My first grow


Well-Known Member
lookin good jerry, just noticed this thread. +rep for ya. any idea what strain they might be? looking a little like white berry imo with the lack of side branching

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Thanks dodge! I've got no clue what I'm working with, just some random bag seeds. The stuff they came from was pretty good, but I'm pretty sure this is going to be way better!

Lights come on in a few, I'll post some pics in a bit.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Hey Jerry, coming along well there. You've correctly identified the problem with the shorty. That is N and K def. Now you just have to figure out whether it is from ph lockout or under nute. The ph pen will help a lot but if I had to guess I would say it is simply slight under nute. Not sure exactly what feeding you did around the flush but if you flushed it clean and then left it for a day or two or more then it would start to show deficiencies pretty quick. I usually flush my plants and then give a light feed immediately afterwards. I probably should have mentioned that, oops. As long as you're back to your regular feeding program now and your ph isn't crazy out of whack then it should get better. That yellow leaf in the picture will never recover but the yellowing and gray patches should stop spreading to other leaves.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Happy 4/20 all!

Day 33 and the plants are doing well. The N and P deficiency appears to be spreading around the lower leaves. I gave another water feeding yesterday using distilled water and molasses with pH of 6.6. The runoff measured 6.7 for most, except shorty, who's runoff read 6.2. Not sure how/why, but I know I read it right.

Mared, I didn't read your post until today, but I'm pretty sure it was a lockout issue. The pH of the tap water I've been using is 7.9, so I'm pretty sure that did it. And I'd be shocked if the plants were not getting enough phosphorous, as I use the tiger bloom and big bloom in addition to high phosphorous Indonesian bat guano. So it could be a deficiency triggered by not replacing the nutrients flushed out, but I think it was the high Ph of the water locking out the nutrients.

I'll probably give a light feeding tonight at 8pm when they wake up just to make sure they've at least got a little bit of nutrients to draw from.

Otherwise, they look about the same. Shorty has started to spit new leaves out of her top bud, which is always an encouraging sight.

Here's tall girl continuing to fill out.

Close up of the top

The lower foliage is just riddled with little frosty budsites.

Next, Wide girl. Still growing and looking pretty fine, but the lower leaves are showing the deficiency much more than photo indicates. Turns out I didn't get a good shot of the affected area before the lights went out.

Here's wide girl's top. Pretty.

And shorty. Growing away. Still clawing a little with her upper leaves, but not too bad.

Seedlings. Some are looking great, others struggling a little. Not sure what is going on, but they got the same tap water as the other plants, so it could be screwing a couple of them up.

Much to my dismay, one of the cups started growing two seedlings (again). I knocked over one of the cups while planting, losing the seed. I tried to clean up the soil and stick it in some of the other cups. It appears the seed was in that soil and now growing in another cup.

Oh well, I've got so many right now I don't know what to do with them.

So the pH pen has already helped tremendously. Good investment.

That's it. I'm going to do some homework and wait for the lights to come back on tonight.


Well-Known Member
Nice update Jerry! Maybe u can keep the 2 seedlings together. maybe 2 females or a boy and girl and can do a breeding expeiriment. dont know just high and thinking!

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm just gonna snip one I think. Didn't work out too well last time around with 2 in one pot. And I'm not working with strains worth breeding (though I don't know that for sure as I have yet to grow them).

I just purchased a 400w hps ballast, fixture and bulb for $75! That's less than I paid for my 150w!


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I just purchased a 400w hps ballast, fixture and bulb for $75! That's less than I paid for my 150w!

Wow, good deal. You're going to have more dank than you know what to do with soon, Jerry.

And yea, 7.9 ph. That sounds like the problem. Good thing ph isn't as important in soil as it is in hydro. You're plants would have been dead weeks ago.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Wow, good deal. You're going to have more dank than you know what to do with soon, Jerry.

