I need a new drug


so here lately.. my life's gone to shit.. girl I was in love with left me a two line myspace message telling me she's joining the military and marrying this shit-head that doesnt even care about her... my truck broke down and somebody stole my plants... needless to say.. smoking pot just isn't doing it anymore..

I tried smoking dope.. ya know.. real dope... like ICE and meth.. that's ok.. but not really my thing.. I've been jonsing for a good fear and loathing type drug binge.. problem is... there isn't any good drugs around here..

I want some opium.. some LSD.. some raw etheir.. some X.. something to make me feel different... take me out of my mind and put me in another element for alittle while.. what do I do? I'm pretty fuckin desperate.. any ideas would be great

remember, you said yesterday; "i guess i'll get through it one joint at a time".... take it from someone who knows about drug binges... that is the last thing you need right now. just smoke a lil weed, take it one day at a time, and do what you can to start fixing your situation. i remember not too long ago, you were depressed about your situation at the time.. but back then you had no truck to be broke, or plants to be stolen... just keep your head up and take another few steps forward, life will still knock you down occasionally, but you just gotta get up and keep moving... you can call me anytime you need to bro:joint:


New Member
remember, you said yesterday; "i guess i'll get through it one joint at a time".... take it from someone who knows about drug binges... that is the last thing you need right now. just smoke a lil weed, take it one day at a time, and do what you can to start fixing your situation. i remember not too long ago, you were depressed about your situation at the time.. but back then you had no truck to be broke, or plants to be stolen... just keep your head up and take another few steps forward, life will still knock you down occasionally, but you just gotta get up and keep moving
holy $h!t ither im really stoned or have the words that will end all wars has finally been spoken


Well-Known Member
yeah man alcohol should help ya out. I really hate suggesting these kind of things for depression. But try some nice strong sativas, those always work as an anti depressant for me.

I have a minor case of depression, my dad had it pretty bad. But ive found the best method against depression is just keep your head up high, look at all the retrads, and people in wheelchairs. Then look at all the rich people that are smart healthy and look good, and just realize you are in the middle.


Well-Known Member
take a break from weed for a week or two then smoke out fat.

other drugs will just fog your shit for a few hours and leave your life off much worse.

pot keeps you here and happy. and many other things when your tolerance is low. try some different strains. there's all sorts of different highs within different strains when you have a low tolerance.

edit: and to the above poster, alcohol WONT help you out.


Well-Known Member
all good advice.. but you get what you can around here.. I just spent two weeks hunting down any kind bud.. thats when I realised, I need a new drug.. I thought about heroin.. I wouldnt mainline it.. but maybe smoke it or something... I dunno

I never heard of DMT being available around here.. so ya know.. the chances of that happening is slim to none.. I need to get my truck running so I can get my shit together and make that money..

It's easier to live with nothing than it is to have it and lose it.. thats the wya it feels dude.. when I didn;t have hsit to lose it was onething.. but to have it and then lose it like that.. all at one time.. it just fuckin sucks.. I dunno.. i'll get thru it.. I just wish I had time to stop and fuckin breath for a minute.. just a few hours of relaxation where it doesnt feel like the worlds fallin down around me... or atleast to feel comfortably numb for a day or so... I don't know.. i'd just like to feel the sun on my face for a minute ya know..

I did get some good news though.. apparently the guy's brother she's marrying had a bad wreck and is in the hospital.. his ole lady pulled the ebrake on him and he flipped his shit, him, her and their kids were in the car.. no sweat off my brow and I cant feel bad for 'em.. they're the one's that started all this shit.. he was runnin his mouth in dude's ear, got his all suspicious, and she came down and busted up in their house and started a bunch of shit, which made the girl i was seein wanna join the military, and she has to marry him to take her son and shit.. it's all fucked up.. but at the end of teh day, I kinda smile and say hmm... maybe cold, but like I said, I cant feel bad about it... I didn't wish for it to happen.. but like I said.. I don;t feel bad..

They say he'll end up like my brother, in a wheel chair and with brain damage.. I didn't catch what happened with the kid's or anything.. but either way, like bill burr said,

"one less shit head in an SUV that doesnt pull out far enough at a red light so that you can make a right turn, and now you're just behind 'em losin your shit screamin at this person that doesnt need to exsist"

I just wish that it coulda been him too.. fuck them...


Well-Known Member
like Ali said, even the greatest gotta suffer sometime.. and T.I said, pains a small thang to a giant.. and when life throws punches block and counter like a boxer..

i'm tryin...


Well-Known Member
if you really want to see your life go down the drain, try heroin.

bro this shit aint gonna work for you forever, you'll become one of those typical people trying to escape reality, that end up being dead in a ditch somewhere.

life is so much fucking more than that. it's more than a trip by trip, drug by drug, high by high.

hope you realize this one day . . .


