Lets Get Growing


Well-Known Member
yo bugscreen hows that bagseed working for ya. Because im starting my first grow outdoors once summer comes and i was wondering if i should order seeds or just get seeds out of the bag. do you think it will effect the yield? Also a bad thing is you don't know if it's boy or girl.
Hey littletoker93 click on my link and post in my journal and I will be happy to help. Dont want to hijack my good buddies thread. Things are looking good Nuggy. Hope your clones start producing some bud soon:weed: Sorry to hear about your job man...that sucks

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright here they are pics from when i got my clones and pics of them today.

I was looking and nothing really, only one or two little leaves popped on each and some leaves now have a little yellow.

Ph water 5.5 drop of superthrive
600wat mh bulb
temps around 78-82 humidity 40-55

Top pics 2/9/09

Bottom pics 2/24/09



Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, why no nutes? Were they rooted when you got them?

I keep my clones at 300-400 PPM and don't see any problems. Maybe they just need some food? Not sure whats going on there. Hopefully someone with some experience can chime in.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
I wasnt sure what they have had before i got them, so i just gave them ph to start them off and kinda flush them ......i just changed the water that they are in and i am not sure what the ec is or ppm but i fallowed my nute chart for veg and even cut that down a little. We will see what happens in the next few hours.


Well-Known Member
hey bro. Tragic about the job. Sorry.

Are the girls getting enough/ too much light?

It probably is not that, but I have no other guess'. I know I'm not that much help, but I'm trying. I'll send good vibes your way, about all I can do.

It really seems like they should be doing better.:wall:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
hey bro. Tragic about the job. Sorry.

Are the girls getting enough/ too much light?

It probably is not that, but I have no other guess'. I know I'm not that much help, but I'm trying. I'll send good vibes your way, about all I can do.

It really seems like they should be doing better.

Thanks man, yea i was hoping they would be on there way by now, not sure whats going on, i got really baked on the second week i totaly forgot to change there res after the first week that was stupid and a waste of time :wall:.....i couldnt believe its been that long already......i was going to do first week of ph and then nutes on the second week and now im on week three and i just started nutes......some of the leaves are turning yellow now thoe even at a weak amount guess it was not weak enough........i will have a update tomorrow with pics of how the clones are after one day under the 600wat mh and with nutes.....

changed up my setup....

took some time this morning and took apart my flower room so i could put my mother into flower :-P wooo hoo finaly somthing into flowering tomorrow will be her first day shes been in over 24 hours of dark as of 6 am......I am out big THANK YOU to every one thats has been watching and helping now lets see if i can get somthing to happen in this flowering room

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright its been a day with nutes for the Afghan and Master Kush clones.....they are getting yellow and lime green ...to much nutes ??

Sprouts are about 1.5 / 2 inchs tall under a cfl daylight 75w thats right on top of them to stunt the growth then they have the 600w mh to should that be alright or is that to much ???

Unknown Clones are getting yellow but i believe thats because there taking the energey from the leaves to make roots ....all three of them have small roots coming out nothing to take pics of yet i will let them be for a day or so and the roots should be nice i will take pics then.

I am using a 600 wat mh bulb - Is this to much for clones/ sprouts ???
mother is 12 inchs away, clones sprouts almost 2 feet away

So lets break it down

1 clone Afghan kush to be a mother (21days from purchase already had roots when purchased)

1 clone Afghan Kush clone to veg for then flower (15days from purchase already had roots when purchased)

2 clones Master Kush ones small,thin,week and the others nice,big,thick (15days from purchase already had roots when purchased)

4 clones Unkown taken from mother(bagseed) (mothers in flowering) (12days old)

5 sprouts bagseed (6days old)



Well-Known Member
Sprouts are about 1.5 / 2 inchs tall under a cfl daylight 75w thats right on top of them to stunt the growth then they have the 600w mh to should that be alright or is that to much ???

I am using a 600 wat mh bulb - Is this to much for clones/ sprouts ???
mother is 12 inchs away, clones sprouts almost 2 feet away
I can only tell you my experience, but I was running my 400w mh more then 2 and a half feet away from my clones for the first few days. I lowered it around an inch every 6 hours or so. I feel like I could tell when the little girls started feeling the heat, so I would back it off a link.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
yea thats my big thing is the heat i need to make another cool tube i should have gotten some really good florecents for the veg room instead of the 600 i never had problems before but now its up in the 90s grrr ..... i noticed all the tips of the leaves are 90 degrees pointing straight up i believe thats heat burn.........i did notice a little more growth today just a little and there lime green but hey there better then two days ago beside the lime green part hahaha :bigjoint:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
I believe its been a week since i posted pics so heres what the veg room is looking like.......

i will have to wait tell tonight to take pics of flower room ..........

finaly got enought money up to get a PPM/EC meter so that should be here by saturday or monday cant wait that should help me get these girls looking better.....

Well just was thinking of it and i cant really do anything with these clones untell my flower room is done ...(shes already getting really big in there screens full and poping threw no nugs forming yet but its only been a week pics of her later) ......so they will be vegging for i am guessing 60 days .........so i am going to have to keep them short as there looking right now that shouldnt be a problem.

have fun checking the pics out......i take negative feedback and positive hahah ofcourse positive..... :lol: :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Plants are looking good. Those clones in the aero bucket are looking really good.

