can i remove all soil from plants roots and repot


Well-Known Member
hello fellow ganj addicts

is there a way that i can remove all/most of the soil from my roots, to repot it a fresh mix???????????????????????????????????

ok ive been given a ak47 to put in with my current grow,
the lad didnt know what he was doing when he potted the ak,

he told me he used=

high nitrogen guano, large dose probobly
mirical grow seedling soil
mirical grow liquid shit stuff
mirical grow multi purpose compost
horse shit
and some kind of slow release plant feed pellets,,

the plant is really hating this, i dont want to water it as it will just release more shit to the plant,
there is signs ov nute burn (not severe as yet) because its only had 1 watering in that mix but the roots are well rooted in,
its in a 6ltr pot

i was wondering if i cud remove the mix from the roots, either by rinsing the soil off or bubbling the soil off ?

as soil can be hard to remove once rooted

i then want to repot into my own soil and get the ak back on track

what do u think then? do i? do i not?
i realise it cud cause shock the plant ,

if i flush the plant it wud probs just kiel over and croak it
the soil is that toxic at the moment
and probly full ov hot spots..

:leaf::leaf::leaf:+rep for any info, :leaf::leaf:
I've removed all the soil before, and put the plant into hydro. It doesn't always work well and there's a good chance you could kill the plant. I found the cleanest way of doing it is to use a toilet. Hold the plant by the base of the stem and gently back the bottom of the root mass on the bottom of the bowl. The soil will gradually fall away. When the bowl is full of soil, lift the plant out, flush and start again. If you're patient and gentle, you'll end up with a clean set of bare roots.


Well-Known Member
Going from soil to soil, I can not and will not recommend that sort of transplant. If you're washing all of the soil from the roots, you might as well transplant into a hydroponics system.


Well-Known Member
im guna put it bak in soil not hydyo ,plants grown in soil grow micro roots and hydro plants dont, so swapping soil for hydro does shock because all the micro roots then die off,
so i thout puttin it bak in soil wudnt be half as stressfull for the plant,
i dont think i can bring myself to flush a plant in the crapper,,lol,,
did yours live after u did that m8?


Top 44

Well-Known Member
Dude, I'd just get it gently out of the pot, shake off as much soil as possible and replant in fresh soil/perlite mix. You'll still have some of the old shitty soil in there but not that much. I wouldn't use any nutes for 2 or 3 weeks after replanting. Or maybe you could take clones and forget about this plant altogether. Just my $0.02.


Well-Known Member
this thing has some fat ass roots. and that would leave 2 much of the toxic mix on the plant i need the roots as bald as possible,, the lad dinnt have a good light source so the branches aint long enough to take clones


Well-Known Member
its at the same height as my current grow wich is why i wanna fix it so i can put it in with them to veg for while b4 bud

Brick Top

New Member
Its called a bare root transplant and we do them all the time on trees and bushes of all sizes at out nursery.

There is no danger to doing it as long as you know what you are going. Water your soil slightly so when the plants is removed from the pot the rootball is not hard and will tend to fall apart easily. Take the pot in one hand and pick it up. Place your other hand over the top if the soil with the plant stem between your first and second finger. Turn the pot upside down and tap the edge of the pot on something hard like a countertop or workbench and the plant should easily slide from the pot and end up balanced on your hand. Gently remove the soil that easily comes off and for the rest either run a hose on it or dip it in a bucked of water a few times so the rest of the soil comes off the roots.

The roots will tend to clump together like wet hair and tangle so spread out those that are easy to spread but do not yank and tug and break roots trying to get them all separated. Place in fresh soil and fill in over and around the roots. Then water well so the soil compacts and there are not any air pockets but do not tamp/press down on the soil with your hand of by using something else to press with.

If you do that you will not be taking any risk at all. As I said we do it with trees and bushes of all sorts and sizes at our nursery if the need calls for it and I do not know of us ever having lost any unless they were set down and forgotten about and the roots were allowed to dry out. I have done bare root transplants on pot plants before when I have over fertilized and wanted to get them into totally fresh soil and I have never lost one and I have never seen any stunting of growth.


sorry about your plant. I have a related problem. 2nd grow. healthy plants. 2 ft. just lights, water and soil. very bushy and green. Decided to fertilize with 15-30-15 for flowering.(went to 12/12 same time). Bottom leaves wilted completely(1st node moving to 2nd slowly). I just used a little fertilizer. should I flush? This only happened on one plant.(the biggest an healthiest).


Well-Known Member
this thing has some fat ass roots. and that would leave 2 much of the toxic mix on the plant i need the roots as bald as possible,, the lad dinnt have a good light source so the branches aint long enough to take clones
Theres a top of the plant right? just make a 3 node clone from the top, hell you could probobly clone right at the bottom and take the whole plant and build new roots, but I would leave some in case for some reason it didnt survive, if you dont wanna do transplant. It would already have a nice stalk and get a nice start. Only thing with cloning for me is I tend to not feed before I do for a few days,(just distiled water) so thats a double edged sword for you, I guess theres risks in everything though, good luck let us know what you did and result.

BTW Brick Top I love the movie Snatch.


Well-Known Member
nice 1 brick top, so its do-able then.. u not just shittin me? shal i do it ?

do you have any pics? does the plant show signs of stress or is it just you freaking out? don't fix it if it isn't broken. a simple flush may be all you need. :eyesmoke:

pictures say a 1000 words.


Brick Top

New Member
nice 1 brick top, so its do-able then.. u not just shittin me? shal i do it ?

You can most definitely do it. As I said we do it at our nursery often and I have done it a number of times myself with pot plants.

One thing about sites like that is that there is so much personal opinion and myth and urban legends passed around under the guise of being facts that facts and things that work and can be done are often times very seldom mentioned and instead personal opinions and myths and urban legends are told as being facts.

Incorrect information and misinformation abounds on sites like this and unfortunately much of it has taken on an air of factuality when it is anything but.

So yes you can do it. If you follow the steps I mentioned, unless your plant(s) are already to far gone, they will be just fine.


Well-Known Member
mmm i hacked the top off and set it as clone, i took a good look at the roots and they were fat and the pot was packed but roots were brown and manky,, a fush aint guna fix a plant with 2yrs worth of nutriants in the soil.. plus its alot ov mg and mg dosent flush it just activates more, i poured ph 7 threw the pot afta i took the clone and the runoff was under 4.05 lol maybee he fed it on LSD,, THE clone is sat in a glass ov water 4 now, gota get me root shit bak off a m8 l8r on 2day