I have been informed to the reason why the thread was closed. The thread had been flagged repeatedly over the last 2 days. I went back and looked to see if there was any flagrant or flaming posts out of the ordinary and what I found is our friend paper was the first with his " can you hook a brotha up with some clones UPS works great" comment and then of course the dagger in the heart my taking the spagettihead diatribe way too far and too long. Should have known better when it said i was breaking the rules by being inflammatory and hurtful.

who me? the thread got flags 2 days in a row with mindless dribble. Well most of it is mindless anyway it just got flagged this time.
SO here are my thoughts about this and feel free to chime in.The main reason Bugs and I started these threads was because we wanted a place that like minded growers could come hang out talk about our grows and have a somewhat un moderated club.
If you look at the thread and contribute to it regularly you know that it has turned into just what bugs and I intended. There is just a handful of us that banter back and forth and for those new guys who think they are brave enough to run with the big dogs and do the homework and come here with educated responses and until they become acclimated to then become part of the family.
There are a few of us today that started out months ago and are regulars today and now provide quality information to the new Perp growers for we all know and i have seen this happen when one of us takes on all the questions and responses that person kinda burns out so its important for all of us to take ownership of the thread, IE Sir Loudblunts has come on and helped out quite a bit lately.
As most of you know I have NOOOO tolerance for retards or sloths and this in IMHO is pretty much our thread and it really would not be all that bad if we policed it as such "our thread our rules".
I think i will go beat my wife now i feel very important and powerful
With that being said I would like to continue our very gay and very dysfunctional family with all family members in place with the resident retard to be determined daily. I get PMs all the time telling me how much they like the thread and that it is fun and educational when you get passed all the BUG POOP.
Just my thoughts guys