutes in veg but depending on the light source u have ur plants can most likely take the feedings well as long as u keep the ph proper.
PH will also stabilize itself after u start feeding the res.

Man Get some pix bro..Sounds like ur plants are severely malnourished right now..
Lets start there.


Well-Known Member
Onthedl0008- I am still adding the H2O2 and everything is looking ok! I called my local shop and they recomended the sm90, I asked them about the H2O2 adding time frame and they were saying they add to there setup's everyother day. I will keep you posted on how eveything is going.


Well-Known Member
Awesome trouble and thanks for the info man.. My buddy's grow is doing great now and he says this same thing worked for him and his gunk is gone man. All he did was clean everything thouroughly and change his res out a few times and added the peroxide to get rid of it.. Hopefully u got it in check in ur system man..
Great news im happy for ya!!!


Well-Known Member
thank's! I did also go and buy A portable AC today to try and keep the room temp down. I get's frustrating when you change systems and start having problem's. I alway's used A E & F system so this is A little new for me!


Well-Known Member
Trouble man all i can say is im glad u got ur damn gunk solved buddy..
Ive been looking into E and F also. These guys here have some insane Ebb set-ups bro why would u ever switch up?
I dunno man.. DWC is awesome too.. Its worked well for what i need according to my stealth grow requirements man.
But i am looking into the Ebb also..
Keep us posted bro.. I want ur grow to be successfull.


Well-Known Member
I have seen some amazing DWC setup's and so I could control my nut level's to the seperate strains! If I can't keep everything under contol I may be going back to it! It was alot easier to keep stable with having only one res...


Well-Known Member
Yea One res does sound nice trouble i wont even lie..
But There's no real way to control 3 different strains at different nute levels from the same res that im aware of.
One res supplying one grow even if its 5 tables or 1 table ur only working with one food source supplying the grow.
Guess what makes it easier for me is the ability to give certain strains with different feeding schedule's and harvest time there own res control and grow space operating in little space but under the same light source..
U could get even a little crazier like i did and place 2 different strains with the same grow requirements same res in one 5 gallon bucket at that.. Give them the food they require and allow them to all grow perpetually with each other.
U could do that with E and F as well just not with one single res.
Either way man dont give up.


Well-Known Member
What's up fellow DWC Growers. Check out my grow.

It's in my sig. I am always looking for comments, and feedback on my grow so I can improve, and there is always room for improvement.


Active Member
Hey all! For some reason I have only just noticed this thread! It's a huge thread, so I don't have time to read it all!

I am going to be harvesting my first ever grow soon, and for my first grow I decided to use a DWC bucket. I am growing a Psychosis x Donk, and have tested a little of it........it is seriously strong stuff!

I harvested a bit of it early, to get a mega head high, which has dried to about an ounce. It was about a fifth of the buds on the plant. I am currently flushing the plant and plan to harvest the rest in about a week. Should finish up with about 4 1/2 to 5 ounces (first ever grow and 250w HPS so a shade over 0.5g per watt). It has about a dozen large cola's and countless smaller nugs. It is LST'ed but still 5 foot tall and 2 1/2 foot square (size of closet).

Tap water and Canna Aqua Vega for veg stage and Canna Aqua Flores and a flower booster is all I have used as nutes.

God I love buckets! Can't see me using any other growing style after my debut success! Just a case of improving my knowledge for future grows.

A few pics below, let me know what you think.......:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Good job loafman!!!

And how are you onthedl? I just got my AC hooked up and my temp's were at 7:41pm 85.6, and then I went and checked at 8:26pm 77.3f.. And the AC is set to 75 deg F. It's not to bad for the money....


Well-Known Member
Trouble man im good! Been wanting to get a portable AC unit for some time man. I got a vented hood and a 4 inch inline fan and got my actual room temps down to 80-82. My res temps get down into the low 70's lights out and a little into the higher 70's lights on. Thats really good news man. Heat stress is deffinetely something to be concerned about. Ive been pretty tied up with odor control lately. The AC is coming next. Gotta start looking into them soon.


Active Member
Hey P man.. We really need to see some pixels.. My tap starts around 425 ppm.. I keep my PH steady by all means neccessary @ 5.8. Its kinda hard to maintain in a veg system from start but i monitor daily..
I begin my nute feeding as soon as the roots hit the water bro.. I bump to around 500-550 and see how the plants react and after a few days or so..Ill bump again if the reaction is nice..
U dont need alot of nutes in veg but depending on the light source u have ur plants can most likely take the feedings well as long as u keep the ph proper.
PH will also stabilize itself after u start feeding the res.

Man Get some pix bro..Sounds like ur plants are severely malnourished right now..
Lets start there.
Hey man thanks for the help. I did add another 1/4 tsp of nutes to the res she perked up and took off. I was under feeding her. Changed out the res had a little brown slim but nice roots popping all over the place. Thanks man.
I am flowering under a 400 mh. I use to use cfl's and have been running auto flowering plants with hps. I also Flowerd an auto snowryder under MH. Holy shit the buds look so nice.


Well-Known Member
They didn't have one in store! But I have seen smaller online at diffrent store's! Oh ya the hydro shop by me has them but almost 600.00 for the same size!

Thanks man.. Did they have a less expensive one reated for a smaller area? Either way thats alot cheaper than the dro store.. Thanks for the info man.


Active Member
Hey guys...done alot of reading and am a week into my first dwc grow. My seedlings have been in 3 gallon buckets for a couple days now in net pots with Hydroton. This morning I noticed that 3 of 7 seedlings looked like they were dying...drooped over completely. I was thinking that maybe the solution didn't bubble up into the hydroton enough to get to the rockwool the seedlings were in. I added a little water to each....hopefully they will perk up. My other problem is that my pH is way too high....I'm following the directions exactly from my nutes...but the pH is well over 7 and I'm having a very hard time getting it to stay down. I noticed alot of sediment at the bottom of my buckets (white/yellowish powdery sediment...) Please help with some advice on what to do next....I don't want my healthy seedlings to all die!