My first grow


Well-Known Member
let me know about the link for your journal to the ppp and tss, i've got 2 thais flowering now~(2 went male) and 1 thai and 1 ppp vegging for clones. i'd be interested in what these freebies yield although i'm not counting on mega results, especially from the thais
:oFreebie PPP's??? That's definitely on my top 5 list.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
let me know about the link for your journal to the ppp and tss, i've got 2 thais flowering now~(2 went male) and 1 thai and 1 ppp vegging for clones. i'd be interested in what these freebies yield although i'm not counting on mega results, especially from the thais
The seeds were free, so any results are more than you would have had before. How far into flowering are your thais?

I'll post the link in my signature when I get the new seeds up and running...might be a while though as I sort out my current situation.

:oFreebie PPP's??? That's definitely on my top 5 list.
I don't know much about it, but I gave my buddy the skunk#1 because the blue cheese is half skunk anyway. Looks like I made the right choice then...awesome!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Hmmm. PPP, that should be interesting as well. That's a Nirvana strain, right? I hear a lot of people happy with their Nirvana strains but it's got me curious. I have three Nirvana strains and none of them are that great IMO. I'm just wondering if I got bad beans or the happy people have never grown or smoked the best bud. The Nirvana gear for me produces healthy plants with huge frosty buds that look unbelievable in pictures but the smell, flavor, and potency is lacking. And it wasn't a one-grow fluke like I see a lot of the times where someone grows one sickly plant and says the strain sucks. I've been growing these particular strains for 7 months continuously and every plant has been healthy as a horse. I hold on to them mainly for the huge yields and keep other strains for my own consumption. So yea, I am just curious how so many people could love Nirvana and a couple of their strains have won Cannabis Cups but mine were just okay. For the record the Nirvana strains I have are Jock Horror, Bubblelicious, and Super Skunk.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Finally got my work finished to a point where I can post a good update. Plants are big and stinky. Tall girl is doing well, and shorty is starting to bulk out (much more slowly than the other two). Wide girl, on the other hand, is about to become a single cola with no fan leaves if things don't turn around soon. The yellow and spotting is spreading rapidly now up the plant. I was going to wait until yesterday to water again, but decided I need to be proactive about the situation. Using 1 gal distilled water, I added 4 tbsp big bloom, 2 tsp tiger bloom, 1 tsp grow big (vegging nutes--try to get some nitrogen back into that bitch) 1 tsp high-phosphorous bat guano, 1/4 tsp superthrive and a dollop of molasses. The pH of this solution was 5.4. I added about 1/2 tsp baking soda (thanks mared!) to bring the pH up to 6.5. I did not measure the runoff this time.

As I said, the girls could have lasted until tomorrow and been just fine, but I wanted to try and fix the problem now. Either way, her cola is just out of control now! I don't want to lose the fan leaves because they are generating the stuff necessary to make the flowers, but it looks like within a week they will mostly resemble those on the lower nodes. Anyway, take a look...

You can see the necrosis taking place at the bottom. I don't want to remove the sick leaves because I figure the plant is cannibalizing itself and sucking out whatever it can from the leaves.

View of the problem area

Top is getting fat...


Tall girl--her stake is failing her

Tall girl's top

Lower buddage


Shorty again

Forgot about the seedlings. Oops.

I'm pickup up my 400w tomorrow! My girls are going to freaking LOVE me!


Active Member
Sweet grow man! I'm gonna have to agree with warisnotheanswer in that they certainly do look like sativas, especially the tall one. You have some very good looking buds going on there.

I'm planning on starting my first grow this summer from some bag seed. Your plants look great!


Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Sweet grow man! I'm gonna have to agree with warisnotheanswer in that they certainly do look like sativas, especially the tall one. You have some very good looking buds going on there.

I'm planning on starting my first grow this summer from some bag seed. Your plants look great!

Thanks man. Just goes to show bag seed is like a box of chocolates--you never know what you're gonna get.

