Journal of my attempt at the "Mr Green" hydro setup (with influence from Al B Fuct)


Well-Known Member
dude your problems are caused cus you leave little to no foliage on them clones, you literally have two leaves on each clone
The reason for that is cuz that's what I've seen almost everyone do with their clones. Any pictures I've seen, the clones have been trimmed back to just the last couple leaves and a little sprig of new growth. Do you have pictures of how you take your clones?


Well-Known Member
if the clone dont root within 7 days, most take up to 15 they will need some juice to feed on, those leaves provide juice, you ever see people leave large fan leaves on and just cut them in half? well why dont they take off the whole leave instead of cutting? please take one cutting and leave 2 nodes on it, just one for me and try it out, that clone will be armed with the ammunition to survive for 2 weeks easily if not rooted fast


Well-Known Member
if the clone dont root within 7 days, most take up to 15 they will need some juice to feed on, those leaves provide juice, you ever see people leave large fan leaves on and just cut them in half? well why dont they take off the whole leave instead of cutting? please take one cutting and leave 2 nodes on it, just one for me and try it out, that clone will be armed with the ammunition to survive for 2 weeks easily if not rooted fast
Your explanation makes total sense - never had anyone explain it that way. Next batch I take I will definitely leave a second node and see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
i swear i am thanking you for this, i seen this is your second batch, and they will do better now that they are in the cloner, you should see some root within 5 days or less...IMO you could have built a cloner for $65


Well-Known Member
if you want to go back, i think you missed my post like 10 posts back i explain my clone theory better
Oh yeah, I had seen your post back there. I didn't act on it at the time due to it being the first I had heard of leaving more leaves, and my assumption that I was generally overwatering.

I'm hoping I'm not on the road to more heartache tho - it appears that the pump in my cloner is keeping the water a bit warm. Water temp started out at about 81 - I've gotten it down to 78 by turning up the exhaust fan in the room, but my understanding is that's still high (looking for 75ish). Any suggestions on further dropping the temps? ...other than to dump a couple ice cubes in there every now and then...

Is the problem with high water temp fungal growth, or does it go further than that to being bad for the plants otherwise?


Well-Known Member
my first time with an aeroponic cloner, i had root rot, not for cloning for the sake of vegging after they rooted, im am confident that if you can keep it under 80, you will have roots before any root rot takes hold, i have seen and heard of people putting heaters in the cloners, also i dont know if you ever worked with hydrogen peroxide but that helps keep shit at bay, change out the water every few days and you will have roots real fast, just dont leave rooted clones in it


Well-Known Member
my first time with an aeroponic cloner, i had root rot, not for cloning for the sake of vegging after they rooted, im am confident that if you can keep it under 80, you will have roots before any root rot takes hold, i have seen and heard of people putting heaters in the cloners, also i dont know if you ever worked with hydrogen peroxide but that helps keep shit at bay, change out the water every few days and you will have roots real fast, just dont leave rooted clones in it
I'm a big fan of H2O2, but as of now have no way to get the good stuff (35%). My veg tank has been doing great since I've been using H2O2, but can't see buying the super-dilute drug store version :(

Do you just use tap water in your cloner? Do you use any other cloning/cleaning solutions like PowerClone/clonex/hydroguard? My cloner came with a bottle of PowerClone solution and AquaShield (hydroguard's apparent replacement) so I have it running with the recommended amounts of each.

I guess once I run out of my last precious drops of H2O2 I'll have to see how the AquaShield works in my main tanks. I hope it doesn't cause me headaches.


Well-Known Member
Well, it would seem that something is happening to my clones. I have a feeling it's all good, but thought I'd post a couple pics and see what y'all think...

Basically many of the bottoms are getting a clearish covering. It kinda looks like there may be little root tips forming in it, but then again I dunno.

So, whatcha think??? Good signs or Goo (AKA funk/fungus/not good)??



Well-Known Member
I'm a big fan of H2O2, but as of now have no way to get the good stuff (35%). My veg tank has been doing great since I've been using H2O2, but can't see buying the super-dilute drug store version :(

Do you just use tap water in your cloner? Do you use any other cloning/cleaning solutions like PowerClone/clonex/hydroguard? My cloner came with a bottle of PowerClone solution and AquaShield (hydroguard's apparent replacement) so I have it running with the recommended amounts of each.

I guess once I run out of my last precious drops of H2O2 I'll have to see how the AquaShield works in my main tanks. I hope it doesn't cause me headaches.
personally i never used anything but PH'd water, i once tried shultz powder but it washes off as you know, with nothing in the water i seen roots in as little as 4 days


Well-Known Member
Looks like I'm gonna finally get some flowerable clones here (knock on wood) - several are now popping roots, and several more look like they'll pop any time now!

I've decided to go with changing the clone machine tank on Saturdays and Wednesdays. The only thing I'm adding to the water is 13ml AquaShield and lowing the pH to 5.6. Seems the pH creeps up a bit more than my main tank, but nothing a little pH down can't take care of.
While rinsing the clone machine I noticed one of the sprayers wasn't working quite right, so I replaced it. If you look at the picture of the clone tops you'll see a couple in the corner that look quite yellow w/browning tips - that's where the issue was...

I guess it's prolly about time to get my flower room ready for some new friends :D



Well-Known Member
Well, it would seem that something is happening to my clones. I have a feeling it's all good, but thought I'd post a couple pics and see what y'all think...

Basically many of the bottoms are getting a clearish covering. It kinda looks like there may be little root tips forming in it, but then again I dunno.

So, whatcha think??? Good signs or Goo (AKA funk/fungus/not good)??
Upon further inspection, and the passage of some time, I am convinced that the goo I see is just left over from the clone gel I used. Next time around I will try half w/gel and half w/o and see how that goes...


Well-Known Member
dude in an aero setup, you dont need nothing just ph the water, anything you dip them in will wash off fast and make you think some kinda funk is going on in the water, looking good


Well-Known Member
dude in an aero setup, you dont need nothing just ph the water, anything you dip them in will wash off fast and make you think some kinda funk is going on in the water, looking good
I totally agree - was given the advice to use the clone gel from the guy at the hydro shop.

Lots of little root-lins are showing now! Updated image attached.

Anyone know of a good post/image or 2 showing how developed your roots should be before sticking them into pots? I plan to put these right in my flower room once they are ready. I realize they have a ways to go...



Well-Known Member
Roots-a-poppin all over the place now :D

Changed my clone tank water tonight - added 10ml AquaShield and 3 drops of SuperThrive, then pH'd it to 5.4.

Updated image attached...

