This is what I got for $26,500 after tax and shipping.


Well-Known Member
From the manufacturers or their distributors. Nothing special, no special hookup. They would call me a medium customer too.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Is this the 3rd of the exact same post?
Does anyone read through a thread on this website?
actually, no, i don't. early on in a thread i do, but sometimes it's just too lengthy. if it's been asked and answered, and he doesn't want to answer, it's all good.


Well-Known Member
well look at it this way, you don't have to read my post if you don't want to, dickman....
and if you really wanted an answer to your question you'd read... and while I don't have to, I like to read the posts on the threads I'm subscribed to, that is how I learn things. It's something, you should try it. Isn't that why we are here, to learn and share? And why am I a dick for pointing out what you admitted, that you don't read stuff and repost questions? If anything I am a master of the obvious, superfluous, waste of space... but I don't think I'm a dick on this one. All are welcome to their own opinion on that though.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
and if you really wanted an answer to your question you'd read... and while I don't have to, I like to read the posts on the threads I'm subscribed to, that is how I learn things. It's something, you should try it. Isn't that why we are here, to learn and share? And why am I a dick for pointing out what you admitted, that you don't read stuff and repost questions? If anything I am a master of the obvious, superfluous, waste of space... but I don't think I'm a dick on this one. All are welcome to their own opinion on that though.
actually mr. reader, if you read my post, you'd see there is no question, just a statement. reading also involves comprehension. i too read to learn, but i skim through what i know or have no interest in. master, really??? (that there is a question!) as for the dickman comment, that's for the attitude in your post. now quit jacking this guys thread, we don't care about your reading habits....


Well-Known Member
this forum is getting so hostile..

anyways vegas, when do you think we will have some partial setup setup pics?


Well-Known Member
To the last 10 posters who just flamed each other -- Take it to PM next time, keep that trash out of this thread please.

FLoJo: Few days. Its a lot of work doing the setups............ Doing veg room right now. Happy easter.


Well-Known Member
it is definitely a lot of work to set em up. cant wait to see em done! good luck and happy easter


Active Member
it takes at least 8 weeks to grow the 1000 grams. and that's with no veg time. how are you getting this 1000 grams a month? where's the month come in?

"they" say that the pros can yield 1000 grams per watt. this means if you have a 1000 watt HPS and you chose the right strain and setup then at the end of your grow you will yield 1000 grams of dried meds. this is for the whole grow cycle. start to finish. :blsmoke:

hey fdd how long whould u veg for befor starting to flower. ( im growing from seeds)bongsmilie