Lets Get Growing

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Flower room
Unknown Bag seed Mother (over 5 months old i believe)

Temp - 75
Humidity - 42
Water Farm
Water 2 Gallons distilled
House and Gardens Aqua A/B - 23.1ml
EC - 1.7 PPM 910
House and Gardens Bud XL - 7.5ml
EC - 1.8 PPM 950

Ph 5.8

Veg Room

Temp - 82
Humidity - 40

Water Farm - Afghan Kush Bought Clone -
Filled with 1 gallon distilled water, H&G Aqua A/B 6.2ml, EC-1.2 PPM 650 PH 5.8

DWC - Unkown clones taken from mother -
Same water, Checked EC/PPM (forgot to write down what the ec/ppm/ph was before fixed) added H&G Aqua A/B 7.5ml, EC - 1.4 PPM 750, Ph 5.8

5X5 Coco - Unknown clone taken from mother , bagseed sprout -
2 litters distilled water, H&G Aqua A/B 3.7ml, EC 1.2 PPM 650, PH 5.5

Aero Bucket - Afghan Kush bought clone, 2 - Master Kush bought clones, Unknown Clone taken from mother-
1 gallon distilled water, H&G Aqua A/B 6.2ml, EC-1.1 PPM 600, Ph 5.8

Next time i check the water i am going to make sure the DWC and the Aero bucket are the same EC/PPM

There you go the best update i think i have done .... hope you enjoy ...the pictures have information in them to.



Well-Known Member
There you go the best update i think i have done .... hope you enjoy ...the pictures have information in them to.
Man, nice update. Plus the one before this. Thanks for all the pictures. They even have info in them, bravo. I think no one has responded because we are overwhelmed, but that's a good thing (i think).

I'd say things are looking real good. I know I keep asking you, but what size light you got in the flower room?

Those clones are unrecognizable from before. I just went back and looked at the last pics you posted of them and Wow. Especially those two in the dwc, also the ones in the coco look alot better than last time. The other's look great, but they looked good before too.

What are you going to do with all the clones to flower them. Are they all going into the space the big girls is in now, do something like me with multiple plants, or what?

Things are looking real good.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
I'd say things are looking real good. I know I keep asking you, but what size light you got in the flower room?

What are you going to do with all the clones to flower them. Are they all going into the space the big girls is in now, do something like me with multiple plants, or what?.

I have a 400 wat hps in the flower room and a 600 wat mh in the veg room...

.... and i am working on the veg room so i can switch it from veg to flower if i ever want to..... thats what i am going to do with these clones. Just have to make sure no light leaks and then 24 hours of dark and into 12/12......so i kinda got two setups if you think about it ....i have my flower room and veg room witch both can be veg and flower just have to switch light time

thanks for keeping up with the grow.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Lookin great hulk, damn you've come a far way...

yea seriously........ i cant believe how much i have learned and how much more is into growing then i first thought hahaha ..... i go back and check out my first post and just go into a daz remebering everthing i went threw to get to this point ..... i am really happy to have found this site

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
got them from a place in sanclemente .....but they were not that great only a inch big and smallll roots(first clones i ever bought)....i have learned what to loook for now and what not to buy.... i have heard have not gone but heard and seen pics on weedtracker of other clinics that have nice ones and even mothers.....look around on there you will find what you need plus it helps out if you are looking for a strain and not just whatever is in stock


Well-Known Member
got them from a place in sanclemente .....but they were not that great only a inch big and smallll roots(first clones i ever bought)....i have learned what to loook for now and what not to buy.... i have heard have not gone but heard and seen pics on weedtracker of other clinics that have nice ones and even mothers.....look around on there you will find what you need plus it helps out if you are looking for a strain and not just whatever is in stock
Your so lucky to live in CA. Your grow is looking great man! Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Nice nice nice, looking forward to seeing some harvest pics man. Finally got those pics on my journal. Long week...

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
there all doing good man thanks for asking...... getting out of controll had to tie all the tall ones down.......i will go take some pics so every one can see how there doing ...... i put them into flower (3 days) in....... ill do a little update be right back.....

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright heres a little update nothing really going on to big just waiting for good flowering signs in the NEW FLOWER ROOM....moved things around so everything could fit ..... cut the shelf so the big clone in the water farm would be even with all the others ( topped the clone in the water farm).....tied down the clone in the waterfarm, both clones in the DWC, and the one unknown clone in the aero bucket......i am really liking how the sprout and clone are looking in the coco.....i gave them all 36 hours of dark before i started flowering



Well-Known Member
Man, look at all those plants. You are going to have a rainbow of smoke later.

You sure got things dialed in real quick. I was worried for a bit, but now things look great.

I love the first two pictures, "now entering the grow room"

What's up with the other flower room? Is the screen kicking your ass yet? It is mine. I hope it's worth it.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Man, look at all those plants. You are going to have a rainbow of smoke later.

You sure got things dialed in real quick. I was worried for a bit, but now things look great.

I love the first two pictures, "now entering the grow room"

What's up with the other flower room? Is the screen kicking your ass yet? It is mine. I hope it's worth it.

Yea they have taken off .....i had to back down on the nutes trying to keep all the plants ppm/ec the same, some were almost a 100 different but there all around 700 ppm now..... just been working on the light tight for the flowering and other little ideas i got going in my head for after harvest.

I will post some pics of how the flowering room looks when lights come on...... some good news and bad but ill save that for the flowering update

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Here she is looking really good to me hehehe enjoying every day watching her develop.... i have checked other grows and noticed that some people had big colas going by now :cry: not me but they will get bigger ...... i think one reason is most of my colas are from the middle or bottom ..... and another thing i noticed is my ppm is lower then others so i am working on getting that up but by my chart i have it to high oh well hahaha .........I had one of my colas grow to tall to quick and reached the light got burned all the leaves and hairs/pistoles so not sure if that one will be ok or not pics below.....as you can see i have been trimming away at the bottom under the screen trying to force more growth up to the top..... i am guessing i have around a month to go does that sound about right ??



Well-Known Member
Here she is looking really good to me hehehe enjoying every day watching her develop.... i have checked other grows and noticed that some people had big colas going by now :cry: not me but they will get bigger ...... i think one reason is most of my colas are from the middle or bottom ..... and another thing i noticed is my ppm is lower then others so i am working on getting that up but by my chart i have it to high oh well hahaha .........I had one of my colas grow to tall to quick and reached the light got burned all the leaves and hairs/pistoles so not sure if that one will be ok or not pics below.....as you can see i have been trimming away at the bottom under the screen trying to force more growth up to the top..... i am guessing i have around a month to go does that sound about right ??
It will be fine with the little buring you had on the one bud site. Looks good man! How long is the flowering time on your strain?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
It will be fine with the little buring you had on the one bud site. Looks good man! How long is the flowering time on your strain?

Not to sure its a bagseed so unknown strain .... i wish i could figure it out but for now i am just going to check the trichomes when i see a cloudy amber i will harvest.