starting outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
no more lights will be added at this point. Plants are going to slowly be put outside besides maybe 10-20. I have 120 watts worth of florescent lights for the plants. Many are doing awesome. Some smaller ones were killed today to make room for new seedlings which are growing very quickly.
Those will be fine so long as they are in fact getting abundant light. A cheap and easy light is a 65 watt Flourex Flood Light available at most hardware stores. Or, it looks like a 3 foot dual-tube florescent shop light would work, get the bulbs that say they are good for aquariums or plants, they should have a blue or reddish hue.


Well-Known Member
new seedlings were transplanted to larger pots yesterday. 6 more plants will go outside. Im experimenting with location outside. Some plants are being put close to swamp area and some are a little farther away. Soil close to swamp is more moist than soil away. Not sure if it will make a difference or not. We'll see theres still plenty more to go out.


Well-Known Member
Here are a couple thoughts i would like some advice on. I have a lizard, i have heard that his shit may have good nutrients in it. Would it be a good idea to mix some of its shit in some of the holes i have outside for added nutrients. I am also intending on setting light cycle back to induce flowering this week. It is currently on 18 hours light and 6 hours dark. I want to put it on at least 14 hours light 10 hours dark. If i am going to induce budding, should i wait until the light starts to get shorter to put plants outside. If i did this it would already be starting to grow buds, and then the light getting even shorter would hopefully make it continue budding from the end of june til its done. Would this make them finish sooner. I was also reading that if the plant is mature enough to begin budding it will show signs of sex without inducing a shorter light cycle. If this is true then my plants should start showing that soon because they are now about a month old. Let me know what you think. thanks


Well-Known Member
depends on where you are, and your outdoor sites purely. I wouldn't mix in my lizard shit at all..... 13/11 will cause flowering..... 14/10 should stay in veg. ...... why not let them veg some outside before the natural flower season starts? You could flower a few smaller ones inside for an earlier harvest, or force flower a few outside that you have easy close access to... it all depends on your particular situation..


Well-Known Member
the reason i would want to force flowering would be to find out which ones are females and only put them out. I have 12 plants out already that were not sexed yet, and will be putting out another 20 that will not be sexed. Do you think it will slow down growing and decrease yield by sexing them inside and then putting them out when the days are still getting longer. If they were sexed inside then we would not know til the end of may what there sex is. So its only a matter of a few weeks difference between putting them out and keeping them inside budding until June 21.
depends on where you are, and your outdoor sites purely. I wouldn't mix in my lizard shit at all..... 13/11 will cause flowering..... 14/10 should stay in veg. ...... why not let them veg some outside before the natural flower season starts? You could flower a few smaller ones inside for an earlier harvest, or force flower a few outside that you have easy close access to... it all depends on your particular situation..


Well-Known Member
I myself do not do a whole lot with fertalizers. I have used a nutrient called vitagrow on some of my seedlings to help with root and stem strength. I have only used it once but even the next day it seemed to make a difference. In the past i have used fish emultion, which is basically fish shit and scales, its pretty nasty looking but plants love it. Im sure there are some posts on here if you really need to add some fertalizer. I think the organic soil mixture i am using with seaweed, baked bark, peatmoss and some other things is going to be fine for the time being. I wont worry about adding too much else until buds start to show, and then there are different nutrients that are ideal for the budding stage.
hey wut are the best chemicals to use to get the best results?

The Latent Image

Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke:I'm new to growing, just got my card. When should I top? I topped one to check it out. The other two are 14" . I'm lighting 24/7 daylight and cfl at night, at what point do I flower to sex the plants? Hoping for girls.
:weed:The last pic was a clone that budded too early. How long should I wait to harvest.



