My first grow


Well-Known Member
Wow Jerry Tall Girl is really tall.. damn... lol. Yeah man.. this means extra work cause they are stretching more than you expected, same thing happened to me, but look at the bright side... that means more harvest as well:weed:

To me ... this is the part when a grow journal really starts getting fun... cause watching plants in veg is not the same as watching the flowering stretch and the flowering:bigjoint:

My favorite is Shorty, she has those side stems as well and I betcha she is going to make really nice fat buds.
Although that top bud aon Tall Girl looks like its going to be a monster...

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Wow Jerry Tall Girl is really tall.. damn... lol. Yeah man.. this means extra work cause they are stretching more than you expected, same thing happened to me, but look at the bright side... that means more harvest as well:weed:

To me ... this is the part when a grow journal really starts getting fun... cause watching plants in veg is not the same as watching the flowering stretch and the flowering:bigjoint:

My favorite is Shorty, she has those side stems as well and I betcha she is going to make really nice fat buds.
Although that top bud aon Tall Girl looks like its going to be a monster...
Yeah, you can't hate them for growing big!

It's too bad with shorty, as she was my strongest plant until I burned it before I went out of town last month. She could be freaking huge by least she lived and will produce something! And maybe some clones!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you can't hate them for growing big!

It's too bad with shorty, as she was my strongest plant until I burned it before I went out of town last month. She could be freaking huge by least she lived and will produce something! And maybe some clones!
Yeah... but the good thing is ythat she looks 100 times better than after you took out the dead leaves... I´m just surprised at how compact Shorty still is, the short spacing between nodes, thats why I think she might have a lot of growth left...

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
This is probably the longest ever between updates, but I was quite busy yesterday. I needed to raise the shelf from which the lights hang, as the tall girl is now 25" and quickly exceeded capacity of the last expansion. I added about another 12" so hopefully that's enough!

Check it out...

I've probably got 5 feet of vertical space now to work with. This added space came at the expense of the veg chamber, which I decided was now too short to pursue. So, I ran to goodwill, picked up a $10 bookshelf (about waist high) that fit my dimensions perfectly, and moved the veg operations to the closet! This, I think, will prove to be the best decision I've made thus far.

Here are the 9 recently cracked seeds, probably 12-24 hours from sprouting (now that I've got good light on them)

The shelf isn't in the best condition, but suitable enough for my needs! There is also a considerable amount of room for vertical growth here, so I can easily veg them to 10" before tossing them in the flower closet. Quite exciting!

As for the plants, they are doing just fine. I decided to water today for the first time since repotting, and the tall one was starting to show signs of thirst. The top 3 layers of leaves look really narrow are starting to droop considerably, even though the bottom foliage looks fine. It may be heat related as well--she was getting close to the hps before I moved the shelf, so she may have gotten a little heat stressed too. Buds look nice though.

Notice the lean to the left...

Nice looking buds along the middle of the stem here...

Here's the top few nodes...

Here's the bottom few nodes. Couple nice side buds forming. You can't tell from the pics, but each node the entire length of the stem has nice bud growth too...she's stretched so much that it allows a lot of light underneath.

Here's the wide girl. Less lower-bud development (because I dropped a light and knocked off at least one budding branch), but looking nice on top and at each node. She's also not too short herself at 21."

Here's her top. Starting to look really nice!

Last, but certainly not least, shorty! She's got 8-9 lower bud sites developing, as well as nice action along her tightly-packed nodes.

So, exciting things happening every day! Which reminds me, the power went out today while I was watering. Like, right in the middle of watering. I checked my fuses, but power was out in the whole house, so it wasn't my operations that caused it (which was quite relieving/comforting). I took the plants to my back porch and finished watering. They got about 35 minutes of natural sunlight today as a result, but I don't want to start making that a habit--the plants are so tall they are clearly visible from certain spots. Anyway power came back, everything is OK.

It's been a busy couple days, I must say. I've got some school work to catch up on, so hopefully the girls can just grow without too much intervention while I get some things done.:leaf:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Oh, also starting running the UVB light yesterday (note the large silver reflector in the first pic of the last post). I ran it for about an hour in the middle of the day and right before they went to sleep. Now that the plants are in larger pots, I need to cover the soil before I can continue running the UVB, as the roots are very sensitive to the radiation.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Awesome dude! The ability to veg plants while your flower room is still full is definitely an advantage. Plus you have some nice space to experiment with cloning. From the looks of your bud development on the flowering girls the stretching should be slowing down very soon.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Thanks dude, I hope you're right about the stretch...she's so tall already I may have to tie her up when that bud gets bigger.

Just bought some more supplies, going to add more lights somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Jerry! looking good my brother!! i just sprouted a new seed as well Jorges diamonds from dutch passion. think ur plants in flowring look really nice!!


Well-Known Member
Jerry, towards the end of the stretch, the new leaves become thinner and then very very small... so thats what you are seeing on the tall girl besides the drooping due to thirst.

I still like shorty the best, she is pretty. Overall looks really good jerry, you are going to get some homegrown buds soon:bigjoint:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Jerry, towards the end of the stretch, the new leaves become thinner and then very very small... so thats what you are seeing on the tall girl besides the drooping due to thirst.

I still like shorty the best, she is pretty. Overall looks really good jerry, you are going to get some homegrown buds soon:bigjoint:
Yeah, I figured the leaves would get skinny, but the droop...I don't know. It didn't entirely go away when I fed the plant, even though some of the fan leaves were pointing 45 degrees up in the air. Oh well. As long as little buds keeps gaining in size and complexity, I don't care about some skinny leaves!

First couple seedlings broke the surface today...undoubtedly more to follow. Temps getting awful hot with all these lights on and high temps outside. I'm going to switch day/night soon, possibly thursday. They'll get 12 extra (24 straight) hours of darkness before the lights come ON at 6PM. We'll see if I do it. Temps holding around 84 for now...

