Husband is gone - need help carrying on

I hope you mean reverting the clones to veg. Please don't try to revert those flowering femmes. If you're determined to take clones, spend some time selecting the exact clone sites. Mark them with twist ties. Read up on it, watch videos, and get the right supplies and lighting and grow space set up before you do any cutting.

The main thing I would do is make sure NOT to mess up the 14 females that are already flowering. You only have a month or so to go with those. I wouldn't go taking 20 clones off one like it was a mother in veg, for instance.

The clones will be great if they work out, just don't ruin a huge harvest that's so close to get them.

Also, keep in mind that your lie about destroying everything might not have been believed. If you can relocate your growing, I would STRONGLY advise it. Someone who is not very happy with you right now knows you probably still have all that equipment, and a lot of female flowering plants.

It would not be a shock for someone like that to try to rob you, or to alert authorities. Do not take security lightly, EVER - especially if even ONE other person knows what you are doing. And especially especially if that other person hates you.
My husband won't be back... he aint got the guts to show up here..not without taking a few bats from me and the nighbor to the head.
My husband won't be back... he aint got the guts to show up here..not without taking a few bats from me and the nighbor to the head.

Just sayin'... keep in mind that someone who is probably VERY pissed at you right now can make one phone call and ruin your whole day. I would not brush that off quickly if I were you.

Good luck with everything. Keep us posted with pics of the girls. :D
i'd take 5 or 6 cuttings from the bottom of each plant. put these under a shop light at 24/0 until they root. keep the main plants in flower and let them finish. by the time the flowering plants are harvested the vegging plants will be ready for the flower room. then start the cycle all over again. :)
Poplars, mentioned making my own clone dome.. I have a couple of clear plastic file folder cases about 12inches deep. If I place the clones in them and then cover it with clear plastic wrap (sandwich wrap ..the clinging stuff to seal the top) in a closet with flourecent light will that work...
i'd take 5 or 6 cuttings from the bottom of each plant. put these under a shop light at 24/0 until they root. keep the main plants in flower and let them finish. by the time the flowering plants are harvested the vegging plants will be ready for the flower room. then start the cycle all over again. :)
listen to this man :) best opinion by far!don't believe me??search: tunafish/threadskiss-ass
i'd take 5 or 6 cuttings from the bottom of each plant. put these under a shop light at 24/0 until they root. keep the main plants in flower and let them finish. by the time the flowering plants are harvested the vegging plants will be ready for the flower room. then start the cycle all over again. :)

I agree with this.
I had thought in order to take clones I would need to revert it back to the veg state. Though If I can keep it flowering and place the clones in a seperate room thats even better.
no mam you don't. they will rootno problem. just take a few extra. i have cloned 6 weeks into flower with a nice bud on it. this was a lower bud also. its been almost 2 months and they are just starting to vert back to veg as they are starting to get their single leaves. it does to a while to get them to start growing so keep that in mind.
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Poplars, mentioned making my own clone dome.. I have a couple of clear plastic file folder cases about 12inches deep. If I place the clones in them and then cover it with clear plastic wrap (sandwich wrap ..the clinging stuff to seal the top) in a closet with flourecent light will that work...

Sounds ok, yep. Poke a few holes for air flow and keep an eye on the humidity and temp. 75-85F is good. A heating pad under them helps them makes roots, too. Remember they can only get water through the leaves until they make roots, so mist them a few times a day. As they stop wilting, mist them less and less and force them to grow roots.
but if you can keep the condisation up and the leaves stay wet all the time in the dome if you use one then you don't have to mist them. i can keep a hum. up in my dome at 91% all the time with cfl's.
Hello Sharon. The yield from your plants will depend upon their height and density. A good 4' bushy plant should give you around 4 to 6 decent ounces, (dried). Cloning is an option if you have the space and the time. I've done a lot of cloning and it requires some practice to get it right, though. One way for you to learn all about cloning is to go to youtube. There are may videos there for you to check out, showing you how it is done. Good luck,.............tony coronado.
You guy's ROCK..
Quick question boy's. I just checked my plants. I have some in there as tall as me (5'10"). If I take cuttings from the bottom branches how will it effect the yield of the plant (noting the stress would interrupt it's focus on flowering I would think).
Further, there is no air flowing through the room currently (I am thinking of opening the window and placing a fan in the room..though it is still quite cool here not sure if it will hurt the plants drawing the cold air from outside it's 9 degrees out today).
As well, I found some Miracle-Grow All Purpose water soluable plant food. I have only been watering them as of late should I add the Miracle grow or just water only..I am using well water..I am on a well
Thank-you so much,
You guy's ROCK..
Quick question boy's. I just checked my plants. I have some in there as tall as me (5'10"). If I take cuttings from the bottom branches how will it effect the yield of the plant (noting the stress would interrupt it's focus on flowering I would think).
Further, there is no air flowing through the room currently (I am thinking of opening the window and placing a fan in the room..though it is still quite cool here not sure if it will hurt the plants drawing the cold air from outside it's 9 degrees out today).
As well, I found some Miracle-Grow All Purpose water soluable plant food. I have only been watering them as of late should I add the Miracle grow or just water only..I am using well water..I am on a well
Thank-you so much,

