First Time DXM User


Active Member
Recently two of my friends and I have decided to drink cough syrup over spring break.

I know for a fact that some brands of cough medicine contain DXM. However I am also very aware that some brands contain drugs that can seriously mess your liver up (worse than DXM by any means.)

Also, one of my friends, who will be in our group to take DXM, and myself have taken shrooms in the past.

Seing as this will be our first experience with DXM, what tips can you offer us? Which brands work the best? Which would be the safest? Which would induce the best trip? And finaly, what active ingredients should I watch out for?

Any feed back would be greatly appreciated.

-GrowMasterDelp :bigjoint:
u just want to make sure whatever syrup u buy, that it only has dextromethorphan, generic or not. dont take too much, a good start for a first time is one 4oz bottle. if u want to take more, drink 4oz first then move on from there if u like. smoking weed makes the "trip" way better. and listen to music. i made alot of music while on that stuff
u just want to make sure whatever syrup u buy, that it only has dextromethorphan, generic or not. dont take too much, a good start for a first time is one 4oz bottle. if u want to take more, drink 4oz first then move on from there if u like. smoking weed makes the "trip" way better. and listen to music. i made alot of music while on that stuff

Thanks for the tips! :smile:

On another note, how would you compare DXM to that of a shroom or LSD "high"?
Thanks for the tips! :smile:

On another note, how would you compare DXM to that of a shroom or LSD "high"?
they are all completely different. i consider dxm as more of a dissociative. just drink that shit, blaze up, and enjoy. if only dxm did to me now what it did the first times.

o ya, your hearing will get alot better, so u may think u are being loud or ur music is loud. so set all ur volumes before u drink it, just so u know everything is fine.
Whatever you do, don't watch The Wall man...really bugged me out the first time I tripped on DXM. Pink Floyd is aiight to listen to, but seein that shit was just too much for my stoned ass to tolerate. Good luck and be careful...
dxm is nothing like a shroom or lsd trip. The few times ive done dxm, i never got the "trippy" effect, just felt like i was extremely drunk.
Thanks for the tips! :smile:

On another note, how would you compare DXM to that of a shroom or LSD "high"?

There isn't a comparison on any amount of DXM you will be planning on taking.. on a really really high dose you can make a few comparisons, but it's not something you can throw in the same class of hallucinogens.

Buy Robitussin brand syrup (if you end up buying syrup that is), as it tastes the best. If you buy pills, walgreens has DXM (and guaifenesin) pills that are pretty diesel.

Don't get impatient after dosing, big doses of DXM can take over an hour to hit.
well, First off, Make sire you get the Robitussin with the DM on the box.. very important. Ive done Dxm a few times and it always takes a while to hit, And usually before the trip kicks in i get really sick and nausiated. Thrown up like 4 of 6 times or so. The trip takes a while to kick in so be paitent.

I weigh 150-160 lbs, First time i took it i drank a 4 oz bottle of robotussin and ate 10 of the robo pills, Note - Didn't throw up doing that. Gave me a CRAZY trip and everyone there was really close to each other, i recomend that exact ammount =p
wtf is with people throwing up? lol.. I've robo-tripped probably on the better half of 75 times, I've puked once.. after drinking (if I recall correctly) 2 or 2.5 12oz bottles and 6 hours into my trip... if you're worried about getting nauseous or puking, bring some herb (granted it does change the experience a lil bit).
wtf is with people throwing up? lol.. I've robo-tripped probably on the better half of 75 times, I've puked once.. after drinking (if I recall correctly) 2 or 2.5 12oz bottles and 6 hours into my trip... if you're worried about getting nauseous or puking, bring some herb (granted it does change the experience a lil bit).

wow.. Thats pretty intence. Half the people i tripped with threw up aswell every time. Have you tripped with alot of people? maby you just have a good an high tolerance for it hah.
wow.. Thats pretty intence. Half the people i tripped with threw up aswell every time. Have you tripped with alot of people? maby you just have a good an high tolerance for it hah.

haha it was pretty ill.. everything looked nuts, I was trippn.

Yeah I've tripped with a good handfull of people, don't know a single one who has puked besides myself. yeah the tolerance got up there after a while! haha
wtf is with people throwing up? lol.. I've robo-tripped probably on the better half of 75 times, I've puked once.. after drinking (if I recall correctly) 2 or 2.5 12oz bottles and 6 hours into my trip... if you're worried about getting nauseous or puking, bring some herb (granted it does change the experience a lil bit).

