This is what I got for $26,500 after tax and shipping.


Active Member
the plants flower on an 8 week cycle. on average. you can veg clones in a separate room then put them into flower under a 1000 watt light. in 2 months you can measure your yield when your plants are finished. you can divide that in half if you want. unless you have separate rooms it is well into 3 months. figuring in turn around time and veg time.

you can't just veg for 25 months then flower under a 1000 watt. the light will only cover so much area and produce so much bud PER WATT. :mrgreen:

fuck high times, ............... this is rollitup. :hump:

try this........................... a 600 watt light gave me 345 grams. that is equal to 0.575 grams PER WATT.

there is no month.

thier has to be a unit of time. or u cannot make any sort of accurate testing. with no unit of time grams/watt becomes as worthless as pounds/per light.

scenerio. when we first moved here i had a fluke round. i got some babies the day i got here, veg for almost 4 months till room was done, then flowered for 54 days and got almost 5 pounds off 2 1000s. that grams per watt with no unit of time is nuts. but with time is pretty piss poor.

u can even figure out grams per watt if you used lets say a 400 for veg for 15 days then switched to 1000s for bloom.

thier has to be some sort of control, what if a crop runs 9 weeks instead of 8?

not sure how else to really put it, with out a time frame its not going to be accurate


Active Member
the plants flower on an 8 week cycle. on average. you can veg clones in a separate room then put them into flower under a 1000 watt light. in 2 months you can measure your yield when your plants are finished. you can divide that in half if you want. unless you have separate rooms it is well into 3 months. figuring in turn around time and veg time.


why take a average when u can have an exact?


Well-Known Member
it has to be per month. if you dont put a time frame on then i will go veg for 25 months and then bloom and get 15g per watt. thier has to be a time frame, and not 2 months, cause then why not 3 months. the old hightimes that got this method known was grams/per watt / per month

and they would say that the average grower would get .5 grams per month per watt. that is a joke. and that pros would get 1 gram per watt
Fuck man, i'm sure you're just incorrect, but if by some fluke you are right, can you please show me the op that yields 1 gram per watt per month?
I'll immediately tear down my whole growroom and start fresh with this magic technique.
I run 1800watts of lighting, does this mean if i dial my grow in i can yield 4 pounds a month?
Please show me the way, or yknow wake up and take the bullshit magazine "knowledge" elsewhere.


Active Member
Fuck man, i'm sure you're just incorrect, but if by some fluke you are right, can you please show me the op that yields 1 gram per watt per month?
I'll immediately tear down my whole growroom and start fresh with this magic technique.
I run 1800watts of lighting, does this mean if i dial my grow in i can yield 4 pounds a month?
Please show me the way, or yknow wake up and take the bullshit magazine "knowledge" elsewhere.

i have no idea how to get 1g per watt. this isnt really about that its about a accurate way to tell what some one did yield. i would tear down every thing as well for those yields.


Well-Known Member
thier has to be a unit of time. or u cannot make any sort of accurate testing. with no unit of time grams/watt becomes as worthless as pounds/per light.

scenerio. when we first moved here i had a fluke round. i got some babies the day i got here, veg for almost 4 months till room was done, then flowered for 54 days and got almost 5 pounds off 2 1000s. that grams per watt with no unit of time is nuts. but with time is pretty piss poor.

u can even figure out grams per watt if you used lets say a 400 for veg for 15 days then switched to 1000s for bloom.

thier has to be some sort of control, what if a crop runs 9 weeks instead of 8?

not sure how else to really put it, with out a time frame its not going to be accurate

then divide by the amount of time the light was actually on if that is the # you seek. most people just say, "how much can i get off a 1000 watt light". it's not often that i hear them mention time. until they ask the next question. time is relevant on strain and grower. could be 6 weeks or it could be 12. and that's just for flowering. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
the plants flower on an 8 week cycle. on average. you can veg clones in a separate room then put them into flower under a 1000 watt light. in 2 months you can measure your yield when your plants are finished. you can divide that in half if you want. unless you have separate rooms it is well into 3 months. figuring in turn around time and veg time.


why take a average when u can have an exact?

because not all stains flower in 8 weeks. HELLO? :neutral:


Well-Known Member
sounds like you got a pretty well thought out system there vegas.. i would suggest doing 1k per 4x4 table if you can fit it.. if you are going to run that much wattage, might as well pump out as much as you can.. 4x4s were engineered to be optimal for 1k lamps.. just a suggestion.

also you are going to be using a lot more than 6000 kwh per month if you burn all 16k worth of light.

