Husband is gone - need help carrying on

I agree.....something is not right....If the husband is a grower then likely he knows about this sight and well.... enough said. Way too much info...imo....Maybe I wasn't smaart enough to have a crazy lady in distress story to have the best follow along for info and complete outgoing assistance. lol....maybe not.....
chill out wondong fuck learn from mistakes she wants to throw her info aorund on the net so be it she knows the risks

spoken like a true blackman who has done time... learn from mistakes lol a mistake in this game can cost you more than you want to learn!! Nice avatar,

wontime aka
slob killa!
chill out wondong fuck learn from mistakes she wants to throw her info aorund on the net so be it she knows the risks

ok, so f it, tell her how to grow and let her keep dropping hints about who she is, not my problem, besides people wouldnt do anything like try to track down a stash of freshly harvested bud, obviously a decent yield judging from all the INFO ive processed, but you are right, she should learn the hard way, on the wrong end of a home invasion or worse DRUG BUST.......
ya that will teach her..... whatadoosh!!

Sharon good luck and welcome to weed beach, the sharks are always circling!!
Guy's, I am not looking for a man. At least not for awhile. Though I would I appreciate some info on anyone who has had some real expierence with the autoflowering seeds or the feminized seeds. I am little unsure of handling the workload of picking out males.
Though the regular seeds are so much cheaper it's a confusing choice.
Once this adventure is all done and my restaurant is up and running all drop you guy''s a line and you can come buy for a free meal.
personaly i would stay away from auto flower. there going to do what they want as flowering goes. no control so you cant get plant hight . this is from my exp.
man get off this poor womans leg, shes here for information on growing not looking to date. give her a break she just got rid aof a dush bag she said she don't need one now.
ok, so f it, tell her how to grow and let her keep dropping hints about who she is, not my problem, besides people wouldnt do anything like try to track down a stash of freshly harvested bud, obviously a decent yield judging from all the INFO ive processed, but you are right, she should learn the hard way, on the wrong end of a home invasion or worse DRUG BUST.......
ya that will teach her..... whatadoosh!!

Sharon good luck and welcome to weed beach, the sharks are always circling!!

I know its important to be paranoid wontime but your too paranoid :shock: And btw I learned more about her from reading your posts than I did from reading her posts. So just chill and ask a friend to give you a :hug: .... :shock: :hump::blsmoke:
I know its important to be paranoid wontime but your too paranoid :shock: And btw I learned more about her from reading your posts than I did from reading her posts. So just chill and ask a friend to give you a :hug: .... :shock: :hump::blsmoke:
that proves MY point and your lack of intelligence,i only met her in this thread so i got all my info from HER posts my friend theres really no such thing as too paranoid when you're talking your freedom and your life especially a lady, ask the craigslist killer.....
Im all for internet safety and keeping people healthy happy and high, if she cant post a thread without getting practicaly proposed to, then theres a chance someone could take it too far, and thats NOT BEING TOO PARANOID!!!

PLEASE you're is the contraction for you are as in you're too paranoid, that shit annoys the hell out of me!!!
Play at Cloning, no harm done. Don't change lighting. Maintain present course Captain, if it's not broken, don't fix it. Why revert to veg. state, anyway. Clones can be placed elsewhere. Make sure no light is exposed to the plants when they are in the dark time. Good luck. any confussion, whatever FDD says, run with it. A clear plastic dome is what I use for cloning. 100% vecimulite, rooting gel. Any piece of shit light will do for 12 hours, the other 12, in with the Mamma's.
Wow I have been watching this for a while and have been laughing quietly. This is bordering on predatory ie(" info i've processed") Not my post . This woman is trying to get info about her grow ( and is also flirting her way through) 2way street. I wish I had this much help in my first grow but hey more power to ya
Wow I have been watching this for a while and have been laughing quietly. This is bordering on predatory ie(" info i've processed") Not my post . This woman is trying to get info about her grow ( and is also flirting her way through) 2way street. I wish I had this much help in my first grow but hey more power to ya

predatory? its called reading comprehension man, i read what she posted, sorry I am new to growing so i cant really advise her but im not new to the game so just wanted to help where i could, now im a predator, unreal!!!
cops are predators on the weak, so be one of the weak ones i dont care!!

