My first grow

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
lean something new everyday. i will deff use that idea when transplanting.

hey Jerry. is it ok ot go from dixie dup to the 3gal containers we both have.. or should i go a bit smaller?
Going straight to the 3 gal containers is preferable, because the fewer transplants you make the less stress...for future reference (and I wish I had done this when I started) you can start in as large a container as you have available. So yeah, go right into the big ones (I love those pots by the way...they sure are heavy though when full of wet soil!).

Im sorry to hear about all those males ... 3 out of 11 i females is tough.

But there are some news... those 3 plants are looking really nice, you could see how healthy they are from the root mass, and they are going to grow a lot in the next few weeks.
3 of 11 females does kinda suck balls...I really thought those other 2 were going to be female too...

Oh well, what can you do right? I'm happy to have a couple, and now they will get all the space and light they need.

The big girl got too zealous overnight and grew into one cfl this morning...doh...singed the tip a little, but minor damage compared to what I've done to her already (I will never forgive myself for allowing a light to fall...)

I was pretty happy seeing the root mass, but I figured it was getting pretty tight in there with the amount of water they were starting to consume. I'm going to have to drop the shelf AGAIN I think--those pots add an extra 6 inches, and they just keep on growing! Sucks, because now I have to find an alternative spot for my cooler a/c unit...damn...I've got a week or so until then I think

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Not much that I didn't already say. Plants responded well to transplant. Temps are doing fine.

I decided to germinate some more seeds. I'm going to grow them 12/12 all the way from seed. I figure I can grow 6, maybe 9 more plants in the square black pots I used until transplant yesterday, and with my propensity toward growing male plants, I chose to germinate 17 seeds. So, another experiment. They will grow in the same room as the others, I'll just add a shelf for them to be closer to the light. I've read people average ~1oz per plant using this technique...

Anyway, here are some pics.

That's all for now.

Latin Weed Grower!

Active Member
Howdy Jerry Garcia!

Uauu.....really going for it man, but if I may say that somedays we hope they would go faster or whatever and then we take some steps that we may regret in the future for merely not having ebough room if they come all nicely, imagine.......Keep a positive vibration to FEMALES ONLY........Good Luck man.......I'm following.....

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
I was wondering whats the PH balance of your soil and what water are u giving the plants the leaves are looking a bit droopy. This because the ph balance of the soil might be a bit low or high.


Well-Known Member
Going straight to the 3 gal containers is preferable, because the fewer transplants you make the less stress...for future reference (and I wish I had done this when I started) you can start in as large a container as you have available. So yeah, go right into the big ones (I love those pots by the way...they sure are heavy though when full of wet soil!).

3 of 11 females does kinda suck balls...I really thought those other 2 were going to be female too...

Oh well, what can you do right? I'm happy to have a couple, and now they will get all the space and light they need.

The big girl got too zealous overnight and grew into one cfl this morning...doh...singed the tip a little, but minor damage compared to what I've done to her already (I will never forgive myself for allowing a light to fall...)

I was pretty happy seeing the root mass, but I figured it was getting pretty tight in there with the amount of water they were starting to consume. I'm going to have to drop the shelf AGAIN I think--those pots add an extra 6 inches, and they just keep on growing! Sucks, because now I have to find an alternative spot for my cooler a/c unit...damn...I've got a week or so until then I think

Jerry, don´t feel too bad about dropping that light back then. I did the same, it took out half my bagseed plant im going to harvest soon.

I read somewhere that letting your plants "outgrow" their pots a little bit is a good thing, since it ensures a tight root mas for flowering that will expand and fully utilize the soil. How accurate this is .... im not sure, but anyway those roots looked great.

Also think its a great idea that you are going t 12/12 with those new seeds from the start, sure the plants wont be as big, but if you got the extra space why not use it... and yeah there is a thread here about somebody going 12/12 from start to finish trying to get 1 oz per plant...

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I don't know about this 12/12 from seed thing. To be honest I would like to see Jerry try it to see what happens but I would never do it myself. Even at 12/12 it will take at least two weeks for the plants to become sexually mature and start flowering. So all that time they would have been in veg mode either way but by doing 12/12 you are cheating them out of 6 hours of light per day they really need. So yea I thought the timing of flower for your first plants is about as early as I would do it. But like I said, don't let me stop you. I want to see what happens. My prediction is the plants won't be any shorter but rather more stringy and stretched out.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I was wondering whats the PH balance of your soil and what water are u giving the plants the leaves are looking a bit droopy. This because the ph balance of the soil might be a bit low or high.
Thanks for coming by evil buddies!