Active Member
Fer the clone make sure you dont harvest till a 1/3 of the trichs start turnin amber on u...thats when i start but you could always sample of course :joint:


Well-Known Member
Well it looks like they all are pretty bushy. I dont think you really need to top anymore unless height is an issue and you want to keep them small and bushy. You can expect them to grow about twice as big when flowering, so whenever you are close to half the height you want it to be. If these are going to stay indoors you need to purchase a timer that plugs into wall outlet and then you plug light into that to set a light schedule to force budding. At least 13 hours light and 11 hours dark is needed to induce budding. If you have the money investing in a better light for budding would be ideal, you would get a much better yield. Regarding the plant that is already budding you should wait until at least half of the white hairs have turned golden or red. The high will be based alot on the time you pick it, harvesting later will give you more of a couch lock feeling. Some people like that, others want to go out and do things when there stoned and then you may want to do it a little earlier. At least wait til hairs start to turn colors besides white.
:eyesmoke:I'm new to growing, just got my card. When should I top? I topped one to check it out. The other two are 14" . I'm lighting 24/7 daylight and cfl at night, at what point do I flower to sex the plants? Hoping for girls.
:weed:The last pic was a clone that budded too early. How long should I wait to harvest.

The Latent Image

Well-Known Member
:hump:Thanks for the advice. Heigth is not a problem. Can I force flowering to check sex and then put back to veg ? or just take clones and flower them.

:bigjoint:Today is a sunny day in Hawaii nei.


Well-Known Member
You can definitely force flowering to check for sex, but if you are doing it all inside i wouldnt bother, only force flowering when you actually want to get buds, in about of month of 12 light and 12 dark you will be able to tell sex then pull out the males. Once sex starts to show on females you can clone them, but i would not keep them under the same light or you will just have a bunch of little plants with buds, i would reveg clones on 18 hours light 6 hours dark
:hump:Thanks for the advice. Heigth is not a problem. Can I force flowering to check sex and then put back to veg ? or just take clones and flower them.

:bigjoint:Today is a sunny day in Hawaii nei.


Well-Known Member
I have some new pics, we have 6 plants from the first round still going that are looking awesome, and about 20 or so from the new round of seedlings, some are doing very well. Had to do some rearranging to make room and make sure plants get enough light and are close enough



Well-Known Member
lol, i had 3 paper towels, my bad, so there were 30-45 seeds to start with, so it was only about a 70% success rate.


Well-Known Member
so i believe i have done the right thing by using an organic soil mixture for the holes outside. I was just reading the organic section of this site, and there are so many things people are saying are good to add. When would be good to add anything to the soil, and what should i add. I would like to keep it organic, and would really only like to add things that will make plant stronger and possibly increase yield. Is it even necessary with it being outside. I am sure the surrounding soil is very good because there is tons of vegetation starting to come up. The only thing i have added in the past that i may invest in again has been fish emulsion, and i have grown some very successful plants outside with it. I also do not want to add anything that will attract more bugs, slugs or animals. There are tons of deer around, and have not had any plants this year troubled by them. A couple of the outside plants have had some bugs eat holes in some leaves, but i guess this can be expected. A solution for bugs I have heard and tried in the past is taking warm water, adding some neem oil, and hemp soap to spray on leaves. It makes them almost waxy and bugs will not eat the leaves. Havent tried this yet because it has not been a huge problem. Just some thoughts, I want the best possible results.


Well-Known Member
Today I purchased some bat guano and also some organic fish and seaweed fertalizer. I am not intending on using both at the same time, because i dont want to fry my plants. I will mix a little of the bat guano into the holes i have dug for when when i transplant more plants outside. I will probably not use the fertalizer until after the plants are outside because the stuff stinks, and i dont know if i can handle that smell in my house. Any suggestions on use would be great


Well-Known Member
6 plants have been put on a 12/12 light cycle to force budding(going on 3rd day). As soon as sex is shown it will be switched back to 18/6 for a week or two and then put outside. Some plants have been topped once, and depending on size after sexing I will attempt to take some clones off of the females. New seedlings are doing awesome, only had a couple that werent doing so well. Many seedlings have there first set of 3 tipped leaves going. These seedlings will not be put outside until at least the middle of may, maybe towards the end. Should have at least 30 decent sized plants outdoors by June. I have a collection of hundreds of seeds that I am going to germinate, dig a large trench, maybe 20 ft long or so, a foot or two deep, and then put all these seeds in just for the hell of it. These will not be located anywhere near my other grow, and I will not even go check on it, for security purposes, until the fall when they should be done. Who knows maybe it will work out.


Well-Known Member
Went to go check on the plants outdoors, and 2 of them were gone. I had buried the containers with them and one was lying emptied out next to the spot. Am i compromised, I dont see how an animal would walk away with one of the containers. Im pretty sketched out.