Sorry, that was pretty lame.

Good luck with your first grow. I hope my thread can help!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
To me they look like hybrids leaning more towards the indica side but i only say this cos i always thought indicas had the wider leaves and sativa were thinner

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea when I look at the "view of the problem area" pic those leaves look wide as hell. The fan leaves on all the plants look pretty wide. Another indicator is your flowering progress. A mainly sativa plant would still be stringy pistils at this age. Your buds are fattening rapidly. I would lean more towards indica on those but who really cares. It's weed and it will get you high.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Yea when I look at the "view of the problem area" pic those leaves look wide as hell. The fan leaves on all the plants look pretty wide. Another indicator is your flowering progress. A mainly sativa plant would still be stringy pistils at this age. Your buds are fattening rapidly. I would lean more towards indica on those but who really cares. It's weed and it will get you high.
I certainly don't care. It all smokes.

So I picked up my 400w hps...except it turned out to be a 400w METAL HALIDE! Doh. I talked to the guy and told him I would give him $30 and take it anyway, to which agreed! So I got a 400w MH ballast, bulb and fixture $30. Pretty solid deal.

But now I'm at a loss. I'm going to have to find a conversion bulb, and those cost a pretty penny...or find another HPS system.

I'll worry about it tomorrow.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I certainly don't care. It all smokes.

So I picked up my 400w hps...except it turned out to be a 400w METAL HALIDE! Doh. I talked to the guy and told him I would give him $30 and take it anyway, to which agreed! So I got a 400w MH ballast, bulb and fixture $30. Pretty solid deal.

But now I'm at a loss. I'm going to have to find a conversion bulb, and those cost a pretty penny...or find another HPS system.

I'll worry about it tomorrow.
Jerry, I'm still envious of your deal. $30?!?!?!? That's the price of a oil change in your car for crying out loud. Some of the growers I know actually prefer MH for flowering. They know it won't give you quite the yield of an HPS but they are convinced the bluer light makes for more potent buds. Supposedly this mimics the sun's spectrum in higher latitudes. Whether or not this is true I don't know but either way that 400 watt MH will be way WAY better than the 150 watt (or was it 70 watt?) HPS you have. The conversion bulb will probably be at least $60, probably more like $80 if you buy it at a hydro store. I've even seen these dual-arc bulbs which have MH ans HPS elements which tells you that people do recognize that MH light is beneficial for flowering. Don't get that because they are crazy expensive but I would get the MH running while you source a conversion bulb.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Jerry, I'm still envious of your deal. $30?!?!?!? That's the price of a oil change in your car for crying out loud. Some of the growers I know actually prefer MH for flowering. They know it won't give you quite the yield of an HPS but they are convinced the bluer light makes for more potent buds. Supposedly this mimics the sun's spectrum in higher latitudes. Whether or not this is true I don't know but either way that 400 watt MH will be way WAY better than the 150 watt (or was it 70 watt?) HPS you have. The conversion bulb will probably be at least $60, probably more like $80 if you buy it at a hydro store. I've even seen these dual-arc bulbs which have MH ans HPS elements which tells you that people do recognize that MH light is beneficial for flowering. Don't get that because they are crazy expensive but I would get the MH running while you source a conversion bulb.
Yeah, $30 is pretty good. I've heard of people using MH the entire way through, but didn't know the benefits/drawbacks. If you think its better for my girls than my 150w hps I'll switch them up before the lights come back on.

I was looking at conversion bulbs online, and the cheapest I could find was something like $80. For that price, I could probably find a 400w HPS ballast, fixture and bulb.

I had already driven ~100 miles to pick it up, so I figured I might as well try to get it for cheap after I realized it wasn't HPS. The guy was really nice (and lived in a pretty nice place, so I don't think $45 was even chump change to him) and just wanted it out of his garage! Nice guy for sure.

