First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed


Well-Known Member
Day 14 - 6/Apr/09 - Sprouts
Lights: 4 x 23w 6500k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 89.0 F

Pics 1-4: Here sprout one looking amazing! leafs ae widening and getting bigger and finally i have my first set of 5 point leafs! new growth always coming up the middle!

Pics 5-8: Heres sprout two looking great aswell. nice strong and healthy. leafs look great! new growth coming up the middle aswell, if sprout 1 is any indication then my guess the full 5 point fan leafs are coming up the middle:D all is well.

So there you have it? any comments or advice?
Are they to short or should i be happy with their hieght?

Cheers DW



Well-Known Member
They're looking fine. Nice compact growth and going straight to 5 finger leaves is a really good sign.
Won't be long till you join the bud club :)


Well-Known Member
Compact is good.
Next to last pic shows a little sidebranch growth at the 1st true leaves, so I would bend the plant right over while the stem is flexible. Try to get the top of the plant level with that little sidebranch. Every day let the top grow up and then push it down level again at nightfall. You control the height of the plant by doing this. The more sidebranches you expose, the smaller the plant will be and the more colas you will get.


Well-Known Member
thanks so much v12 for the advce you are reffering to LST right? ill post and new up date in a few seconds.


Well-Known Member
Day 15 - 7/Apr/09 - Sprouts
Lights: 4 x 23w 6500k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 81.4 F

Pics 1-4: heres sprout 1 you guys. doing very well started leaning to the light i assume so itll help me start to LST tomorrow but full fan leafs look great, getting bigger.

Pics 5-8: sprout 2 bringing up the rear. full fan leafs coming up the middle and new set of leafs. staying short and strong.

Pic 9: so heres my pots and my problem... these pots were 7/8 full but with watering and time it has sank quite a bit. so i was wondering what to do? could i possibly tip the pot upside down and pull the soil out and refill the bottom and put the old soil wit the plant still in it back on top? any advice would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
If the lowest true leaves are level with the top of the pot then you don't really need to do anything. If they are sitting a bit low then you should be ok to do a transplant. It'll shock the plant a bit but nothing fatal. Just a few days lost growth.
Plants look ready for LST for sure.


Well-Known Member
i have a question. what circumstances restrict you to a pc case. i mean if you have to be stealthy theres still spaceyer options. im not knocking your grow its good so far but just with even just a little more space you could get more for your time. i started in the bottom three drawers of my dresser, i took them out, unscrewed the faces and made a hinged door out of it. it was pretty sweet. now im working in a large growbox thing me and my friend made maybe 4 feet tall and five or six feet long. a 400 and a 150 watt hps lights. its just the hardest parts of growing ive noticed is having patience when your staring at beautyfull ass plants for 3 months just to dry cure and have it all go away so fast. i harvested 4 or 5 ounces from my last grow. its been a week and a half and i have maybe a quarter left. it gets depressing. after harvest i think i get post partum depression or something.


Well-Known Member
What kind of circumstances... kids? That's the reason for me. House completely out of space and kids. TRUST me.. if I had a closet to dedicate, I would. Unfortunately, every last square foot of my house is stuffed with crap. Old kid clothes, old toys, old wife clothes, tools.. and on and on. Not everyone who smokes is a kid, ya know. Some of us need meds when older, too. For me, it's no longer a goofy giggly thing. It's my "nightly drink" since I don't like alcohol that much. Just a relaxer to kill off the anxiety and let me get some peaceful sleep.


Well-Known Member
well put ele and got me people around here arent that cool with it and really why do i need a whole closet? i dont smoke enough to need a couple ounces if my box is perpetual then half ounce to an ounce is good for me. anywho new update in a few seconds...


Well-Known Member
Day 16 - 8/Apr/09 - Sprouts
Lights: 4 x 23w 6500k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 82.0 F

Pics 1-3: Its sprout 1! So as you can tell i pulled the soil and the plant then filled then bottom bringing it up much higher. it went very smooth the procedure. As you can see i added brass hooks to the outside of my pot, yah i know i went alittle over board with the but there were a bunch lying around the house! lol and i finally tied her(positive thinking... it helps) down and all looks well im guess the whole topping up the soil will have shocked the plant so i figure growth will be slow for the next few days. do you guys also think i should pull it down further or is that enough?

Pics 4-6: Lets not for get about sprout 2, now aswell with sprout 2 i tipped the pot and filled the bottom up with soil the root base for both plants looked amazing sorry i didnt take picture, i was in the heat of the moment. i added brass hooks around the pot aswell alittle more moderate though, i would have tied it down but i didnt think its progressed enough yet... whats your guys opinions? also along with this plant i figure some slow growth do to shock ive heard b1 helps with shock can anyone support that theory?

so far so good guys and girls... thank you for watching and giving support and advice.



Well-Known Member
You can never have too many brass hooks :)
Looking good. Soil is about right now. Any more and water will spill over the side at feeding time.
I start tying them down as soon as I see some growth from the sidebranches, so your timing looks good to me.


Well-Known Member
thanks v12. do you think i tied sprout 1 low enough or should i pull it lower still?
does sprout 2 look ready to be tied down?
and can any one tell me if b1 relieves stress?


Active Member
Day 16 - 8/Apr/09 - Sprouts
Lights: 4 x 23w 6500k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 82.0 F

Pics 1-3: Its sprout 1! So as you can tell i pulled the soil and the plant then filled then bottom bringing it up much higher. it went very smooth the procedure. As you can see i added brass hooks to the outside of my pot, yah i know i went alittle over board with the but there were a bunch lying around the house! lol and i finally tied her(positive thinking... it helps) down and all looks well im guess the whole topping up the soil will have shocked the plant so i figure growth will be slow for the next few days. do you guys also think i should pull it down further or is that enough?

Pics 4-6: Lets not for get about sprout 2, now aswell with sprout 2 i tipped the pot and filled the bottom up with soil the root base for both plants looked amazing sorry i didnt take picture, i was in the heat of the moment. i added brass hooks around the pot aswell alittle more moderate though, i would have tied it down but i didnt think its progressed enough yet... whats your guys opinions? also along with this plant i figure some slow growth do to shock ive heard b1 helps with shock can anyone support that theory?

so far so good guys and girls... thank you for watching and giving support and advice.
what timer are u using? is it a cheap $10 one from walmart? or a $20 one from walmart or where?


Well-Known Member
Sprout1 looks cool. In pic 3 you can see how it's trying to grow straight up again, just keep pulling this back down each day so it's sideways.
Sprout 2 is ready to go. There's growth at the bottom node.

No idea about b1 but I probably wouldn't do it.


Well-Known Member
hey ele thanks for the comment, totaly didnt understand what it meant...
hey doc its a 'woods' double sided timer it was around 20 at rona.
hey thanks v12 for the advice, sprout 2 will be tied down before todays update.


Well-Known Member
Day 17 - 9/Apr/09 - Sprouts
Lights: 4 x 23w 6500k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 81.0 F

Pics 1-3: Heres sprout 1 looking great enjoying its new bondage experience. it doesnt seem to have under gone any shock and seems to be enjoying the new soil.

Pics 4-6: And sprout 2 looking great maybe alittle schocked but still look good but a few days behind 1 for sure but all is well. i also began to to lst this beauty.

Pics 7-9: And just a few pics of the setup for no reason at all ha