Well-Known Member
I just need a change of scenary... something new.. because this old shit just isn't getting it anymore... I'd like to move somewhere sunny.. but I dont ahve the funds to do it on my own.. I get so much a month for disability.. but it isn;t enough... but man, what i'd give to move somewhere sunny.. preferably cali.. but in all honesty.. just the fuck out of Mississippi...


Well-Known Member
I would recommend playing the album backwards ... Country does get MUCH more positive if you play it backwards....

Joking aside I agree with the guys who vote for reality and improving yourself. There really is no better revenge than doing better and at the end of the day a hardcore drug binge will just screw you up worse. Having been down this road before I now only toke or drink when things are going well. When the shit is hitting the fan I'm as sober as can be and facing it head on. It's much more productive.



New Member
Do magic mushrooms....take about an eigth and youll be in a different dimension (about a level 3 or 4 trip), double that and youll be at a total loss of visual connection with reality.


Well-Known Member
I think I already posted, but dude I've experimented and you need to really to stay away from the harder drugs. Not even worth it bro. Forget everything that made you feel like that. I would hate for anything bad to happen to a fellow stoner.


Active Member
yea i'd say drink about a six pack and have some good friends over and just bullshit about good times. if that doesn't work, try the sober thing for a week or two. if your still feeling the need to get stupid, get about a 1/4 gram of pcp, snort half and prepare to run through your local park naked and get tazed by some cops, then catch a misdemeanor, talk to yourself in the holding cell for about a night, and realize you didn't need that dumb cunt anyways.


Well-Known Member
I would leave all that shit alone right now , i'am going thru some shit right now like my wife of 10 yrs is sleeping with some guy, my son distroy his left leg he's been out 8 week's so far but not to good on top of that my gg mother who made me a real man is about to die and all my sister say it all because of me and my problen with my wife and my wife tell me it because of me nerver be home but i work only 10hr a Day five day's a week . Sit back skome a real good :L : and just think about all the THING'S you did in life and see if you can change something that you don't. Like,go out to a club or a bar just chill some time geting out do alot more then hitting some bad shit i skome weed to chill me out. Sorry thng are bad it will change.


Well-Known Member
"Safe" drugs
Tryptamines like mushrooms, DMT, ayauasca, and I'll add acid to this group, provided you stay within reasonable dosage, and is prepared for the physical knock on the body the next day.
MDMA pure, provided you do not have any cardiac or blood presure problems, and can stay under takeing it twice or less per year, which once again will let you get away wit a small dose...
Mescaline a great plant teacher
and probably a few I'm forgetting now, being stoned

Unsafe drugs.
amphetamines in general
coke (at least for me)
all opiates
and generaly all highly addictive "drugs"
use of prescription drugs for leisure also falls here
deleriants like datura, this stuff is only for those who knows how to use it, and they are in the same categaory as people who know how to use hempsbane and nightshade

I'm not sure in which category salvia should fall, If seen it fuck with people's perception for weeks.


Active Member
Hey man we have all been down that shitty path but like everyone is saying stay away from the hard shit its just going to put you even farther down on your self. My priceless cure for depression is sober up for a day or so and chill with your friends. Friends will get you through everything but if you cant do that get a six pack a nice sack of headies and just get ripped and watch some good funny movies. You will be alright, time heals everything my man.


Well-Known Member
suck it up and deal with it pussy

I wouldn't go that far...

but as a man, to another ... man?

Suck it up and man up, brother. Don't go do all sorts of drugs cause you have problems. Fuck your entire life up just for a few months of bad times, is downright stupid.

Grab ya a sack, head down to the lake, cast your pole and light up the joint.


Well-Known Member
not a fisherman...

I'm workin on somethings.. but i'll promise you sobriety isn't one of 'em.. i'm not out there din drugs and shit.. but i'm getting my shit together..

I'm gonna try low-income housing and try to get an apartment.. I have everybody and their momma lookin for a transmission, so as soon as I get that, i'm goin back to school.. i'm aiming to go to law school in the next 2-3 years.. but in the mena time i'm gonna try to get into a vo-tech at the community college.. maybe heating and air-conditioning.. something like that... just to get the bills paid.. I'm on disability.. but thats not enough for me anymore..

It's not the money.. it's the limits.. you spend all month just to turn around and be broke.. I gotta change my whole situation.. I loved her.. and i'm still hurting over her.. but I cant just keep goin on waiting for her to come back.. I wrote her a letter, i'm gonna take it to her.. hope she realises that I love her more than that dumbass... and hopefully she'll come to me.. if not.. i'll get over it eventually.. maybe.. and move on..

Being alone is just too hard for me anymore.. i've spent my whole life by myself.. I have a mom and all that.. but anybody who has been alone aslong as I have'll tell you that isn't enough... like I told my therapist.. not that the day is any easier.. but it's just really hard in the morning, and when I go to bed...

after 26 years of going to bed alone.. you start to think there's something wrong with you..