My first grow

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Here they are...

I should call them the three stooges because they're all so different

Here's wide girl, looking wide. Pollen sacks didn't go away in the last 2 hours...damn

Here's the top few nodes of wide girl

You can see the sacks well in this shot

Here's tall girl. 28.5" and still growing...will she hit 30? My money is on yes

Here's a top down view of tall girls top

Another from the side...

Short stuff...

from the side

Her top

Her top again. She is clearly developing slower than her sisters due to her stressful midlife...but coming right along and 100% female.


Running 24/0 light cycle...we'll see how it turns out.

Until tomorrow...:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Wow, thanks for all the pics Jerry. Love your plants, lol tall girl has really gotten tall. One thing ive noticed is their pistils are really thick compared to my plants... and those buds are getting dense very fast. You are going to have a nice harvest.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Wow, thanks for all the pics Jerry. Love your plants, lol tall girl has really gotten tall. One thing ive noticed is their pistils are really thick compared to my plants... and those buds are getting dense very fast. You are going to have a nice harvest.
I think the bud density is thanks to the hps...I heard all along that cfls can grow good pot, but hps will give fat juicy nugs! So I use both.

The girls are (hopefully) enjoying their extended nap...Lights ended up going off at 4 yesterday. I was going to flip them back on at 6pm, but I may wait a couple more hours--it will still be pretty warm at 6 during the spring/summer, so I think I'll wait till 8pm to fire things back up.

The little seedlings are doing well. I've got them on 24/0, which is different from my last experiment (18/6) and I can't really notice a difference. They are already onto their second set of serrated leaves, so maybe its going a little faster?

I think my buddy may have backed out of letting me use his, but I understand. Looking more like they will finish off the next 4ish weeks of flower in my house, pollen and all. If I can't find anywhere else to take them, I'll just try to pick out all the pollen sacks and hope I keep the amount in my room to a minimum. And then I'll take everything out and scrub the entire bathroom to make sure it doesn't infect the next generation of wonderful plants!

I'll throw some pics up tonight after the lights come back on.


Well-Known Member
I think the bud density is thanks to the hps...I heard all along that cfls can grow good pot, but hps will give fat juicy nugs! So I use both.

The girls are (hopefully) enjoying their extended nap...Lights ended up going off at 4 yesterday. I was going to flip them back on at 6pm, but I may wait a couple more hours--it will still be pretty warm at 6 during the spring/summer, so I think I'll wait till 8pm to fire things back up.

The little seedlings are doing well. I've got them on 24/0, which is different from my last experiment (18/6) and I can't really notice a difference. They are already onto their second set of serrated leaves, so maybe its going a little faster?

I think my buddy may have backed out of letting me use his, but I understand. Looking more like they will finish off the next 4ish weeks of flower in my house, pollen and all. If I can't find anywhere else to take them, I'll just try to pick out all the pollen sacks and hope I keep the amount in my room to a minimum. And then I'll take everything out and scrub the entire bathroom to make sure it doesn't infect the next generation of wonderful plants!

I'll throw some pics up tonight after the lights come back on.

That will work, just wait until something pops from those bulges so you can see for sure.. like when the banana comes out...
About the lighting ... yeah having that HPS there im sure helps a lot. I´m thinking about gettin an HPS as well for my next order of seeds.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
That will work, just wait until something pops from those bulges so you can see for sure.. like when the banana comes out...
About the lighting ... yeah having that HPS there im sure helps a lot. I´m thinking about gettin an HPS as well for my next order of seeds.
I highly recommend getting an hps if you've got the space/cash. My 150w is great, but I don't think I can get more than 4 plants under it without losing some light. But that's why I've got cfls. And only 3 plants (for now).

I'm thinking I could fit a 250w in my flower space for I'll probably try to sell my 150w to a friend.

On a related note, I'm very close to ordering some seeds from attitude! My buddy and I are going to split 5 feminized big buddha blue cheese and 5 feminized violator kush (+ free seeds: 5 G13 Labs skunk #1, one feminized PPP and another feminized something else I can't remember). So, I'm gonna try to finalize the deal today and make that shit happen!

I forgot to take pics of the plants yesterday. I started the day cycle at 8pm. Temps stayed between 81 and 84. All plants looking good, except the top leaves of shorty are starting to look like the top leaves of tall girl--bulging convexly and curling down. Not as severe in shorty though, just looks similar. I'll really take pics when they come back to the light at 8pm. I didn't notice much/any difference in the plants following their 28ish hour nap, except tall girl had grown some more and was too close to the hps. I raised it a couple links, but have yet to take a height measurement...I'm guessing 31" when I check back tonight. I'm pretty sure she was under 15" when she went to flower, so she has more than doubled in height.