Two suggestions I have. The big one in the aquafarm looks like it's searching for light a bit. Could you raise it up to the light, so you don't put the clones in danger of being too close?

Also, I would cut off the dead leaves on the dwc clones.

Seems like things are getting dialed in. Looking forward to seeing the flowering room.:bigjoint:

Good work bro.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Plants are looking good. Those clones in the aero bucket are looking really good.

Two suggestions I have. The big one in the aquafarm looks like it's searching for light a bit. Could you raise it up to the light, so you don't put the clones in danger of being too close?

Also, I would cut off the dead leaves on the dwc clones.

Seems like things are getting dialed in. Looking forward to seeing the flowering room.:bigjoint:

Good work bro.

thanks man yea i am not to sure whats going on with that one in the farm... might be the light i have been moving the light closer every day its around 13 inchs away from the top of the plant right now and its a 600 mh so i am not to sure how close i can get it with out burn but we will se

yea been telling my self to cut those off its just taking away from the engery going to the top hahaha i will actualy go do that right now :-P

yea i cant way for the flower room i look at her every day been moving branches around to fill the screen trying to have it all pop threw the screen at the same time .....but some are already poping threw ...... my big worry is the hieght but theres not much that can be done about that now.


Well-Known Member
yea i cant way for the flower room i look at her every day been moving branches around to fill the screen trying to have it all pop threw the screen at the same time .....but some are already poping threw ...... my big worry is the hieght but theres not much that can be done about that now.
I'm totally worried about when to switch to flowering. I'm lucky because I have all kinds of height available, but I don't want to wait too long, because I guess if you let the screen get too full before flowering all the buds will compete with each other, pretty much defeating the screen thing.

I'm going to post pictures on my thread later, maybe you can tell me if you think I should start 12/12 soon.

It's funny how much I hate doing things not perfectly. I feel like if I don't time the light switch right I'm going to ruin everything, even though I know that's not true.

It is exciting though that we are both going to be smoking our own weed in a few months. So cool.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. Alot changes in a couple weeks. Looks like you got the cloning thing down my man. I'll be sure to ask you lots of questions. Keep it up! You'll have something in flowering before you know it. Then its all down hill after that.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
hmm here we go shes been in there for a week now pistols are taking off and so is she had to lower the light dont want her getting to big to fast .........i believe i will give her another week then i will start trimming at her bottom skirt get her a mini one going ;-) ...not to sure how much i should cut off the bottom so the nugs on top get bigger .....there are tons of main colas now i have topped her tons of times so most of my top sprouts are from the middle if notthe bottom of the plant that grew all the way threw ........alright here are the pics thats what you come for the porn your pervs hahaha :lol:



Well-Known Member
Your mother is a beast. Ha, that sounds really funny. No offense man, I meant the plant. That should come out real nice.

The only thought I have is this. In reading people say to have 2 or 3 inch squares for the buds to grow through. I've seen pics where the buds grew around the screens, like just ate up the screen. Since I'm about where you're at, I don't know the deal, just what I read. DrynRoasty had pretty much the same screen as you, you should pm him and ask if he had any problems. I'm not saying you definitely should, but if you were ever going to change something with the screen, now is the time.

Otherwise, I'm jealous you are already basking in that weird orange light. I think I probably have about 5-7 days left.

Did you do the 24 hours dark thing when switching from veg to 12/12?

And about the trimming part (from reading), once the screen starts filling in, the next week or so, it will almost completely shade the undergrowth, so it will start dying pretty quick. I think you take stuff off as it dies. ask roast.


Well-Known Member
Looking real good Nuggy:eyesmoke: Do you want to borrow my chainsaw when you harvest that mother...JEEZUS that stalk has girth:bigjoint: looking forward to the bud pics upcoming:lol:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
grrr RIU always kicking me off after i type so much ....:dunce: i even tell my self copy copy copy second time i am trying to post grrrr.......first was reallly long hahaha second was short ....so this is going to be a quick one hahaha :lol: bongsmilie

here we go agian

thanks to every one that has been watching and helping not that many of you but thats alright ;-)

i did do 24 hours of dark before flowering i even gave her another day so that would be 45 hours since her lights come on at 7pm and she went into dark at 10 pm ....

i hope shes a disney story beast then the beauty :bigjoint: :dunce:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Looking real good Nuggy:eyesmoke: Do you want to borrow my chainsaw when you harvest that mother...JEEZUS that stalk has girth:bigjoint: looking forward to the bud pics upcoming:lol:

thanks man yea i was wondering the same thing really tight area and shes going to get big hahaha its going to be funny if i walk in there and i cant even more cause she go so big lmao that be the shit :lol:

i read another thread some guy went on vacation and was growing in a green house came back from vacation and the green house was coverd when he opend the door they poped out of the door trying to find pics

i cant wait its hard to believe i have another 7 if not more weeks to go :-( but it will be worth it

oh yea and shes been taking about a gallon a day of nute/ph water


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
nice bush there. i was going to say the same thing. might have to expand. their coming right along.