8x4 1200w OG Kush (1st timer)


Well-Known Member
i used to do about the same schedule, but added big bud, overdrive, silica blast and hydroguard haha.. i would drop the superthrive and the meta k

ok, sweet ill look into gettin big bud and overdrive, thanks for the info, didnt mean to jack thread


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm going to keep everyone posted with pictures and you can help me decide when to start using Overdrive.

Should I invest in a flush system? Are there any negatives to the cleansing systems??


Well-Known Member
just run clearex and water badda bing badda boom fuhgeddabowddiitt
I use a great flushing agent. I call it "water". Just water for the last week - two weeks with just plain water. And flush the pot at the beginning of that stage.

I know a lot of growers that don't flush at all and honestly, I can't tell it in their smoke. Their philosophy (which we've debated too many times to count) is that this is the only plant grown that requires a "flush" before you consume it? They basically call "bullshit" and don't flush at all. I have never wanted to risk an entire harvest to try it. A week of plain water though I know works just fine, two weeks would obviously be better.


stays relevant.
Man your plants went from looking like crap on page 17 and here I am now and thinks are looking respectable... at least in the photo I just saw. Good work, keep it up! :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Growtech. Sure makes me feel a lot better too. :D

Laserbrn, why would two weeks obviously be better then 1 if you can't notice the difference when people dont flush. I think I'm a bit confused by your post.


Well-Known Member
The flush is all up to you ..i didnt get a chance to flush the last three girls i chopped and after dry and cure they tast the same as the two week flushed girls.. If i was using a bunch of chemicals things might be a bit different but i dont put much into my girls..


Well-Known Member
Good to know first hand experience Winkdogg. I was going to go for a full 14 day flush but I'm going to feed the beastie bloomz longer, the over-drive a little longer, and flush for 10 days, just to be safe.



Well-Known Member
Sounds good ...i dont really know about those products but im sure they are better than the molasses i used the first time..but like i said i didnt even use molasses on the most recent and they taste fine:) but those other things prob help produce more trichs right before the chop


Well-Known Member
I'm not a huge fan of chemicals and I wish I could grow completely organic if i had the skill.

I hope my shit tastes good cuz ill be PISSEd if it doesnt. :D


Well-Known Member
Its always better when you grow it your self..even if its a bit harsh its still gonna be your favorite weed ever:) im not really organic but my ferts are "all natural" still chems in there but i guess they come from nature somehow??


Well-Known Member
no your puppy looks amazing. I'd trade you my plants for your dog.

thanks a lot littlegrower. first time they've been called "amazing" and that makes me feel a lot better.

not to mention, this is my 1337 post.

does anyone know what 1337 spells?

LEET. :D Elite.


Well-Known Member
hahah dam u didnt give me time to respond LEET haha. thanks for the compliment on the dog, shes pure bred red nose pit bout 8 months old. and if you keep heading down the road you are with these plants your going to get alot higher compliments then amazing. those things should be some super danks at the end!


Well-Known Member
Wink bro, I sure hope so!! How sick would it be to have a jar full of spears. holy shit. That was my intention to get huge top colas but some people said its not gonna happen now more and more people are like 'hell ya those are gonna be colas' and im like 'hell ya im gonna be super stoned' lol

Your rednose is beautiful. My friend has a full breed red-nose BORN on 4.20.07. She is so fucking badass, she used to be a BITCH because she was rescued from a bunch of crack-heads. Hated all MALE humans but now shes a complete lover!! She weighs no more then 35 pounds and is the runt.



Well-Known Member
mine is a rescue from a crack house too! we got her from the pound in camden nj she was abused by her last owner so the neighbors called the cops and they went and got her. she is deaf so the guy who owned her had a bunch of "fighting" dogs and they would pick on her:( but she is great now knows alot of hand signals and can read faces really well.. she is mixed with a beagle ,its a wonder she wasnt a better fighter! :)