Lets Get Growing

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member

Dude, you are living up to your name. Those are going to have some hulk nugs.

Thanks Jig, i am happy every time i open the door. I noticed that the back colas are getting bigger then the front and there more filled in. The one i bent over because it got burnt is forming wierd. Instead of growing a big long nug its growing into a shape of a softball its crazy. I cant wait another 3 weeks or that and i can start going by the tichomes.

Grrr Edit - Flower room Day 36 update, page 36


Well-Known Member
I know they aren't the best pics, but they are good enough. It's nice without the crazy hps, you can actually see the bud and stuff. Thanks for snapping them for all of us.

nice work.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
I know they aren't the best pics, but they are good enough. It's nice without the crazy hps, you can actually see the bud and stuff. Thanks for snapping them for all of us.

nice work.
Yeah those are some Hulk Nugs! Nice job buddy.

i am trying to live up to my name but this is only my first grow should get bigger from here ... i am adding a shooting powder this nute change, its supposed to increase the harvest by 30% so i will be happy with any thing more that comes. It says it makes a second layer of flowers on top of the ones already there. this should be fun to watch. I checked out my time frame and this Saturday is 40 days into flowering so April 18 will be 54 days of flowering. I will start checking my trichomes around then.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Around three weeks left in the grow but i will be checking the trichomes tommarrow still have to buy a magnifinglass.

Bagseed, Veg 5 months, Mother

Temp 75 -85

Humidity 40- 50

2 gallons ro water

Nutes -
House and Garden
Aqua A/B - 15ml

ppm 660 ec 1.2 Ph 6.0

Bud XL - 8ml
Shooting Powder concentrate - 11oz

ppm 880 1.8

I just fallowed the directions, when using the shooting powder they say drop your a/b nute down to 1.2 or around 600 ppm, but on there chart my ec should have never gone above 2.0 and i had it up to almost 3.0. Talked with some guy from house and garden and he helped me use the shooting powder for only 2 gallons of water(the packet of shooting powder is made for 25 gallons of water) so he just told me to use one gallon of water and mix the packet in that, then use that as a shooting powder concentrate mix. I am really liking house and garden all the girls are looking really good, then this shooting powder says its going to increase my yield up to 20to30% woo hoo

Pics suck its just so tight in my flower room to take pics and i have a shaky hand so my micro pics look like shit.



Well-Known Member
shaky hand or not, those buds are starting to look good. I can't wait for mine. I bet you are gonna have a hard time not plucking stuff off to smoke... it looks tasty.

I wrote to my nutrient company too, they were very helpful. It's nice when someone you give money to actually treats you like you gave them your money. And I can't imagine the profit margins in the nutrient industry, so they better treat us good. ha.

Glad things are going good for you. Damn man, we're going to be smoking soon. I can't stop smiling thinking about it. :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Yea i been thinking of cutting something off and checking it out hahaha, I might pull something off it next week aww shit now its in my head again i want to go do it right now :-P but i will wait. Yea Mike Kent from House and Garden hooked me up i was happy but now i am sad:sad:. When i got my shooting powder i was trying to figure it out how it works and talk to the guy at the hydro store, right away it says don't use if you have a oxygen pump in your water and fuk i do (waterfarm,dwc) both have air pumps. I was told that it shouldn't matter others have done it before and they were fine grrr ..... well long story short i went and checked on the flowering room, i didn't hear water dripping like i normally so my guess is that i shouldn't have used the shooting powder with the waterfarm i guess it clogs up the water lines not really sure, wish i just listen to directions and not the hydro store grrr oh well ..... after doing some reading and checking out i found out that House and Garden came out with a shooting gel for this reason plus you can use the gel on how every much water you have while the shooting powder packets are made for just 25 gallons. That's Life!

shaky hand or not, those buds are starting to look good. I can't wait for mine. I bet you are gonna have a hard time not plucking stuff off to smoke... it looks tasty.

I wrote to my nutrient company too, they were very helpful. It's nice when someone you give money to actually treats you like you gave them your money. And I can't imagine the profit margins in the nutrient industry, so they better treat us good. ha.

Glad things are going good for you. Damn man, we're going to be smoking soon. I can't stop smiling thinking about it. :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey Nuggy. Everything is looking good:weed:. I use a product call Massive. it is a liquid form. Does the same thin as your shooting powder. Advanced Nutrients has a product called Dr Hornbys Big Bud also in liquid form. Give them a try but I think they are mainly used when flowering begins and for the first 6 weeks. The liquid bud enhancer shouldnt plug your pumps. Cheers

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hey Nuggy. Everything is looking good:weed:. I use a product call Massive. it is a liquid form. Does the same thin as your shooting powder. Advanced Nutrients has a product called Dr Hornbys Big Bud also in liquid form. Give them a try but I think they are mainly used when flowering begins and for the first 6 weeks. The liquid bud enhancer shouldnt plug your pumps. Cheers

right on man thanks for the tip, i been walking in my hydro store looking at all the different nutes they have theres tons. Just not sure if they all would work good together.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
We have a Waterfarm, DIY 2 gallon Aero bucket, DIY DWC, 5X5 Coco


Nutes - House & Garden - Aqua a/b, Bud XL

PPM - 1300 Ph 6.0

5x5 Coco

Nutes - Monkey Juice - A/B

PPM 1400 Ph 6.0

Temp 72 - 88

Humidity 40 - 48

I only topped the Afghan Kush in the waterfarm since then i have tied her down but one of the very bottom cola/branch grew up to be the tallest(i noticed that the afghan took about almost a week to open up the flowers/coals on top took longer then the unknown plants), The Unknown clones are growing like crazy, the one in the aero has been tied down three different times and just the other day i had to tie the top down to its main stalk it out crew my veg room. The two unknown clones in the DWC are growing like crazy to they both have been tied down and reached max height got a little burn on the leaves. I cant even raise the light any more i had to make special wire hooks so i can have it almost flush with the roof i left about 1 inch for airflow on top of the light. I didn't notice its almost been two weeks since i updated the veg room, i just took a quick look at the last one and i am happy with the changes i see. A little over a month to go looking forward to it.



