lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro


Well-Known Member
Hey roll, thanks man. Ya, I love the upgrade to the 600w. Double the lumens with only 200 more watts. And for the same price as a 400w. If you can I would deffinitly go with a bigger space and get a 600 if you can. But the 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 is a great size for a 400. Little small for a 600 I think. I read somewhere that 75w per sq ft should be the most you should have. The flower space I have now is 5 1/2 x 3. But I made a movable panel and hung the light in a way so that I can move it side to side to ajust the size according to the plants I have in at a time. Right now it is 3x4 feet with 9 plants. I was going to use the 400 along with the 600 but get a new 400 ballast but I think I will get another 600 instead. Just so much more light for the price. And the 5 1/2 x 3 would be great with 1200w. I could grow plants 2-3 feet tall if I want. Still working on the method that I want to use for spacing. Still thinking 3 plants in a row with 6 rows giving me 18 plants. And doing a rotating harvest so I will be taking out 3 or 6 at a time. I'll try to get some pic today. I need to change the way the reflector is hanging to get a better spread of the light. This is the reflector I got. I wanted a big one. This one was pretty good for the price and has glass. Gotta have that to keep cool. I like a regular style reflector over a cool tube, just seems they would reflect the light better. http://www.nehydro.net/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=38_46&products_id=366&zenid=f7fcfc5a683fd4d237849fa6a056c3c7
Yea the 600 may be a bit much for the space i got right now, but we will see what happens...plus i got a badass exhaust fan that really sucks... heres what i got....



I got the TD150, same one my buddys got and it works great and is very quiet... Hurry up ups man, hurry...

And that alcohol law is crazy but just one more example of why you should smoke weed!!!! Soon the government will be taxing you on every breath of fresh air you take...fckin unreal, crazy world....i just wanna be left alone to grow my crops..:peace:

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Looks like you got some good stuff roll. Might look into a better bulb when you can, and keep that one for a back up. I've heard it can make a good difference. I just could not wait to order something, been waiting so long for those plants to finish and with cash in hand I was gone. I'm going to make another fan with some computer fans for mine. It's ok now but when it warms up I'll need more. I want to hook the other side of the reflector to outside air so I'm not sucking air out of the room and run a/c as needed. Here's a couple of pics, there's one before I changed it to the way it is now. I just said the hell with it and mylared the walls in the closet for maximum space. Just need the two to finish and go to market and get another 600w. I also plan to do another box for veg with a 600 or 400.



Well-Known Member
we dont have thermal imaging here or every house would be busted on my street. lol. here are my plants after a MAJOR mistake during growth. they officially grew under about 500 watts. i stopped the hps because the weather is getting hot. they were only used fr about a week on these. they are ready anyday now. ill be on more now. i was dating some crazy chick but im not anymore. lol. didnt realize how much i was neglecting my babies. lol. and i guess they look ok for how bad they got it for 2 weeks. a few ounces for sure. and ive harvested the runt and 1 huge bud that was more amber. anyday now. ive been separating the seeds by quality and which plant they came off of. through the runt seeds away. kept the resonous plants seeds as first. second will be the large plants. they grew nice but for the extra 4 inches of height i would rather have the shorter denser genes. and potency. but they all are very resinous. def dont listen to anyone saying this strain is weak. its literally as good as makes a difference. you get baked. but if you harvest after 60 days than prob very premature. mine are about 80 days. ive heard this from many. tony yeyo said his easily went over 70.

you did very well nursing them back to health. mine have come to a standstill as far as growth, don't know what the problem is. i flushed again yesterday, put some clay pellets in them today and added some light. i'm still waiting on my venting fan for my 400 hid.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
you did very well nursing them back to health. mine have come to a standstill as far as growth, don't know what the problem is. i flushed again yesterday, put some clay pellets in them today and added some light. i'm still waiting on my venting fan for my 400 hid.
Doesn't the waiting just suck sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't the waiting just suck sometimes.

well, i'm having a little trouble deciding what to do anyway, so not in a big rush for the fan. i was considering trying soil, but when i see all the components, it seems like i should just stay with hydro. i just got my new one one plant 5 gal. bucket dwc system and i haven't even used my 12 plant v-drip system yet. i was hoping my lowryders would turn around. also i may move to connecticut so i'll only have a limited time don't know if I could or should move the plants too.

your set up looks real nice and your plants look real healthy. do you measure the water temperature? i'm wondering if that makes a difference. i think i have algae growth, is this from high water temps?

i really need help... i'll post pics later, its just embarrassing. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Looks good hash..like a jungle in there... what kind of fan do you have cooling the 600?

Yea ill get a good bulb sometime in the future....the reg bulb should be ok for now...just got 5 new northern lighs x skunk feminized seeds tonight...just put them in a paper towel now....one of my white widows died...the other one is doing good and the pure power and now the northern lights, i should be ok for a bit..

How far along are they Wannabee?


Well-Known Member
Hopefully they will come around, got any pics? ive never checked my water temp, hmmm, whats a good water temp anyway?