The soil ph had been around 6.5 for the first month or so, and then I returned the ph meter I was using because it never seemed to change at all (it was around 6.5 before even inserting into the soil). I recently got a liquid ph test, which I plan on using for runof after watering (and for the water I am now administering--I had been using distilled water, but purchased a brita filter and bottle that water because its cheaper). I should really try to dial in the ph a little more accurately, especially because I haven't done much in the way of monitoring it after I switched to tiger bloom nutes, which foxfarm says can lower ph. Any suggestions/comments are always welcome! Thanks again for checking out my grow!

Jerry, don´t feel too bad about dropping that light back then. I did the same, it took out half my bagseed plant im going to harvest soon.

I read somewhere that letting your plants "outgrow" their pots a little bit is a good thing, since it ensures a tight root mas for flowering that will expand and fully utilize the soil. How accurate this is .... im not sure, but anyway those roots looked great.

Also think its a great idea that you are going t 12/12 with those new seeds from the start, sure the plants wont be as big, but if you got the extra space why not use it... and yeah there is a thread here about somebody going 12/12 from start to finish trying to get 1 oz per plant...
I don't know about this 12/12 from seed thing. To be honest I would like to see Jerry try it to see what happens but I would never do it myself. Even at 12/12 it will take at least two weeks for the plants to become sexually mature and start flowering. So all that time they would have been in veg mode either way but by doing 12/12 you are cheating them out of 6 hours of light per day they really need. So yea I thought the timing of flower for your first plants is about as early as I would do it. But like I said, don't let me stop you. I want to see what happens. My prediction is the plants won't be any shorter but rather more stringy and stretched out.
Some good points all around. Check out these two links of other 12/12 from seed grows...

These show some pretty promising results. However, as mared said, they are stringy and they are pretty stretched out. But here is why I'm thinking of trying it on my grow--I can. I've got some extra seeds, I've got some extra space in my flower room, and I like experimenting with things for the experience.

Now, mared, you are totally right they will be deprived of 6 hours of crucial light from the get go--but my thinking is it will make them show sex a little more quickly. I am germinating something like 19 seeds right now, which is way more than I know what to do with, but I started with 11 last time and finished with 3. If I start with 19 and get 19 females, I'll have to make more room I guess. But I don't see that happening.

I will probably take half of the seeds I'm germinating and put them in the 12/12 from the get-go. I've all but completed the veg chamber above the flower, and will put the remaining seeds up there to grow normally.

My space is just really limited, and I'm trying to figure out how to effectively get the most plants and the most yeild with what I've got. I figure the 12/12 space is going to waste at the moment, so why not experiment and a have a little fun? If they turn out spindly and shitty, well I didn't waste much on them in the first place (except soil and a bit of nutes...), so its all good! And if they turn out good...bonus!

Thanks to everyone checking out my journal, and especially those who comment! I highly value any/all input! Keep it coming!

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Today marks the completion of week two of flower, ~7 weeks since germination. Crazy how the time has flown by. The girls are looking good. The tall one has lots of bud sites along the main stem, and few lower ones as well. The wide girl is developing many sites as well, though a little slower than the tall one. After having its middle layer of foliage removed 2 weeks ago, the short girl (finally confirmed a girl, though I knew already) is starting to show multiple bud sites (~9) at the lower levels. I've raised the hps probably twice in the last 36 hours because the tall one is 21" as of 11:30 this morning. I turned on two more cfls that are now over the short girl, and the temp has been holding at ~83.

The humidity, which I thought was a problem before, seems to hover around 39%, which should be ideal going forward with bud formation. I'm concerned it might get a bit more humid at night than I want, as it has done that in the past, so I may need to find a way to bring it down. But, for right now, I think it's doing good.

I do have a new concern, though, and it could be disastrous...the big girl may have gone HERMIE! NOOOOOOO!

While it may be a little premature to tell, there are two dangly balls hanging from two lower/middle nodes. It is possible they will sprout hairs, but I've seen a lot of balls recently, ane it looks pretty comparable. I'm not sure what caused it--maybe stress from dropping the light? It's right in the area where it happened. The lower sections of all the plants have been getting excellent light coverage from the the 65w cfl that is on a bendy thing. I stick it in the now-exposed section of the stem where the light fell, trying to promote undergrowth/lower bud development, and I think it works pretty well. The t5's are also coming in handy now, as the tops are just starting to stretch past them. The 26w cfls on the other side are also doing a nice job getting the middle sections of all plants. There is light shining in just about ever crevice I can find...and yet I know I can fit more. Later for that thought.

So, I may have a hermie. I'm going to give it until tomorrow to sprout hairs, and then I'm snipping them off. It's going to be tough, but I'm going to have to be vigilant to make sure none of the balls burst open and pollenate the other bitches.

I just checked the ph of the filtered tap water and its 7.6, which is a little high I think. I'll have to get some distilled water and check the ph of that. And we'll see what happens with the runoff ph after I water next. Maybe I'll do an experiment to try and figure it out before I feed them...

Anyway, enough rambling, here are the pics!