5 foot what? :shock:

i don't think taking a few lower branches will hurt much at this point. unless they all hella stretched and only have 5 branches or something. lol

airflow is a must. some type of exhaust fan to pull stale air out of the room and a vent to let fresh air in.

miracle grow is not the best but it works when nothing else is available.

Hold on I am including the 5 gallon black plastic grow bag they are in ..sorry..5' 10" includes the bag from the ground ..according to my measuring tape they are exactly about 4ft 8 inches
"If I take cuttings from the bottom branches how will it effect the yield of the plant (noting the stress would interrupt it's focus on flowering I would think)."

Bottom branches don't produce well anyways, and if your plants are that big it probably won't stress them that much either - not enough that you'd notice anything anyways.

"Further, there is no air flowing through the room currently (I am thinking of opening the window and placing a fan in the room..though it is still quite cool here not sure if it will hurt the plants drawing the cold air from outside it's 9 degrees out today)."

Did you say they were in a shed or something? They would probably still get enough fresh air unless it was really tightly sealed. There should be a fan in the room though. Opening and window probably isn't a bad idea, but you'll probably want to close it at night, as I think we'll still get some really cold nights.

"As well, I found some Miracle-Grow All Purpose water soluable plant food. I have only been watering them as of late should I add the Miracle grow or just water only..I am using well water..I am on a well"

You want fertilizer with a high Potassium content. Yes, you'll need to feed them. Is you're well water too soft/hard? If so you'll need to address that as well.
You guy's ROCK..
Quick question boy's. I just checked my plants. I have some in there as tall as me (5'10"). If I take cuttings from the bottom branches how will it effect the yield of the plant (noting the stress would interrupt it's focus on flowering I would think).
Further, there is no air flowing through the room currently (I am thinking of opening the window and placing a fan in the room..though it is still quite cool here not sure if it will hurt the plants drawing the cold air from outside it's 9 degrees out today).
As well, I found some Miracle-Grow All Purpose water soluble plant food. I have only been watering them as of late should I add the Miracle grow or just water only..I am using well water..I am on a well
Thank-you so much,
it wont hurt your yield it will make your upper buds bigger. as for air flow yes that is very important. i have y window open with a fan to blow in or out how ever way i want it that day as to control the heat. but if your not legal to grow the i would not recommend that as the lights will give you away. im lucky in that was i don't have to worry bout that. good luck
the DIY CLONE DOME is easy!

cut a 24oz or 2L in half, put your clones in root gel/ peat pellets and cover the top with saran wrap. 10 days later roots will be coming out of the pellets.

i also thought there was more to it, its too easy
hold on i am including the 5 gallon black plastic grow bag they are in ..sorry..5' 10" includes the bag from the ground ..according to my measuring tape they are exactly about 4ft 8 inches
A-man in great britain say good on you darling hope you are sure about the ,police,fuzz,pigs,
your x is scum for real, take clones ,an flower the rest an get your self an family some ,pounds,dollars
all the best to you , rock on baby. U.k lawbreaker40
You can clone a flowering plant, but its not suggested. Even if you cloned a flowering plant and put your plants back to an 18-6 schedule they(either the clone or plant) will have to go back to a vegative state, which will stress out your plant.
You do not need alot of expensive equipment to clone. Just get some JiffyPots. Make sure when you clone that you have everything handy and in sync. I water my jiffies and put a hole in them, I have my gel, razor, alcohol(keep things sterilized) and mother at hand and ready, I cut a clone dip it in gel and stick it in the jiffy pot. I also split the end of the stem it gives you twice the area to grow root, then I dipp and stick. Have a clone heating pad and a clonedome. Keep them covered for a cople of days and let them establish roots about two to three weeks, then transplant. When transplanting remember not to expose roots to light or air. DO it quickly. It helps a bunch if you have everything set up to do it quickly. It takes some practice and itisnt always 100% but the more you do it the more you learn. Also now that you have your plants flowering for three weeks on 12/12 why dont you give them 13 hours of light and 11 dark. It will increase bud production and weight. good luck
I am going to take the plunge a take a couple cutting from each..looking on youtube now for some guidance..though does it matter what time I take the cuttings..currently I turn the lights on 7am to 7pm. It;s 2:30pm here now...should I start now or wait untill tommorow morning Or does it matter.
Thanks gents for being so helpfull