16,000 watts burning for 12 hours a day is 16 kWh per hour, which comes out to 192 kWh per day

192 kWh per day x 30 days is 5760 kWh per month, plus your fans, filters, chillers etc..
plus you will need a nice ac to cool these bad boys, i have heard you need at least 1,000 btus to effectively cool a 1k watt to ambient air.

also, since you are running so many lamps, and heat will be an issue, i would suggest checking out hydro innovations. they have some nice reflector insulators, as well as duct insulators which could really help minimize the heat radiation from the bulbs.

i assume you are not running this in a house, so i would guess it will be a commercial property with some hefty hefty electrical wiring hehe.

congrats man, i dream of having a setup like this one day. maybe when i move away from the states ill come blow up a warehouse and we can be neighbors LOL



Well-Known Member
sounds like you got a pretty well thought out system there vegas.. i would suggest doing 1k per 4x4 table if you can fit it.. if you are going to run that much wattage, might as well pump out as much as you can.. 4x4s were engineered to be optimal for 1k lamps.. just a suggestion.

also you are going to be using a lot more than 6000 kwh per month if you burn all 16k worth of light.

16,000 watts burning for 12 hours a day is 16 kWh per hour, which comes out to 192 kWh per day

192 kWh per day x 30 days is 5760 kWh per month, plus your fans, filters, chillers etc..
plus you will need a nice ac to cool these bad boys, i have heard you need at least 1,000 btus to effectively cool a 1k watt to ambient air.

also, since you are running so many lamps, and heat will be an issue, i would suggest checking out hydro innovations. they have some nice reflector insulators, as well as duct insulators which could really help minimize the heat radiation from the bulbs.

i assume you are not running this in a house, so i would guess it will be a commercial property with some hefty hefty electrical wiring hehe.

congrats man, i dream of having a setup like this one day. maybe when i move away from the states ill come blow up a warehouse and we can be neighbors LOL

take me with you flojo...i think we can do some things...

i wanna come too...i can grow AND cook!


Well-Known Member
lol im down for sure, we just need to set up a savings account for our endeavor.. just a few shillings a week and we will be there! LOL


Well-Known Member
word. we taking over! /dj khalid

we need to buy our own island, damnit!
dude! i have so already priced islands! they start at about a quarter mill, pretty basic for that price but im a pretty basic guy once you get me to the islands!

ive been plotting on this one for a minute!


Well-Known Member
yea i've done some research myself and found the quarter mill for basic starting off too

not shabby at all!


Well-Known Member
how sick would that be to live on an island, grow a shit load of bud, and take it to the mainland to party once or twice a year... maaaaan

EDIT: just found a 10 acre island in belize for 170k.. damn i need to start saving my sheckles LOL

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Why are you so concerned about my security to ask me this TWICE? I'm covered, dont sweat it. Enjoy the equipment and quit sweating so god damn much. I had it shipped directly to the grow "house" as you like to call it, and then I called all of my friends to show off, and then we're gonna have a smoke party with all the neighbors. Of course I took precautions. You dont ask other people if they did, so quit asking me, you think I'm an idiot for some reason which I am confused. Back to the subject at hand......
i haven't been through your whole thread yet, but had to thank you for the LOL!!!
good one!!!


Well-Known Member
the cost of lights on 12/12 depending if there running in the day or night 25 to 40 bucks a day 5-6cents per hour per light and where i live theres a bullshit delivery charge which will surely triple on you over 1000 dollar monthly bills i have 2 1000w as runing 18/6 with heaters and fans 400month