Some Photos I Took : )


New Member
Every morning when I get up I check my email....Every morning a friend of mine will take a pic of his morning sunrise and share it with me with wishes of "Hope your home soon to enjoy this" This mornings pic was pretty awesome so I thought I would share...
This is in Maryland.

Nice Sunny...enjoy your day... :clap:

out. :blsmoke:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
i was starting to upload pics then my cameras battery died:wall:looks like gonna have to wait till this evening.....:sad:sorry guys:bigjoint:


New Member
Dr. G, what Island do you live on? Im a surfer and Im trying to find some way to move to hawaii part of the summer. Im not saying I want to stay at your house or anything, just wanna get some info from people who live there:bigjoint:


New Member
If he hands you this card, ask him if he'd like a cold drink then step through your kitchen and out the back window....

out. :blsmoke:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
well peoples, hers the pics from yesterday morn..... I gotta go work the pics I bring home from there....IT IS SWEET!!!!!:weed:till then.................. :blsmoke:



New Member
Hey, I like your pics :lol: Ahh the beach...that rare combination of the three SSS's in the crack of your arse... SALT, SWEAT, and SAND. :clap:

I don't know what kind they are ... I was thinking some sort of Chantrelle but haven't been able to key it out to my satisfaction... They look delicious though eh? :lol: One of these days I'll find out...they pop up in groups in different places every year...lots of them.

out. :blsmoke: