New Member
Heck he didn't change. that was his greatest strength. Now George Bush Sr. was a tool....he changed the game.

You are one twisty SOB, Obama may just be this countries saviour, I know this completely escapes you, but he's done more to make this country a better place in 3 months than Bush did in 8 frikin years.And those very same revolutionists would be taking up arms against the current administration. Obama's policies are one of King George, not our founding fathers..... backwards again med Man...par for the course.
Look man, I certainly don't claim to have the answers. I do know though, what we have had for the last 30-50 years is not working for the working class, Blue collar people. Wages have stagnated and with inflation, have actually gone down. Those at the top have pilfered huge sums of salary and bonuses while cutting hours, jobs and decieving investors out of their retirement savings and pensions. Justice must be served. There is such a thing as right and wrong, and what we have now and have had for years is just wrong. The rulers of society don't give a damn about anybody but themselves, and think any social program is money out of their pockets. I say the price of living and getting the opportunity to make huge sums of money in this country should be paid for with taxes, enough taxes to fund all the programs that are needed for health and welfare for everyone. These taxes, like the original 3,000 limit, should apply to those with an income amount over a certain limit. What limit you ask. I can't really say, but I'd guess tax the hell out of anything over 300KWell its sort of a philisophical issue for me Med. Is it right to steal from someone who has more then you but not one who has less? What is the diffrence between them, besides money?? See I have no problem taxing corperations or from fees or sales taxes. But when I have to report how much I made where I spent it and give a % of it to government I feel enslaved. So why enslave one group over another?? You boil it down to "tax the rich." OK who are the rich? Anyone who makes over $3000 dollars a year, that was how income tax started. Only for the rich is what they said. Makes it easyer for the people back then to take. Its only for the rich. No there is no class of people there are only people. And if you make something for one person you open it up to others.
Now believe me I feel your pain I see the greed but what would we replace that greed with?? Violence?? A police state?? No I don't except that. How much sucsess is to much, Med?? At what point do we enslave the sucsessful?? This to me is really the philosophic debate. I say remove the reins from mankind and allow the human mind freedom. And the rewards will be beyond imagining. Enslave man and you doom us to mediocraty. It is easy to blame the greedy none of us are greedy only "them."
Ever since that despot Ronald Reagan we have had a form of trickle down economics. Obama has said he wants a trickle up. That in itself is enough for me to love this guy. The trend must be reversed. The rich have become so isolated in their wealth, that they have lost the view of humanity. Trickle down economics only works for the rich. It's like they are standing on top of a hill and pissing down, if you get a drop, that is all you'll get, one drop, meanwhile the river runs straight to the top.No, it is better for all...can't you read? Money rolls down hill... jobs comes form the producers, not the consumers. Obama IGNORES this REALITY and puts forth the GOVT. as a PRODUCER. NONSENSE!!! ABSOLUTE NONSENSE!! Even Europe is worried by what we are doing...Europe is worried??? How quickly we have fallen.
the poor don't stay poor in this country Med man...unless they get hooked on govt. handouts....want me to pull that data for you as well? This is a MOBILE society like NO OTHER. That is why we are the BEACON of hope to foreigners....get a grip. You just say what you FEEL, not what is REAL. Work on it. That's right takes work.
Government Hand Outs, Worse than Crack?No, it is better for all...can't you read? Money rolls down hill... jobs comes form the producers, not the consumers. Obama IGNORES this REALITY and puts forth the GOVT. as a PRODUCER. NONSENSE!!! ABSOLUTE NONSENSE!! Even Europe is worried by what we are doing...Europe is worried??? How quickly we have fallen.
the poor don't stay poor in this country Med man...unless they get hooked on govt. handouts....want me to pull that data for you as well? This is a MOBILE society like NO OTHER. That is why we are the BEACON of hope to foreigners....get a grip. You just say what you FEEL, not what is REAL. Work on it. That's right takes work.
Why? Are they giving out "your" money?Id rather they gave out crack instead
out.![]() rather they gave out crack instead
That's not the point at all....Why? Are they giving out "your" money?
It's not about left or right. It's about a one world doesnt really exist.
I like zeitgeist 1 and 2 but I just watched Esoteric Agenda, its pretty crazy too.
if you havent seen em get bit torrent and d/l that shit.
I just saw the obama deception too. It is really good. Doesnt bash obama but shows that he is just a toy. a tool. and has nothing to do with anything except put a face out there for the public to see intead of the real shit going on