CHILL WINSTON! GG's escape to paradise!


Well-Known Member
WOW took all day but I read every single page, with a few session in between and boy, this inspires me to get going. But things takes time.

I certainly subbed this awesome grow. I plan on doing SOG myself and hopefully it be as good as yours.

Keep up the good work GG and keep us posted.

Keep on smoking.


Well-Known Member
Hey kiddo,havent seen ya round in a while,hope all is good.

I dont know how n the hell you plan on getting larger than you allready are without killing yourself from over work.

Im currently running 8 seperate 4ft x 8ft flood tables set to harvest a table every week & its kicking my old ass,hell a couple weeks ago we gave away an entire table that was ready cause neither one of us felt like dealing with it.

I know your a woman but you got balls of steal if your not dead on yer feets from running that room.