The "Tall" girl. Not sure why those middle nodes stretched like that, she was never that far away from the light. The ruler blocks it in this shot, but the lower nodes are much tighter spaced. She's looking good though.

Here's one of her top

The "Wide" girl. Always lookin a little droopy...wonder if its from the ph? I'll be working on that situation

Here's the side where the light fell. Lots of little bud sites going on down there.

Here are what I'm presuming to be balls.

Looks pretty ballish to me (ignore that little white hair, it's from the cat)

One side of the "Short" girl, with lots of lower bud sites forming.

Here's the other side

And some close ups of the tops...I think is shorty

I think this is the Wide girl

This one must be the tall girl then...

So, the rewarding part of the adventure finally begins! I'm trying to get as much light to every bud site that I can, and I'll probably construct some sort of stand to affix some cfls. We'll see what happens.

Haven't checked the seeds yet...some have probably already cracked, but I'm going to wait just for fun.

I had a thought about the 12/12 from seed girls...why not just top them above the second node to make 4 main colas? Might keep them a little shorter? Just a thought.

Here's how the girls now while in their setup. You can see the many levels of light described above--hps on top, t5's on the left near the tops, 26w cfls in the middle, and the 65w big guy on the bottom. Good coverage so far I think. But, could be better, so I'll try to do that.

There you have it. Feedback is always welcome!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem with my mystery plant saw about 2 balls in the bottom of a stem... I just plucked them.

Plants are looking nice.

Also, I don´t know but I imagine that if you top a plant that is in flower, it might be very small when it stops stretching, dont know for sure though.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Oh no! The dreaded hermie! I think I told you about the experience I had with my first grow. Maybe that was someone else I told... Anyway I was super excited because apparently I had 8 out of 10 plants from seed turn out female. One by one those phuckers went hermie until I was left with only two true females. It was horrible. And I was confident that I hadn't stressed them bad at all. Some strains have a lot stronger tendency to herm. Sometimes you don't have to do anything wrong for it to happen escpecially with bagseed. But you're definitely looking at balls in those pics. The worst thing about hermies is deciding whether or not to kill them. Males are an easy decision. But hermies will provide you with smokeable bud and also some seeds (which doesn't matter as much with bagseed). However, they will also pollinate all your females. You can try to remove pollen sacs as you see them but the reason sensimilia (non-pollinated female bud) is such superior smoke is because the plant produces massive amounts of resin and THC as it "cries out" for pollen. The flowering females want pollen so bad they will look for any excuse to find it. This includes full females producing bannanas or single pollen sacs very late in flower (very common even with the best quality genetics). So what I'm saying is best of luck but I think pollination is inevitable. When buds build on top of each other you won't want to go pulling them apart to inspect for pollen sacs. If you keep it to a minimum that is okay but every seed produced takes away from the quality and quantity of bud. On the other hand, if you decide to kill hermie plants and one by one your plants go herm you won't have any left. It sucks I know. What I would do is continue with the removal of any male parts until you really know how solid your females are (maybe another week). If you have the two others as solid fems I would consider separating or killing the herm.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Thanks mared, though that is some shitty news. I thought if I was diligent with the sacks I could remove them all, but I didn't consider they might be growing inside the buds! This is quite a predicament, because I REALLY don't want pollen, but at the same time I really want some bud to smoke! Maybe I'll try to find someone else to finish off the plant so I can keep the other girls pollen-free.

I'm pretty sure the tall girl isn't going to have any problems, but the short one certainly got stressed, so I wouldn't be shocked...ugh, this sucks. Well, I'm going to pluck some balls right now and just monitor the situation...

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I had the same problem with my mystery plant saw about 2 balls in the bottom of a stem... I just plucked them.

Plants are looking nice.

Also, I don´t know but I imagine that if you top a plant that is in flower, it might be very small when it stops stretching, dont know for sure though.
Be careful with that mystery mared's post about it above^^^, you don't want pollen fucking up those other girls!

I was going to top according to uncle ben's guidelines, and I figured if it was only 5-6 nodes it would be early enough not to slow down height development too much...

Things change everyday, so I don't know exactly how I'm going to approach adding more plants, but clearly it needs to be done! I'll let you guys know as I figure it out.

Thanks for the advice!


Well-Known Member
Be careful with that mystery mared's post about it above^^^, you don't want pollen fucking up those other girls!

I was going to top according to uncle ben's guidelines, and I figured if it was only 5-6 nodes it would be early enough not to slow down height development too much...

Things change everyday, so I don't know exactly how I'm going to approach adding more plants, but clearly it needs to be done! I'll let you guys know as I figure it out.

Thanks for the advice!
Yeah... I read what Mared said... and and yeah it sucks... I´m not sure mine is a hermie but if it is... I got to keeo her and remove anything that might look like a ball cause all my other plants have been turning out male...

