Husband is gone - need help carrying on

As well I don't have jiffy pellets though I have a load of promix can I transplant the cutting into small pots with promix...I also of Miracle grow soil leftover from the male plants that where removed (i kept the dirt).
Hello Gent's,
I am hoping one of you fellows could perhaps help me out.
Some background first. I recently kicked my husband out (he attempted to solicit a neighbors daughter for sex (piece of garbage he is). Regardless, he will never step foot in the neighborhood or my home again. He setup 2 -400watt lights in our shed (shed is aprox 10 X 20 - 2 rooms partitioned) with a number of plants (14 currently). I told him I have destroyed it all (only him and I know it was there). But I did not. He is a deadbeat, I will never get any support from him. At present, I am quite strapped for cash and I am thinking of making a go of it (growing and selling it myself).
The plants have been on a 12 - 12 flowering cycle for about 3 weeks. I can see the female pistels quite cleary. My dilema is this, do I let them flower and package and sell it (and then purchase more seeds). Or perhpas would I be better off cloning them (I can purchase 400w lights with ballast for $90 here with bulb - I know an electrician that builds them).
I have limited funds but was thinking with some help (I have recently picked up George Cervantes Marijuana Horticulture book and I am currently reading through it), I could perhaps clone them and grow a bigger crop and make a go of it. I fear though I may mess up the cloning process and kill them all. I have his rooting gel but no propogation machine. I am aware of the risks. I have family in Newfoundland that would purchase it at $2,000/lb no questions asked.
Can I clone without a propogation machine. If I turn the lights back to 18hr will that mess the plants up. Is cloning possible with limited funds. I am rather torn here. I am commited to learning and making a go of it. Some advice, guidance would be much appreciated. You guy's seem like a decent group of guy's that help each other out. My head is inudated by reading through all the threads..I know this is normally a guy thing but the times they are changing..your help, thoughts would be of great assitance. I will start a new grow journal if you guy's think you could help me through.
My dilema - do I clone and how with no propogation machine or do I let flower (how much can expect with 14 plants - varied breed - northern lights, skunk and mango)
Sadistic husband can do you in with one phone call, he knows when they would be flowering too, either he will want them or report you he wont just let them go...... even though hes a sick fuck, thats all the more reason you should move them or have them added to HIS charges
also, you seem sweet, but chances are you are already giving out your name and birthdate on a pot growing forum and this is the BEGINNING of your illegal endeavor? some people arent cut out for some jobs, sorry to say, tread very lightly, as i can only assume catching a cultivation and you are already admitting intent, so with those charges money problems only pile up...... PLEASE BE CAREFUL
I am not going to worry about him..done enough of that already. Further I live in Ontario, Canada.. you need to have over 500 plants to be considered a major grow here. ..501 here to be exact ..I checked. I have a friend who got caught with 150plants only got probation and that was with a long criminal record already. Pot in Canada is not seen in the same manner here. I have a very ggod friend of mine that got caught with 4lbs going across Canada to Newfoundland 2 twice first with 4 pounds and then with 7lbs he got 1 year house arrest. I am not gonna sweat it.
No one but you guy's no what I am doing no family no one..and my husband is for sure going to think I got scared and threw them all out..little ol me.... but I have done my homework here. I appreciate the concern.. but I got that covered.
I am not going to worry about him..done enough of that already. Further I live in Ontario, Canada.. you need to have over 500 plants to be considered a major grow here. ..501 here to be exact ..I checked. I have a friend who got caught with 150plants only got probation and that was with a long criminal record already. Pot in Canada is not seen in the same manner here. I have a very ggod friend of mine that got caught with 4lbs going across Canada to Newfoundland 2 twice first with 4 pounds and then with 7lbs he got 1 year house arrest. I am not gonna sweat it.

Sorry but I can’t help you with your problems babe but if you need some nocturnal help ....… well I’ll pound you like a mallard duck.:hump::lol:
She's hard-core!

You CAN clone with Pro-Mix in some plastic beer cups or something similar (don't use the Miracle Grow soil, especially not for the clones).
You guy's have been super.. I appreciate all the concern but I have done my homework on consequences.. to boot I have not some much as a parking ticket in 10 years. About the time does it matter if I start cloning this evening or is morning better.
You guy's have been super.. I appreciate all the concern but I have done my homework on consequences.. to boot I have not some much as a parking ticket in 10 years. About the time does it matter if I start cloning this evening or is morning better.

I can't see there being a difference what time of day it is. Just go for it!
you live in canada, that changes the dynamic quite a bit, although, something still feels weird here, you are the first "woman" i have ever met that would start off a story with "my husband solicited the neighbors daughter............."

i gotta say bravo, will you mail me some seeds if i give you a po box? i will send you money if you score me some seeds from the seedbank
you live in canada, that changes the dynamic quite a bit, although, something still feels weird here, you are the first "woman" i have ever met that would start off a story with "my husband solicited the neighbors daughter............."

i gotta say bravo, will you mail me some seeds if i give you a po box? i will send you money if you score me some seeds from the seedbank

You seem ok..but I would have to pass. Not keen on giving out my home address here. I apologize.. though I would suggest you try 420 seeds Toronto (I can verify..I think thats the name). The guy runs a coffee shop in Kennsington Market Toronto. You give them a call he will send it no problem. That's where we got the seeds originally walk in tell him what seed you want he keeps it all behind the counter. If you call the coffee shop and speak to him..he will surely send it.
We paid cash..walk in walk out
You seem ok..but I would have to pass. Not keen on giving out my home address here. I apologize.. though I would suggest you try 420 seeds Toronto (I can verify..I think thats the name). The guy runs a coffee shop in Kennsington Market Toronto. You give them a call he will send it no problem. That's where we got the seeds originally walk in tell him what seed you want he keeps it all behind the counter. If you call the coffee shop and speak to him..he will surely send it.
We paid cash..walk in walk out

well #1 you wouldnt use your home address but that wasnt the point of this excercise, now we know 38/39 yr old sharon from near toronto, stop narrowing yourself down, some people can use information like you wouldnt believe!! YOu GROW GIRL
actually, with your husbands arrest record and all they could probably narrow it down between divorce records, arrest records etc and i could probably come over for dinner!! but im the crazy cautious type so thats why i believe stuff like that is just possible!! ok thats my last paranoid post!!
Guy's no one answered my original question..does it matter when the cutting are taken..early in the morning or just before I shut the lights at 7pm?