And yea, 7.9 ph. That sounds like the problem. Good thing ph isn't as important in soil as it is in hydro. You're plants would have been dead weeks ago.
Yeah, glad I'm not using

I've really only used the tap water for a couple weeks (since I got my brita filter), and before that it was all distilled. Either way, I'm glad I correctly identified/resolved the issue.

Thanks Mared!:leaf:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Just a quick update...

Everyone looked good this morning at bed time. Just wanted to throw up a couple pics for discussion.

First, Tall girl is really starting to lean--much more pronounced in the last 24 hours I think. I'm thinking that top bud is starting to get too big for the stem, so I'll probably stake it soon (once I go buy stakes...or maybe I'll just tape a few skewers together, that would probably work). This is one problem I am OK with :weed:

Tall girl's top. Getting heavy I guess...

Next, wide girl is looking fantastic. Still having some yellowing and spotting, but I gave them all a mini-feeding of high phosphorous bat guano and grow big for added nitrogen now that the pH is fixed and the nutrients should be "unlocked." I was planning on giving them a normal feeding today, but I think I'll wait now until tomorrow to put them back on their normal feeding routine.

Here's the yellowing/spotting of the lower leaves. Still going on, but hopefully won't be spreading any farther.

Another of the leaves

Her top, however, is doing fine just fine!

Shorty. Not much to say about shorty.

Didn't take any of the little ones. I'll do that with tonight's round of pics.:leaf:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Well, not much to say. They got a watering yesterday. The pH of my distilled water, tiger and big blooms, and some molasses was 5.3. With no real way of raising the pH on hand, I just went ahead and used it. The runoff measured 6.2 for wide girl, 6.0 for shorty and 6.1 for tall girl. Next time I'll use filtered tap water for the feedings, as the pH of that stays around 7.9 on its own, so it won't lower as much during nutrient feeding.

Otherwise they look good. I staked up tall girl as she was getting a little top heavy. Probably going to have to double it up, as the skewers I used are bending a little.

Everyone is doing well though.

Tall girl and her lean before I staked it

here she is with the stake. Sort of effective.

some lower bud growth on tall girl

and her top

heres a couple side shoots

wide girl. still spotty. gonna leave those leaves until they die off--I want to let the plant suck out everything it can from those already dead leaves before focusing its attention on the not so dead leaves...

Wide girls top. The top bud is getting wider by the day.

No pics of shorty, but you can see her in the background.

Also no pics of seedlings. I'm dumb and forgot.

That's it for today:leaf:


Well-Known Member
lookin good jerry, they're filling out nicely. you got a time schedule for these or just whenever they're done, they're done kinda thing?

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
lookin good jerry, they're filling out nicely. you got a time schedule for these or just whenever they're done, they're done kinda thing?
I'm certainly in no rush. Most plants flower 60-70+ days so I figure they've got about 4 weeks left (its been 35 days so far...).

We'll just see what happens. I'm thinking they are going to get nice and fat, especially once I get this 400watter in a couple days. I'm gonna harvest by the trichs for sure--I may snip a few buds when their cloudy and then leave the rest to get a little amber, just to see how different the high really is (couchlock vs. energetic high...i'm skeptical there is much of a difference, but this way I'll find out for myself!):leaf:


Well-Known Member
yeah i'm with you on that one, i've been smoking for years and i'd just say high is high. If you're tired in the first place it's gonna make you think it's the weed and vice versa if you have plenty of energy

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I agree with you guys. I have done quite a few tests of chopping one plant early and one of the same strain later to see the difference. I just end up getting high as hell either way LOL. I do notice the difference in high between strains but I can't tell a difference in the high from different harvest times of the same strain. After a while you will be able to look at the buds and see their ripeness. But before that you need a lot of practice examining the trichs and synching that to what you can see with your plain eye.

Also if you need to adjust ph, Jerry, it couldn't be easier. Use regular vinegar as ph down and regular baking soda as ph up. I used these for the first four or five months after I started growing and the plants looked great.


Well-Known Member
Looking supreme there Jerry. Looks like you have a predominately sativa there...I'm jealous.
I suggest taking some "tasters"---dear God, I see it coming---I'll be reamed for shit for suggesting that.:roll:---and to save the possible future "reaming".....I'm not suggesting the taste fest begin now.
But, hey...if you're going to do it, just snip it from the middle or the top.
I disagree that there is little or no difference in the buzz when harvesting a bit earlier vs. later. It's all a matter of taste and I loathe the couch lock affect. There is that "window" that you can easily miss out on in just a matter of days.
Definitely be looking for your earliest harvest no sooner than 63 days however. Sativas just generally do take longer.
So.......that being said, 4 more weeks, a minium 2 week in 6 weeks? <cheezy grin>
Seriously, relax.....not trying to bug you out here.
Your plants look beautiful! ```:peace:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Thanks for your input everyone. I'm definitely gonna take some samples and just experiment for myself. Not yet though. Shorty and wide girl are just starting to fill out, and I'm thinking tall girl is close behind. I'm in no rush.

Mared, good call on the ph up and down. I knew vinegar and citrus juices that are acidic are good for lowering, but I didn't know baking soda to raise it up. Would have helped when I watered, but now I know!

Thanks for stopping by babs! Love to see new comers to the party. I'm not one for distinguishing sativa from indica quite yet, but a little sativa would be nice! And coffee in six weeks sounds perfect!

I don't have time to throw up an adequate update until later this evening, but wide girl is still spreading her yellow/spottiness up the plant. I've fixed the pH, so maybe it will just take a little while to correct itself? I'm not going to get crazy and start adding a shit ton of phosphorous or nitrogen now, but maybe I'll step up the nutes a little next time just to be sure.

Also, my attitude seeds arrived! Unfortunately, I only have the blue cheese and the thai super skunk in my possession, as my buddy decided he was going to just keep the lowryder2/ak47 seeds that were way more expensive. I guess there was a slight miscommunication. Or something.

Either way, I'm happy with the blue cheeses, and I'll probably start them in the next week or so.

I've gotta get back to work. Better update coming later:leaf:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Well, don't tell your friend but usually autoflowers are a lot less potent than normal plants... usually. I don't know much about G13 Labs but as a recent attitude customer myself I should be getting some of the same beans as you Jerry! 5 X g13 Labs thai super skunk & 1 X fem. Skunk #1. I hope you keep as nice a journal on those as you have with this first bunch. The main part of my order was some Greenhouse Mix packs so I'll probably start with those but I'll be watching closely to see how your thai super skunk turns out. The blue cheese should be nice too :hump:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Well, don't tell your friend but usually autoflowers are a lot less potent than normal plants... usually. I don't know much about G13 Labs but as a recent attitude customer myself I should be getting some of the same beans as you Jerry! 5 X g13 Labs thai super skunk & 1 X fem. Skunk #1. I hope you keep as nice a journal on those as you have with this first bunch. The main part of my order was some Greenhouse Mix packs so I'll probably start with those but I'll be watching closely to see how your thai super skunk turns out. The blue cheese should be nice too :hump:
Yeah, I did some research about autoflowering after I ordered and found they tended to be less potent...but crossed with ak47 i think increases potency and yield. 10 weeks from seed and grown in my veg closet was an enticing prospect, and it still could happen. We'll see.

Regarding those freebies--i did lots of searching to see if someone had a journal growing them out, and came up empty. so hopefully i can help contribute to the void of knowledge! My buddy took the fem skunk #1, but i've got all the thai super skunk and a feminized pure power plant, so those will get a devoted journal all their own of equal or better quality! I enjoy updating and sharing my experience to help others and get help myself. I'm happy to give back!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
let me know about the link for your journal to the ppp and tss, i've got 2 thais flowering now~(2 went male) and 1 thai and 1 ppp vegging for clones. i'd be interested in what these freebies yield although i'm not counting on mega results, especially from the thais