Poll: "Its Not How Long You Live but How You Live"


New Member
Speaking of living well (what a segway), I walk into the kitchen before dinner and stop in mid stride on my way of doing something manly and very very important...and i politely ask my wife..."did you fart? It smells in here." She doesn't even turn her head from the stove and says, "that's dinner".

Darn Broccoli....

out. :blsmoke:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Broccoli certainly makes me fart! Speaking of farting, did you ever notice when you first start dating, you don't dare fart in front of each other...oh, the bellyaches.
Speaking of living well (what a segway), I walk into the kitchen before dinner and stop in mid stride on my way of doing something manly and very very important...and i politely ask my wife..."did you fart? It smells in here." She doesn't even turn her head from the stove and says, "that's dinner".

Darn Broccoli....

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Yah, my mom told me that when she went out dating my dad, he would tell her he was going to check the tires. :lol: He told her after they were married...she was relieved...she thought the wheels were gonna come off or something, he checked them so often :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I go Caribbean with olive oil and garlic and pepper. It doesn't help with the gas, but luckily mine smell like roses. Always.....at least that's my story and I stick to it wholeheartedly. "What?...I don't smell anything".

out. :blsmoke:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yah, my mom told me that when she went out dating my dad, he would tell her he was going to check the tires. :lol: He told her after they were married...she was relieved...she thought the wheels were gonna come off or something, he checked them so often :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
that sounds good olive oil garlic and pepper i will try. no joke im boiling some broccoli as we speak the talk of it made me hungry. keeping it simple with the lemon and butter i will try your method when i have the proper ingredients.


New Member
It's better for your cholesterol too... I hardly ever use butter anymore. I'll even put olive oil garlic & pepper on my baked potato....delicious and much lighter tasting.

out. :blsmoke:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yes olive oil is a better fat source and generally healthier. butter can be fine depending on how the animal that produced it was fed and raised grass raised cattle produce butter high in c.l.a. and other healthful compounds red meat and its products get a bad wrap from bad business practices producing as much as quickly as possible for profit.


New Member
Believe me, i was raised on butter butter butter. It wasn't until I met my wife and her family that I was introduced to Mediterranean style cooking. I'm sitting at their table for the first time and hunting down the butter.... no butter....anywhere. "Did you forget the butter"? "uhhh, no". :lol: Try this sonny...it was a mixture of spices and olive oil... pure heaven. I never looked back after that. I put it on everything now, toast included.

So I'm at the same table and I am meeting "most" of her family for the first time, eating strange foods with strange toppings, trying to cope and remember everyone's names when I look up across at my soon to be nephew and he is sitting there with his thumb on his forehead. I glance around and sure enough everyone start to put their thumbs on their foreheads!! I'm like WTH??? They all start to laughing and giggling. This is how I was introduced to the family farting ritual. :lol:
The first sense of smell from a passing fart you immediately put your thumb on your forehead. The last one to do this is accused of being the farter. It's wonderful in its simplicity and by taking the stigma of farting at a gathering away. It also keeps you ALERT and not engrossed in your own food. Sort of works on many levels and I found it to be quite funny. So, I in my ever logical mind tell them that I didn't fart. They just laughed harder. OH SURE, they responded....I then realized this was an evil genius device to break the tension of an akward moment. I fell in love with that family and that incident kind of started it all. All started on a fart and their reaction to it. I hardly get caught anymore, as you learn to maintain eye contact with EVERYONE at the table. This makes for GREAT social gatherings....and when you glance around and catch that first thumb, you QUIETLY do the same and start looking for the last STOOGE....:mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
religious people are frightening anyone who cant think on there own are the ones who are really lost. religion is the most tragic thing to happen to mankind so many innocent lives destroyed through religious persecution. religion is a crutch for the weak and tool for people seeking control and power over others. its sad so many are so weak as to blindly follow such outdated madness.
Has my writings emphasized religion or faith and conscience? PERSECUTION, what does that mean and how does it compare to the way some people conduct themselves with my on this sight, (to say the least)? I do my best to be as specific as possible, however, there seems to be a lot of generalization with my writings.

To generalize in route to an Objective can be very confusing and misleading, what do you think?

I mean, what is stoney mcfried really problemed by?
Do I go back to the first page and start reading, or do I spend the rest of my life wondering how this thread turned into a discussion about butter? I think I'll need to have a think (:joint:) about this one.


Well-Known Member
Ah fuck sakes I dont wanna get started in this thread.... I feel that anyone that preaches from the bible should be hit in the head with it. Its a book of story's thats all it is.. yes it may have good Moral guidelines to live by but, as humans we are hardwired with these guidelines by nature. Athiest's have no problem bieng moral upstanding citizens, besided the bible was chopped together by the catholic church, they chose what writings to put it in it and what to leave out,but in the end its still just a book of storys... could shoot down so many things in that book it aint funny, noah and the ark? cmon really now you think that story is possible world wide flood yet no evidence of it ever happening in that time period. Able to get a male and female of every species on that boat, then repopulate the world with inbreeding ahhh dont think so... and I could go on about so many other things. If you want to believe there is a God of some sort or higher power thats fine in my opinion.. but dont base it after a book of storys and tell ppl that if they dont follow it they are going to a make believe place to burn in a pit of fire. If you was really a good moral person and respected fellow humans you would respect what they believe or dont believe in and let them be I hate having religious ppl including my family try to pressure me into believing something... I dont try and tell them to not believe in what they do.... Imma let this one go before i carry on much more lol.


Well-Known Member
prophecy you are a bullet dodger and acting like a fucking coward, either pony up and address us or shut the fuck up while we hijack your thread about your bullshit ramblings.. your petty attempts to dance around questions, in order to look intelligent are mediocre at best.

so, back to Mediterranean food... doesnt get much better than that.. healthy and delicious damn man nothing better than greek salad and flaming cheese mmm mmm


Well-Known Member
Hrmm I unno, pretty partial to Asian food here. Just thinking bout it makes me want to hit up the local mongolian stir-fry


Well-Known Member
i have to agree, asian is my fav, Mediterranean my second, then itallian, then southern cookin, then everything else, then american crap