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
So the girls are coming along well. We're averaging about an inch a day across the board. Tall girl is 27" now, wide girl is 23" and shorty is 11". Bud sites are really getting hairy and bigger every day!

The temp got a little warm yesterday, but the low last night was in the 40's, so it has cooled off nicely this morning. At this point I'm just trying to keep temps under 90 and I'll be satisfied.

5 seedlings have sprouted thus far and two more are visible, though not quite yet broken free of the surface. It's nice to know I've got the next generation under way--I should get a nice rotation going where I harvest bud every 9 weeks or so.

That's about it for the good news. Now for the bad--I think I can see little seed development within wide girl's top bud :cry:.
I didn't really see any in Tall girl, but I'm 90% certain this is what they are. Take a look and let me know what you guys think...

This must mean she has already been pollinated right? I'm fairly certain I got all the visible sacks of balls, and I haven't seen any release of pollen. My biggest concern is if Wide girl will pollinate shorty, who I know to be a true female, or even Tall girl, who I found one ball growing on?

Can I carefully pick through the developing buds and remove the little seed-looking things, or should I not bother and accept that I will have some seeds? And if I plant those seeds, will they grow into a hermie plant?

This sucks.

Here's shorty. Still short, but growing now 1"/day

Here's tall girl, showing some serious leaf droopage near the top, but all lower leaves look fine.

Here's the top of tall girl

I don't know what to do about wide girl. Please help with some advice/suggestions!


Well-Known Member
I dont know Jerry...
What I dont understand is that if you plants did get pollinated and those bulges are seeds... then how did it get pollinated ?

The thing is that the male flower has to open and release the pollen, I didnt think that your plants had enough time for that...
Maqybe you could "sacifice" one of those bulges and open one up to see if there is a seed forming just to make sure ?

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I dont know Jerry...
What I dont understand is that if you plants did get pollinated and those bulges are seeds... then how did it get pollinated ?

The thing is that the male flower has to open and release the pollen, I didnt think that your plants had enough time for that...
Maqybe you could "sacifice" one of those bulges and open one up to see if there is a seed forming just to make sure ?
I don't know either. I confirmed all the males as soon as I could, so they definitely didn't have time to open up and release pollen. Even if there was a ball or two that I missed and it self-pollinated, it seems unlikely because its only been 20 days, so I don't think the balls on any of them were mature enough to release any pollen.

Maybe they are pollen sacks and not seeds. I think that would be a worse situation.

I posted another thread in the Marijuana Plant Problems forum so I'll probably get some opinions soon. Sacrificing one to check inside isn't a bad option though.

Anyway, here's another pic of shorty I forgot to include earlier.

I don't want this girl being pollinated, and I don't want to trash the hermie, so I'm going to try and find foster home where she/he can release all the pollen it wants and not contaminate my house. That is, unless my house is already contaminated...

Ugh, this sucks hardcore!


Well-Known Member
If I had to guess, I would guess that those bulges arent seeds, but then again its just a guess, my bagseed plant didnt have any bulges like that, eventhough it did have a seed or 2...

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
If I had to guess, I would guess that those bulges arent seeds, but then again its just a guess, my bagseed plant didnt have any bulges like that, eventhough it did have a seed or 2...
Well I'm going to leave them be for the moment and wait for some input. I'd be ok with a seed or two, but there are 8 or so bulges already, and we're only 1/4 through flower...

I'm gonna get a little high, work on a paper, and try to forget about it for a while...:leaf:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I'm afraid I have bad news Jerry. Those are not seeds. Your buds are not developed enough to be forming seeds yet. Those are pollen sacs meaning you have another hermie on your hands. Even if you got seeds off these plants I wouldn't bother growing them out. You know enough about growing now that you can be pretty sure your plants won't die so I would invest in the best possible genetics you can get. It took me a year of growing to find out that genetics makes all the difference. And quality doesn't necessarilly mean expensive. The best strain in my garden can be had for $35 per ten seeds. And it is the dankest bud I have ever smoked. So I'm not saying to scrap anything, just that the sooner you start working with quality genetics the happier you will be.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I'm afraid I have bad news Jerry. Those are not seeds. Your buds are not developed enough to be forming seeds yet. Those are pollen sacs meaning you have another hermie on your hands. Even if you got seeds off these plants I wouldn't bother growing them out. You know enough about growing now that you can be pretty sure your plants won't die so I would invest in the best possible genetics you can get. It took me a year of growing to find out that genetics makes all the difference. And quality doesn't necessarilly mean expensive. The best strain in my garden can be had for $35 per ten seeds. And it is the dankest bud I have ever smoked. So I'm not saying to scrap anything, just that the sooner you start working with quality genetics the happier you will be.
Always the bearer of such bright news mared...just kidding! But really, if those are pollen sacks, then this bitch is out of my garden pronto. She/he was looking good too...nice bud formation and everything. Oh well.

I'm going to try and take to a friends house and let it just do its thing there under some cfls. Or, I'll just scrap the bitch. That sucks hardcore. Every time I get attached to a plant, I have to kill it.

You are totally right about the genetics thing though. I've known this all along, but I don't have anywhere to ship the seeds. I'm not in a medicinally-legal state, and I definitely don't want it shipped here. I'm working on it though, don't you worry...

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
lookin uber nice brotha, i did the ghetto ac thing to, your is much nicer and i bet it works better. best of luck bra
Thanks man. I actually turned the damn thing off the other day b/c my cpu fans suck. I'm going to get some high-cfm cpu fans (around 100cfm) that really blow some air and it will help immensely. It does work though, mine just needs to work a little better as its getting hotter outside.