what Soil should i use...??


im totally new to growin bud, and was wondering what soil should i begin with...after i germinate my seeds i wanna know which soil is good to put them in, for easy, good results???


Well-Known Member
i heard about fox farm...should i use this throughout the whole growing cycle, from planting the seed...until its starting to bud..??? how often do i re-plant the plant, and put it into fresh soil..?
Yes, through out the grow cycle.
Repot as little as possible.
The more you do the more stess on plants.:peace:


Yes, through out the grow cycle.
Repot as little as possible.
The more you do the more stess on plants.:peace:
Cool thanks...iv read that after you germinate, you should plant seeds in a foam or plastic cup, then when the plants grows about 5 inches, you should re-pot. how big of a pot should i transfer it to??


Well-Known Member
remember roots do not like light. So once the lil one comes out of soil transplant into a plastic tall cup. Not foam. Then after a few weeks you can go ahead and just put her into a 3 gallon and leave her there. The more room the better, small amount of space can cause multiply problems.


remember roots do not like light. So once the lil one comes out of soil transplant into a plastic tall cup. Not foam. Then after a few weeks you can go ahead and just put her into a 3 gallon and leave her there. The more room the better, small amount of space can cause multiply problems.
Ok...so after i move the plant from the cup to the 3 gallon, i just leave it there...but how would i add fresh soil to it? or is that not necessary? Also, do you know if i should use fox farm soil only, without adding and extra ingredients...or will the fox farm alone suffice??


Well-Known Member
Your soil is good for the entire grow you dont need to add soil add any point. Perlite is the only think you need to cut the FF with.


Active Member
something i am doing is a equal mix of peat, vermiculite and perilite.
for planters i am using 16 oz plastic cups with 3 drilled 1/8 " hole then move
6 " grow grow bags then move to the 3 gallon grow bags.
so far it is working well for me


Well-Known Member
You don't need to add more soil. Your pots should get filled on transplant. You are going to be needing fert/nutes to feed your plants.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I would start in some rapid rooters. Then move to a coir/ocean forest/worm castings/ perlite mix. That sounds like a lot. It is not really and you will eventually have all that on hand if you want a good fun grow. You see, bobby, ocean forest is too "hot" for seeds and even clones. It will mangle them in weird ways for a while.

It is a good idea to "cut" the ocean forest with inert or mild substrates like worm castings (9$ a big bag) or coir (10$ a brick) to ease the little girls entry into this world.

After this ocean forest is a fine medium requiring little or no fert for a month or so. You can tell if it is "hot" or not by the number of organci ingreds they add that contain NPK.

start in a one gallon pot. when the roots show move to a 7 gallon. that is good advice. unless you sog. I got that from subcool who has a section in the organics section. this will give you large producing plants. if you are legal like me this is what is required to grow your meds right.

I for instance am using this. Ocean forest/organicare aeration mix/extra coir/extra wormcasts/perlite. I am shooting for water only so I am using blood bone and kelp mixed in. Or I would use soemthing simple like pure blend pro or BMO organics.

Have fun.


I would start in some rapid rooters. Then move to a coir/ocean forest/worm castings/ perlite mix. That sounds like a lot. It is not really and you will eventually have all that on hand if you want a good fun grow. You see, bobby, ocean forest is too "hot" for seeds and even clones. It will mangle them in weird ways for a while.

It is a good idea to "cut" the ocean forest with inert or mild substrates like worm castings (9$ a big bag) or coir (10$ a brick) to ease the little girls entry into this world.

After this ocean forest is a fine medium requiring little or no fert for a month or so. You can tell if it is "hot" or not by the number of organci ingreds they add that contain NPK.

start in a one gallon pot. when the roots show move to a 7 gallon. that is good advice. unless you sog. I got that from subcool who has a section in the organics section. this will give you large producing plants. if you are legal like me this is what is required to grow your meds right.

I for instance am using this. Ocean forest/organicare aeration mix/extra coir/extra wormcasts/perlite. I am shooting for water only so I am using blood bone and kelp mixed in. Or I would use soemthing simple like pure blend pro or BMO organics.

Have fun.
Sorry but all your saying doesnt make sense to me, im new at this. Is there a way to just use one type of soil for my grow, without any extra ingredients...can i use just 1 type of soil, water, and light???...


Well-Known Member
Yeah just add 20% perlite to FF Ocean Forest in a 3 gallon. Now that has enough nutes for 2 months, but you always add to it. Use Grow Big (ff) in veg, wonderful stuff, and Tiger Bloom in flower (2 weeks after 12/12). They suggest that what ever soil you start with you carry on till the end. You can always trasnfer to a 5 gallon after 2 months in veg then wait 2 weeks before going 12/12.


Well-Known Member
i use and recommend sunshine mix bag into 1 bag of fox farm ocean forest. fox farm is the best out there and it will cost you 20 bucks probably. its pretty strong stuff also, thats why i cut it with sunshine which has the perlite you most def. need. if you go with a bag of each of these, i promise you will be happy with your results. oh yhea, def. go 3 gallons


Well-Known Member
My local hydro shop have there own Eugene, Or based soil. It's roots Organic. They try and push that over FF saying they always get nute burn from FF soil. That's BS. I am not saying anything against any post here, I am just saying stores always lie to sell there own brand. I have always planted seeds in FF ocean forest and clones, never had a problem, never a burn. It is some strong stuff I will agree with SHotty.


My local hydro shop have there own Eugene, Or based soil. It's roots Organic. They try and push that over FF saying they always get nute burn from FF soil. That's BS. I am not saying anything against any post here, I am just saying stores always lie to sell there own brand. I have always planted seeds in FF ocean forest and clones, never had a problem, never a burn. It is some strong stuff I will agree with SHotty.
Ok..just so im clear...after i germinate the seeds, i place the seeds in a plastic cup with fox farm soil, thats mixed with perlite...then after a few weeks, re-pot it in a 3 gallon pot with the same mixture of soil...will this be enuff??


Well-Known Member
It can be, or you can add nutes. Its good for 2-3 months with out nutes. But I suggest Nutes. Either way its a learning curve, just watch what your doing and remember what works and what works better, when you can always go with what works better for you.