Here is an inexpensive idea for you...
Instead of filling your empty space with seedlings and going 12/12...

You already have extra cfl... you could use each extra bulb for each seedling by putting the bulb vey close to the plant and letting them grow in a separate room on 24/7... once they grow a bit toss them in the flower closet...

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Yeah... I read what Mared said... and and yeah it sucks... I´m not sure mine is a hermie but if it is... I got to keeo her and remove anything that might look like a ball cause all my other plants have been turning out male...

Here is an inexpensive idea for you...
Instead of filling your empty space with seedlings and going 12/12...

You already have extra cfl... you could use each extra bulb for each seedling by putting the bulb vey close to the plant and letting them grow in a separate room on 24/7... once they grow a bit toss them in the flower closet...
I know how you feel! I NEED to get some feminized seeds so I can stop fucking with these males!

You've pretty much hit the nail on the head with what I'm planning on doing. I've got plenty of cfl's lying around now in BOTH spectrums, so a few will go straight into the flower room and the rest will get some 24/0 or 18/6 daylight for at least a week or two. It's like starting my second grow while still on my first!

I found a ball on the tall girl this morning :-(. I plucked the one off her and the two off the other girl. Sucks hardcore!


Well-Known Member
I know how you feel! I NEED to get some feminized seeds so I can stop fucking with these males!

You've pretty much hit the nail on the head with what I'm planning on doing. I've got plenty of cfl's lying around now in BOTH spectrums, so a few will go straight into the flower room and the rest will get some 24/0 or 18/6 daylight for at least a week or two. It's like starting my second grow while still on my first!

I found a ball on the tall girl this morning :-(. I plucked the one off her and the two off the other girl. Sucks hardcore!

Yeah...sigh... start out thinking that your grow is going to be a certain way... and then you find yourself in the middle of it changing your plans around cause something happened...

I´m thinking the same thing and getting some feminized seeds for my next grow...

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Just a brief update on pics yet, but later today I'll get some up.

Plants are looking good. The tall one keeps on growing. I've raised the lights as high as they will go. I'm going to have to raise the shelf from which the lights hang as opposed to dropping the lower shelf, as I need to fit my cooler a/c unit underneath the bottom shelf. It's going to reduce the space of my veg room, but I'm not even using it yet.

Seeds--about 7 have sprouted roots to various lengths. None have been planted yet. A couple started to develop this web-like substance (which I attributed to be mold) and were tossed out. I changed the paper towel, plate, and bowl to clean ones for the remaining seeds. Gonna have to throw them in some plastic cups soon (except for the few that are going straight to 12/12, which I'm putting in the black plastic containers I used previously).

Buds are looking nice, especially on the tall girl! No sign of any more balls developing, though I have yet to thoroughly inspect the situation today. The other two plants are also looking good. Pics to come later. Happy friday!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Just a brief update on pics yet, but later today I'll get some up.

Plants are looking good. The tall one keeps on growing. I've raised the lights as high as they will go. I'm going to have to raise the shelf from which the lights hang as opposed to dropping the lower shelf, as I need to fit my cooler a/c unit underneath the bottom shelf. It's going to reduce the space of my veg room, but I'm not even using it yet.

Seeds--about 7 have sprouted roots to various lengths. None have been planted yet. A couple started to develop this web-like substance (which I attributed to be mold) and were tossed out. I changed the paper towel, plate, and bowl to clean ones for the remaining seeds. Gonna have to throw them in some plastic cups soon (except for the few that are going straight to 12/12, which I'm putting in the black plastic containers I used previously).

Buds are looking nice, especially on the tall girl! No sign of any more balls developing, though I have yet to thoroughly inspect the situation today. The other two plants are also looking good. Pics to come later. Happy friday!:leaf:
How tall are your plants now ?
The thing is that, my last plant I put in flower more than tripled in height after being put in flower... so thats a problem...

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
How tall are your plants now ?
The thing is that, my last plant I put in flower more than tripled in height after being put in flower... so thats a problem...
Well, the big girl was 22" yesterday afternoon I think. She's easily 23" today, though I haven't yet measured. The wide girl is probably around 18" and shorty is maybe 12." I'll post some accurate measurements later today with the pics!

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Things are going well. It is warm outside today, so temps started to hit the high 80's/low 90's. I cut off the cfls for the last hour of daytime.

I'm completely out of space vertical space. I'm going to cut some wood tonight, then by tomorrow morning be ready to move the shelf up.

Seeds have germinated with some roots ~1" so they will get planted tomorrow. I got 24oz clear plastic cups that are deeper than the standard 18oz red and blue beer cups. I'm going to wrap the cup in duct tape to block light from the roots.


Tall Girl

Tall girl's top


Shorty's top

Wide Girl

Wide girl's top

That's it for today.

As always, lots to do tomorrow.:leaf: