1. The organic market is a racket based on feelings than fact,
Good luck,
I couldn't agree more, organic growing is the biggest sham since the nail through stem "technique".
A bunch of misinformation, mad bureaucracy to get certified, and a huge grey area.
At the end of the day, because something like taste is a very subjective thing, you would be hard pressed to prove any benefeits of using organics vs "chems"
That is my opinion, take it or leave it.
I do have to also agree with the original post. Most people (myself included) are guilty of neglecting the leaves as soon as they switch to 12/12.
Like you said, its like we treat it like a different plant as soon as its flowering time.
In my most recent project (ebb and flow tables), because i'm going straight from clone into flower, i've been mixing my 3 part (hollands secret) geared more towards a balaced feeding, rather than the p-k heavy regimen the label suggests. With great results!!!
The plants are all a very dark shade of green, and bud development hasn't been hurt in the slightest. There is only a bit of rust remaining from my poor cloning ability. I do plan on continuing to feed slightly more N than recomended by the label, so long as it appears everything is still moving along at a good clip.
Anyhow, thanks for a great thread that i'm sure will continue to be a great place for the free discussion of ideas.