Well-Known Member
hey hulk, you might want to bring the ph down to 5.7 or 5.8. I know mine goes up, so maybe that's what happened to you.

besides that Man things are looking great. I like the ones where the buds are all growing together... it's going to be fun to smoke that.:bigjoint:

It's hard to tell in the pictures, but are all the different strains different color greens? My white widow is so much of a lighter brighter green than the others.

nice work.:weed:

Oh, and did you decide about any other chemicals, or are you just going to try the light thing?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
hey hulk, you might want to bring the ph down to 5.7 or 5.8. I know mine goes up, so maybe that's what happened to you.

besides that Man things are looking great. I like the ones where the buds are all growing together... it's going to be fun to smoke that.:bigjoint:

It's hard to tell in the pictures, but are all the different strains different color greens? My white widow is so much of a lighter brighter green than the others.

nice work.:weed:

Oh, and did you decide about any other chemicals, or are you just going to try the light thing?

I was keeping it at 5.8 but i heard some people like it at 6.0 in flowering, when i check my ph after acouple of days its right on 6.0 or lower so i think i am good on that.

Yea all my unknown clones are getting good groups of little nugs/flowers growing already i have been watching them from day to day and its been fun but to see two weeks ago to now dam man that was fun to check out.

I can notice a difference in the pistols/hairs, the color is kinda the same the way there growing is different like how they branch and make flowers. I have some Master kush in there in the aero bucket but from the top i cant see them i have been tucking fans so they can get light but every day there covered again so i am not to sure how they will come out

Yea since there all just growing like crazy and i am just tie them down were ever i can find some room, from the pics you cant even tell whats what any more.

I think i am good with my nutes for right now, still looking into whats all out there then i am going and trying to find threads on people who have used it and all that. saving money to haha i always find something to buy when i am in there besides what i went for.

I will be trying that light trick in my next grow in the flowering time. I also been reading that if you can get your humidity really low like 15% the trichomes will start multiplying like crazy, i guess the lower the humidity the more crystals/trichomes. I am trying to get my humidity as low as i can for right now but my next time flowering i will have a dehumidifier to help me.


Well-Known Member
Looking good Hulk. I forget, are all your plants in flower on the same cycle? And what week are you in the flower cycle? I should have an update on my room this weekend. I've just been tired of it. But my clones look great! You'l have to check it out.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Looking good Hulk. I forget, are all your plants in flower on the same cycle? And what week are you in the flower cycle? I should have an update on my room this weekend. I've just been tired of it. But my clones look great! You'l have to check it out.
Thanks for pointing that out i thought the title said it all but i forgot to saying flowering. I have a veg room and flowering room, the flowering room has been in flowering for 54 days three not sure how long to go before i flush and harvest i believe still trying to focus the trichomes.( I acutaly think i just figured out i thought i was at 47 days but i think i am at 54) I had clones readdy for my next flowering to soon way to soon so i just had to switch my veg room to flowering times and they are about 25 days into flowering.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hulksta!!! What up man? Looking good! I need to catch up on here.

things going well?

Shit man you and me both i have to do some homework, i wrote down the last three weeks and how many days i would be at blablabla and thinking about it and doing the math i think i have been off by a week. dam dam dam but i just updated the veg room yesterday and the flowering room a few days ago .. i will be adding more nutes i think well i need to do something to the Flower room by monday either start flushing or do a week or two more of nutes before harvest like i was saying i am not sure if i am at day 47 or 54 of flowering i guess it does not really matter but i have to get those trichomes focused so i know whats going on. I can see them but when i try and focus on them i move my hand to much to see grrr.

Alright just didnt get my morning bowl, i was counting a week twice. I am at day 47 for the Flowering room but i did give it 48 hours of dark before the lights ever came on so that would make it 45 days with Flowering 12/12 light, time for a bowl!!


Well-Known Member
yoyo what up hulk

verrry niiice little set-up u got goin on there man..

r those really on day 45 of flower??

and yea that doesnt really look like trainwrek, but i could be wrong give them a few more weeks and i might be able to help you find out what strain it is or narrow it down atleast.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
yoyo what up hulk

verrry niiice little set-up u got goin on there man..

r those really on day 45 of flower??

and yea that doesnt really look like trainwrek, but i could be wrong give them a few more weeks and i might be able to help you find out what strain it is or narrow it down atleast.

Yea the flower room is really on day 45 but the last pics are my veg room that i switched the timers to 12/12 so i have two flower rooms ones at 45 days into flowering the other is 25 days into flowering.

I really just going to be happy to have my own harvest to smoke but if i could find out what i am smoking that be sick since i have more seeds of that.

I just got hooked up with some afwreck seeds i have lots of seeds (been saving bag seed for years , afwreck seeds)or i was thinking of getting clones for my next grow. I might just get clones to flower right away then start the seeds i have at the same time so by the end of flowering the seeds should be ready to go. Still trying to figure out a time frame for my harvest like when to start my seeds or clones so when harvest and drying is done i can throw my veg room into flowering.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member

Well another great day with the fam. yea.

Got home my glass that was in closing the light for like a air cool light fell down and messed up my plants, since the glass fell the pc fan fell to so it fucked up all my colas. today was just a great one.... not going to flip out like every one thinks hahha i want to thoe the family and the light just topped things off gotta love life not sure why!