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
High water temps can cause problems with root rot and other bad bacteria. 69-72 degrees is what I have seen the most. I'm working on a problem myself with it. 3 of mine have it but are turning around. I got a couple things for it. One is Hydroguard, but I see they don't sell it any more. I just got lucky and got the last bottle the hydro store. How's your roots look wannabee? Also got a bottle of Hygrozyme. The Hydroguard helps to protect the roots from bad stuff. And the Hygrozyme cleans up dead material. Just started to try them so no results to post yet. But I do plan to see what I can get from Advanced Nutrients to replace them since I want to change to all their stuff. Maybe.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
well, i'm having a little trouble deciding what to do anyway, so not in a big rush for the fan. i was considering trying soil, but when i see all the components, it seems like i should just stay with hydro. i just got my new one one plant 5 gal. bucket dwc system and i haven't even used my 12 plant v-drip system yet. i was hoping my lowryders would turn around. also i may move to connecticut so i'll only have a limited time don't know if I could or should move the plants too.

your set up looks real nice and your plants look real healthy. do you measure the water temperature? i'm wondering if that makes a difference. i think i have algae growth, is this from high water temps?

i really need help... i'll post pics later, its just embarrassing. :peace:
Algae is from light leaks. And I do check my water temp, I don't panic unless it goes over about 78 but like to see it about 70. I do feel safer with the Hydroguard though, I read it helped with problems from high water temps.


Well-Known Member
what is Hydroguard? I have been giving them nutes. One problem is that the roots are not yet reaching down into the water to get the nutes.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
You might try raising the water level to reach the roots. When getting them started sometimes I will have the water level above the bottom of the net pot. But if they are getting wet enough from the bubbles popping at the surface you should be good. This is a good thread on Hydroguard, it also talks about Hygrozyme and SM-90 also. Just put Hygrozyme in one plant yesterday and will report when something happens. Also got some SM-90 to have on hand if needed. Trying to prepare for the upcoming bug season too. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=5903


Well-Known Member
damn. i keep missing out in here. lol. been busy transfering the ownership of my car. its no longer sign and drive away like it should be. theyve come up with ways to nickel and dime you to death over about a week. my lowryders are doing pretty good again considering the mishap. will get a decent yield still.
wannabee- def just raise the water level to solve that prob. for higher temp res's and algae you can use hydrogen peroxide. 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons i think. but def double check that. i did it a few times on the hempstars. i think i put in the smallest amount i could physically put that the human eye could see and it helped. it also helps when your roots get slimy. makes them firm like horse hair again. but you shouldnt have a prob with that. i never used it for that really. if you feel there is something wrong and you know its not nute BURN and your ppms are good then you need to vary the ph slightly. if you keep the res at a constant ph with the same nutes you will always see this. unless the nutes were specifically designed for lowryder2 then some chemicals are for sure being used up at diff rates based on the ph. if you average your res to 5.7 and each res change go .2 in either direction it will even out the available nutes to the plants. there is a chart you can get that shows what gets absorbed most readily at each ph level. its really helpfull. thats what i diagnosed my mag def in the beginning with. my plants still got a def with strong nutes because the ph was 6.1 and would not allow the uptake of that mag. it was most readily available at 5.5. much lower. but dont fluctuate much. .2 either direction will be enough. and dont letpeople say 5.5 is too low for a week. many people are finding that 5.5 is great for hydro. the new strains like it apperently. not that i have any real proof of that. but thats what i would try. i watched a white widow grow by the seedbank that owns that strain and they let theres vary a bit. actually they varied the ph mostly based on age of the plant. its good info. forget the name but its on youtube and easily found. good luck.
and i have enough seeds almost to start my second grow of all females and 12 on each shelf. going to plant 3 seeds per peat puck.
Nobody ever answers when i ask if they ever have trouble with their seeds breaking the surface of rockwool? i planted my homemade cross in wool and they had trouble coming through just like at the beginning of this thread. i have nearly given up sprouting in rockwool. just going to muse pest from now on. but somebody let me know if its my brand or something. maybe to dense? but the large cubes work fine. damn when you type like a hundred words per minute your posts get long. lol. didnt even notice.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I've put as much as 3 oz per gallon of H2O2 in my res but only if I have a problem. It will evaporate out in a couple days so you need to keep adding it if you want it to keep working. But definitely do some research first and make your own decision. It's not always the best thing to use. For a couple of reasons. I have started seeds in some stuff called Stonewool, put out by B'cuzz. It's like rockwool but different. Germed in paper towel and then put in the plugs. The plugs are almost split in half so you just open them put the seed in like you want and close it. I also use them for cloning, they work great. Don't have to presoak like rockwool. I would recomend them. Kinda like these but the ones I have are round and come in a tray that you can use to start them.http://cgi.ebay.com/Grodan-Stonewool-AOk-Starter-Plugs-2-x2-sheet-of-50_W0QQitemZ260397725738QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item3ca0e9f82a&_trksid=p3286.m20.l1116


Well-Known Member
those are basically what im using. mine are split up the middle but i always have this prob. must be brand. even for clones sometimes mine form a root ball and its never breaks into the wool. doesnt matter as peat always does me proud but was just checking. but if i can get those next time im going to try them. once the plant is even an inch tall it has no problem in my wool but clones and seeds dont work well. i have a ton of peat ellets though. i threw out my cross seeds that sprouted as the lowryder are giving me seeds now. im saving them and going to plant next week. got my hpss and flouros setup and ready. another pump and new ress to. cost me only about 50 bucks. and i bought the large bottles of everythng i need so no dumb mistakes. cant wait to pick these.
also we should all post more pics. were all getting lazy. me the most. i'll admit it. lol. pics tonight for sure.