BOTTOM LINE IF THIS THREAD WAS STARTED BY STAN and STAN was posting shit that could lead to him you would be all over him, but your lil penis makes you think you HAVE to coddle her and tell her everythings going to be ok, when if you have half a brain you gotta KNOW that continiuing a GROW after you divorce your husband is a recipe for disaster, im a guy, i have a wife and if we split, theres no way id let my ex and some new dude lay up in my house growin and smokin my dope, there will be trouble, so if you can ask your dicks to let you use your brains, you HAVE TO KNOW that growing where your WORSE enemy KNOWS is about as dumb as dumb can be,
GUY that will solicit sex from neighbor kid, oh ya im sure he will take the high road on his stash!!
alirght wongdong chill out hommie you are pretty big sketch bag as for the harmless flirting was what do you expect its not every day a chick posts about growing weed who wouldnt wanna snatch that up put two things i love to do together know what im sayin man... and the whole black thing ...doin time.... your class man i cant belive how bad people can take things WE ARE ALL STONERS SO IF YOU EVER FEEL LIKE YOUR GETTING WORKED UP THINK ABOUT OUR ROOTS WE ARE STONERS SO CHILL THE FUCK OUT!! grow up a bit while you do that...p.s im not black nor have i done time ILL BILLS WHITE YOU STUPID SHIT!
that proves MY point and your lack of intelligence,i only met her in this thread so i got all my info from HER posts my friend theres really no such thing as too paranoid when you're talking your freedom and your life especially a lady, ask the craigslist killer.....
Im all for internet safety and keeping people healthy happy and high, if she cant post a thread without getting practicaly proposed to, then theres a chance someone could take it too far, and thats NOT BEING TOO PARANOID!!!

PLEASE you're is the contraction for you are as in you're too paranoid, that shit annoys the hell out of me!!!
That's funny you would mention the craigs list killer in 1 of your posts. You follow that closely right? "theres a chance someone could take it too far " sounds like a resume to me. STALKER!!!!!
I want to thank you guy's. I looked at the views at my post and I'm amazed (compared to the others)
There are some genuine gentlemen here. You guy's are great.
I want to thank-you guy's truly. I will let my sister know once I really get going. I will keep it between my brother and sister. I have begun a plan and I am getting the QuickBooks. I feel so excited.

I am thinking of setup my growing room like this:
how to grow marijuana at home-part 2

As close to it as possible. I like the clean, clear look and how they go step by step (with my own minor changes) using my den as a cloning room and shed for flowering..thanks for the youtube link...amazing.

As for seeds I am debating between these 4:

Thanks for the seed link. I am only going to buy one type. Noting my lack of experience, I think focusing on just one strain will make it easier for me to spot males and problem plants easier.

As for my husband, that piece of garbage couldn’t use a computer to save his life. We spent at least $500+ on seeds to get 14 females. He had been at it for over 6 months . We spent at least a $100 just on pots. First the pots where to big...than to small..than he drilled holes in the bottom of all my file folders..then he discovered grow bags we replanted again..Every time we went to a garden store and he explained to the clerk he was growing "tomatoes"...They would give him a new soil or pot idea and we would start again.
I have a Canadian tire green house that took him 2 days to assemble (he wanted to keep it in the backyard for a while, save money on the lights and electricity..until he debated whether or not the neighbours would steal the weed or call the cops). We went to home depot to get cheap single fluorescents..than bigger more expensive fluorescent..than he discovered the 400w . It was a nightmare.
Truly, I have learned more here in a day from you guy's than he knows period. I can't believe I followed him around store to store. We went to Wal-Mart about 10 times just to pick up dirt..first cheap dirt..than some guy told him about miracle grow..than peat moss..than vermiculite..what a nightmare. I can tell you every soil Wal-Mart carry's and the cost from memory.
We went back and forth to Toronto at least 8 times just to buy seeds. We must of bought at least 80 seeds (I am not even going to get into the germination saga)
I want to thank you guy's, truly. I am going to get the pics to you soon. I may setup a grow journal. I have been reading through them and there great.
Sharon :)
alirght wongdong chill out hommie you are pretty big sketch bag as for the harmless flirting was what do you expect its not every day a chick posts about growing weed who wouldnt wanna snatch that up put two things i love to do together know what im sayin man... and the whole black thing ...doin time.... your class man i cant belive how bad people can take things WE ARE ALL STONERS SO IF YOU EVER FEEL LIKE YOUR GETTING WORKED UP THINK ABOUT OUR ROOTS WE ARE STONERS SO CHILL THE FUCK OUT!! grow up a bit while you do that...p.s im not black nor have i done time ILL BILLS WHITE YOU STUPID SHIT!

first day reading? I said SPOKEN like a blackman, as the prisons are filled with blackmen that have to learn things the hardway, as to the rest. go get him, i got 2 girlfriends and a wife on the side i dont care who you flirt with DUDE!! you are an internet mackdaddy!! suck my wondong!!!!!
first day reading? I said SPOKEN like a blackman, as the prisons are filled with blackmen that have to learn things the hardway, as to the rest. go get him, i got 2 girlfriends and a wife on the side i dont care who you flirt with DUDE!! you are an internet mackdaddy!! suck my wondong!!!!!

you need to quietly walk away. thank you. :peace::joint::joint:
thats the spirt champ we can all be freinds it get to where a sweet crown for being the INTERNET MACKDADY! lol bumb rep deffinatly earned it
That's funny you would mention the craigs list killer in 1 of your posts. You follow that closely right? "theres a chance someone could take it too far " sounds like a resume to me. STALKER!!!!!
werent you the one that said something about the public being informed? i watch the news, but thanks for proving my point as you dont know if i am a stalker or not, thats the point i was trying to make, thanks for your help, i think you understand now, we just had to take the shortbus to get there!