As for the little ones, they are doing well. I had been leaving them outside of the dome until today--three of them started to cup their leaves and angle themselves up towards the light. I've heard this is a sign of low humidity. so I threw the dome back on. Puts the plants a little farther from the light, but I think they'll be fine.

That's it. Sorry I'm slacking on the photos. Busy busy.


Well-Known Member
I highly recommend getting an hps if you've got the space/cash. My 150w is great, but I don't think I can get more than 4 plants under it without losing some light. But that's why I've got cfls. And only 3 plants (for now).

I'm thinking I could fit a 250w in my flower space for I'll probably try to sell my 150w to a friend.

On a related note, I'm very close to ordering some seeds from attitude! My buddy and I are going to split 5 feminized big buddha blue cheese and 5 feminized violator kush (+ free seeds: 5 G13 Labs skunk #1, one feminized PPP and another feminized something else I can't remember). So, I'm gonna try to finalize the deal today and make that shit happen!

I forgot to take pics of the plants yesterday. I started the day cycle at 8pm. Temps stayed between 81 and 84. All plants looking good, except the top leaves of shorty are starting to look like the top leaves of tall girl--bulging convexly and curling down. Not as severe in shorty though, just looks similar. I'll really take pics when they come back to the light at 8pm. I didn't notice much/any difference in the plants following their 28ish hour nap, except tall girl had grown some more and was too close to the hps. I raised it a couple links, but have yet to take a height measurement...I'm guessing 31" when I check back tonight. I'm pretty sure she was under 15" when she went to flower, so she has more than doubled in height.

As for the little ones, they are doing well. I had been leaving them outside of the dome until today--three of them started to cup their leaves and angle themselves up towards the light. I've heard this is a sign of low humidity. so I threw the dome back on. Puts the plants a little farther from the light, but I think they'll be fine.

That's it. Sorry I'm slacking on the photos. Busy busy.

Im also going to getting my next order of seeds from the attitude- and I was thinking about getting big buddha blue cheese myself among the other stuff:mrgreen:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Hey Jerry, you're right. HPS makes all the difference. I like the move to 250watt. You will notice a difference for sure. CFLs work well but for lumens of output per watt used there is no comparison.

What breeder are your seeds from? The cheese should be super funky and kush is my favorite type of smoke so those sound like good picks.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Hey Jerry, you're right. HPS makes all the difference. I like the move to 250watt. You will notice a difference for sure. CFLs work well but for lumens of output per watt used there is no comparison.

What breeder are your seeds from? The cheese should be super funky and kush is my favorite type of smoke so those sound like good picks.
The Blue Cheese is from Big Buddha (indica cup 2006 winner)...and the Violator Kush is Barney's Farm. Here are a couple pics from the website...look mighty tasty, and FEMINIZED! It's more expensive, but my male/female ration SUCKS so far...

Hopefully gonna get that 250watter soon and really grow some beautiful plants!

Edit: First Pic is Kush, second is Blue Cheese


Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Im also going to getting my next order of seeds from the attitude- and I was thinking about getting big buddha blue cheese myself among the other stuff:mrgreen:
It's so hard to choose! I think you should get the Cannabiogen Destroyer...check out these trichs! They're sold out of feminized, but they have standard!


Well-Known Member
It's so hard to choose! I think you should get the Cannabiogen Destroyer...check out these trichs! They're sold out of feminized, but they have standard!
Yeah, actually a friend of mine recommended that strain... destroyer... really expensive seed though:bigjoint:.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
So I did manage to snap some photos before the lights went out this morning. Not too much new to report. Tall girl is 30.5" and maybe stabilized. Shorty is still 11.5" and wide girl is 25."

Buds are coming along nicely. I've been monitoring the hermie situation and haven't seen much change. In fact, it looks less hermie-ish now than it did 5 days ago...maybe thats because the bud is growing around the pollen sacks...

The little tykes are doing well. They seem to enjoy the humidity dome--its ~50% rh in there and 79 degrees. The dome keeps the cfls a little farther away from the plants than I would like, but I don't think stretch much if any.


We'll start with Wide Gril. No droopage, no curl...looking good! Just lose the pollen sacks and we'd be golden!

Top few nodes of Wide girl

Another top shot--hard to distinguish pollen sacks, but they're there.

Tall Girl. Just very tall. Top leaves still droopy and curling. Pretty sure it's heat stress from being so close to the hps all the time--should I raise the light? Eh, its just some leaves.

Tall girl's top. Looking fine just fine.

More top shots

Here's the bottom few bud sites. Also looking nice.

Finally, Shorty. Vertical growth seems to not be moving as much as originally hoped. I want her to stretch a little.

One from the side. Lots of little bud action.

The three amigas


That's it. I'll update any changes as they happen. Plants wake up at 8pm.:leaf:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Jerry, I have good news. I might have been wrong before about your pollen sacks. I feel like an asshole after the 100% guarantee and all but it wasn't until I had a discussion with my friend on another forum that I found out. He was posting pics of his plants that are the same age as yours and I was like WTF, they have the pollen sacs too. He said no, he has grown that strain before and it had "abnormal calyx formation" as he put it. The buds in the beginning will look a lot like pollen sacs but they will swell as they fatten up around the pistils. I have 7 different strains I have grown out and none of them do this (all of my calyxes look like little cones) but my friend knows what he's talking about when it comes to growing. So I really hope that I was full of shit and worried you for nothing and your plants are actually 100% female. The "sacs" do seem a lot less noticeable in the more recent pics.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Jerry, I have good news. I might have been wrong before about your pollen sacks. I feel like an asshole after the 100% guarantee and all but it wasn't until I had a discussion with my friend on another forum that I found out. He was posting pics of his plants that are the same age as yours and I was like WTF, they have the pollen sacs too. He said no, he has grown that strain before and it had "abnormal calyx formation" as he put it. The buds in the beginning will look a lot like pollen sacs but they will swell as they fatten up around the pistils. I have 7 different strains I have grown out and none of them do this (all of my calyxes look like little cones) but my friend knows what he's talking about when it comes to growing. So I really hope that I was full of shit and worried you for nothing and your plants are actually 100% female. The "sacs" do seem a lot less noticeable in the more recent pics.
Ya know, I did a google image search for hermie plants and found lots of things that didn't look like mine, and only one that kinda did.

My issue is I plucked 2 balls of wide girl and 1 off tall girl (at least, I'm pretty sure they were balls--some of the calyxes have looked similar to balls, just slightly more teardrop shaped, so maybe I was hasty to remove them, but I think not). If they got stressed b/c a dropped a light on them and killed a portion of the plant, and that caused them to turn hermie, maybe it wasn't enough to make the entire plant hermie, just those 2 nodes...

Maybe I just made that up. But from the pics I saw, you could have a hermie plant with distinct male and female branches.

And the pollen sacks get FUCKING HUGE before they're ready to pop, so I can probably remove them if/when they get like that.

Either way, they look less hermish, which as I suggested could just be the calyxes growing around the pollen sacks until they get big...but that seems unlikely.

So, for now, a sigh of pseudo-relief :rolleyes: and we wait to see how they look at 8pm. I love the new schedule by the way--I solved my light problem by hanging a thick dark maroon curtain over the outside of the make-shift bubble-wrap doors that block most of the light by themselves, but I feel much better with the curtain up.

Thanks for looking into that mared...much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Ya know, I did a google image search for hermie plants and found lots of things that didn't look like mine, and only one that kinda did.

My issue is I plucked 2 balls of wide girl and 1 off tall girl (at least, I'm pretty sure they were balls--some of the calyxes have looked similar to balls, just slightly more teardrop shaped, so maybe I was hasty to remove them, but I think not). If they got stressed b/c a dropped a light on them and killed a portion of the plant, and that caused them to turn hermie, maybe it wasn't enough to make the entire plant hermie, just those 2 nodes...

Maybe I just made that up. But from the pics I saw, you could have a hermie plant with distinct male and female branches.

And the pollen sacks get FUCKING HUGE before they're ready to pop, so I can probably remove them if/when they get like that.

Either way, they look less hermish, which as I suggested could just be the calyxes growing around the pollen sacks until they get big...but that seems unlikely.

So, for now, a sigh of pseudo-relief :rolleyes: and we wait to see how they look at 8pm. I love the new schedule by the way--I solved my light problem by hanging a thick dark maroon curtain over the outside of the make-shift bubble-wrap doors that block most of the light by themselves, but I feel much better with the curtain up.

Thanks for looking into that mared...much appreciated!
Well.. its a good thing the hermie thing is sorted out, and if you see any little bananas ... just pluck em out...

Looks like your plants are done stretching... I´m surprised at how fast your plants are filling out with pistils, looks very nice. Congrats man:mrgreen:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Well.. its a good thing the hermie thing is sorted out, and if you see any little bananas ... just pluck em out...

Looks like your plants are done stretching... I´m surprised at how fast your plants are filling out with pistils, looks very nice. Congrats man:mrgreen:
Thanks dude! I'm not sure the situation is quite sorted out yet, but its getting there.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Plants woke up at 8. All look very good, especially tall girl. Her pistils are so thick and juicy...:weed:

Been a couple days since watering, so they got a little. I've been wondering though...I feed with every watering...should I water w/o nutes occasionally, or more than occasionally? It doesn't seem to be harming the plants doing it every time, and I know I need to flush the last week or two, but maybe once or twice before them is in order? Just a thought.

That's it...more in the morning:leaf:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
There are 14 total, 9 have sprouted, and they all came from bag seeds, so I don't care if I screw these up. Gonna order some good ones any day now I'm hoping...

phil le b

Well-Known Member