75 times, holy shit lol. Ive only done it four, and threw it up every time. I really dont have a weak stomach either. Maybe someday I'll do an extraction, but no way in hell am I pounding cough syrup again, thats for sure.
75 times, holy shit lol. Ive only done it four, and threw it up every time. I really dont have a weak stomach either. Maybe someday I'll do an extraction, but no way in hell am I pounding cough syrup again, thats for sure.

haha. I've had probably a good portion of generic syrups on the market, actual Robitussin syrup, extractions (DXM & DXO), pills.. only thing I missed has pure synthesized DXM (which I can get lol). But I'm done with DXM. I did it every weekend or twice a weekend for around a year straight (syrup is inexpensive here).
There isn't a comparison on any amount of DXM you will be planning on taking.. on a really really high dose you can make a few comparisons, but it's not something you can throw in the same class of hallucinogens.
yeah you can definitely trip pretty hard off of high doeses of DXM. Have you seen the intervention with the DXM addict. It says he does up to 1800mg.

from about 3:38 to 5:20 is pretty funny
personally, that is bullshit. I've been in public on high doses and in front of family and no one knew, I didn't laugh and fall over and shit like a dumbfuck. A little self control before indulging in drug use goes a long way. knaw mean?
Dude 75x? Really? Thats just sad....That shit literally STRIPS away your stomach lining. My brother had to be taken to the emergency room because he was puking blood. I used to be some what addicted to syrup till my tolerance got so high i could down a bottle of ROBO with out any noticeable effects. Yea its fun the first few times but then the effects start to be more and more benign with each use. It also causes brain damage(as do the majority of dissasotiaves) and liver damage. Im not going to tell you Not to use it because that would be hypocritical of me. But if you are going to make the choice to use it than make sure you buy Robotussin Maximum strength DM as the Only active ingrediant is DXM. Do not buy a brand of syrup that contains that Guafinsons bull shit as that stuff will royaly fuck up ur liver. And only drink ONE bottle if its your first time. Also i highly suggest you do not take this stuff in public as you will get whats called "Robo walk" where u will literally walk like a fucking robot. You wont have any visiuals but ur perception to every thing will be highly altered. Only do this stuff like 2 or 3 times a month if u like it. Dont do it any more than that or u will build a tolarance FAST and what happened to my brother might happen to you I.E the loss of ur stomach lining/ Ulcers. I havent tripped on Robo for Years now becuase that shit is for ignorant high school kids who have No good connections. Soo good luck and keep it safe.

On a side note, am i the only person on RIU who wants to blow the head off that "Grass to Green" faggot??
personally, that is bullshit. I've been in public on high doses and in front of family and no one knew, I didn't laugh and fall over and shit like a dumbfuck. A little self control before indulging in drug use goes a long way. knaw mean?

Well Ive never really gotten the full experience so I guess I wouldnt know. I guess that guy does sortve seem pretty retarded to begin with lol. But at the begginning of the show it says he has an IQ of 170.

Dude 75x? Really? Thats just sad....That shit literally STRIPS away your stomach lining. My brother had to be taken to the emergency room because he was puking blood.

It also causes brain damage(as do the majority of dissasotiaves) and liver damage.

Do not buy a brand of syrup that contains that Guafinsons bull shit as that stuff will royaly fuck up ur liver.

And only drink ONE bottle if its your first time.

I hate when people post shit and can't really source it.

Example 1)
"It also causes brain damage"
For DXM this is not proven. On the contrary, there are sources around claiming that DXM is neuroprotective, granted yes, there are other sources that agree that it is neurotoxic. Can you show me a medical document?

Example 2)
"That shit literally STRIPS away your stomach lining."
How is that? Myself nor my close friend (who has atleast double the uses that I have) have any issues with our stomach (and he is a chronic eater of insanely hot, hot sauces which can lead to ulceration by itself). Did you ever think that your brother had an adverse reaction to the substance and it had nothing to do with it being corrosive? But I'll gladly revoke this question if you can show me something off of a medical site stating it deteriorates stomach lining tissue.

Example 3)
"that Guafinsons bull shit as that stuff will royaly fuck up ur liver."
Guaifenesin, to the best of my knowledge does not cause any adverse side effects to the liver (other than stress of processing a foreign substance, but food goes in that category). Gauifenesin can lead to gout, but not to liver damage.

Example 4)
"And only drink ONE bottle if its your first time."
This is terrible advice, they only make one sized, one strength bottle? How about we give the man a dosage so he can accurately compare when he goes to the store to buy some DXM. For a first timer, I would recommend 200 - 400 mg which falls into erowid's "common" dosage.

Now for you guys thinking I'm being harsh picking this post apart, just think if this was your best friend and he was educating you in drug use... someone who knows incorrect facts is just as dangerous as someone who knows nothing about a substance at all. I'm just here to separate hearsay from facts and assist people.