So, there is another 400w hps system I found, but it is twice as far away as the MH was, and that is lots of driving I'd rather not do. I'll look more into conversion bulbs, but it's a good drive to my hydro shop and I'm kinda worried about ordering one online (as they seem pretty fragile to make it through shipping). I'll be pondering the situation.

Regarding the plants, Wide Girl's condition is worsening by the day. I gave an intensive (but not excessive) feeding yesterday, and it seems to have had no effect. The yellow and spotting has moved almost entirely up to the top fan leaves, and will probably reach the leaves coming out of the buds by tonight. I don't know what to do. I've controlled pH and I don't think are deficient in these nutrients, but I picked up some Fox Farm Cha Ching fertilizer yesterday--its 9-50-30 or something like that, and it says to use the last 4 weeks of flowering (which is right where I am) so hopefully it will help. Maybe the tiger bloom/big bloom/guano/molasses comination just doesn't have enough phosphorous for the wide girl. Oh well, she'll be getting some more tonight!

No pics, they are already asleep. I'm gonna get to work, I'll update later.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jery, that stuff is super high in phosphate and postash, which is ok. I used the Beastie Bloomz 0-50-30 and had decent results. I was trying to recall what you had been using. It's always good to make a gradual kind of "build up" on nutrients in my opinion.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Hey Jery, that stuff is super high in phosphate and postash, which is ok. I used the Beastie Bloomz 0-50-30 and had decent results. I was trying to recall what you had been using. It's always good to make a gradual kind of "build up" on nutrients in my opinion.
Yeah, I certainly don't want to burn them, but wide girl needs something different.

I looked at the Open Sesame and Beastie Bloomz but you only use them for 2 weeks...seems like a waste for $30 each. At least the Cha Ching is used for 4 weeks, and its got a good amount of N to maybe stailize the yellowing.

If this most recent attempt doesn't cure wide girl of her problem, I don't know what will. It took about 3 days for the bottom fan leaves to totally dessicate and die, so in about a week I should have no fan leaves left if I don't fix this...fuck:cry:

And then what happens? Will it start attacking the flowers? If so I'd have to chop her a few weeks early.


Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I had a big long update all typed out and ready to go and my fucking browser crashed. So now I can only give the much shortened abridged version.

It's hot. Gonna be summer-like temps over the next 4 days. I'm going to get a portable air conditioner to put in the room today--found one for $150. Without it, I don't think I could continue to the operation through the coming hottest months of the year. So I should be getting that this evening.

I looked more into the conversion bulbs and found a "Gold" metal halide with enhanced red spectrum to aid in flowering. It will probably cost just as much as an HPS conversion bulb, so I haven't decided exactly what I'm going to do yet.


We begin, as usual, with Tall girl. She is looking fine.

Top shot...

Starting to see some necrosis of the lower leaves on her too. Not as worried about this one though.

Here's a middle node shot. Hairs are turning orange!

Wide girl. Doing her thing. You can see the spread of the yellow/spotting up the fan leaves.

Here are the fan leaves on the other side. You can see some are just about ready to drop off. I'm not gonna snip them or anything--just let them do their thing.

Here's wide girl's top.

Here's a couple little side branches. The left on is from tall girl, the right is wide girl.

Finally, shorty! Her top cola has probably doubled in girth over the last week or so, and new growth is still being pushed out! She's doing great.

Shorty's top. Can't quite see the new bud growth, but you can see the leaves protruding awkwardly from one side. I think the node growth is finally starting to stagger.

One of shorty's side branches. Buds are bigger than I thought down there!

Finally, the babies. A motley looking bunch these are for sure. Some look better than others, and they all look way different from each other. Hopefully I'll get ~3 or 4 females from this group. I've had them on 12/12 for the last 2 days, so my plan is to sex them and get the females going so I can start my blue cheese, thai super skunk and PPP seeds!

So that's it. I'm picking up my a/c tonight, so I'll get the metal halide going in the flower room and prob move the hps to the veg chamber.

And then, its on!:leaf: