BigGravy I think you should go....
The reason I say this is well, because yeah your mom is acting like an ass by saying stuff like that, but how much better does that make you if you sink to her level of loathing and self pity? You say you want to change and not be like them and what not, so don't lower yourself and be like them. My mother and I haven't had the best relationship, there were a lot of things she did wrong to me, but I don't or have ever lowered myself to her level. I've always been the one to put the good foot forward and although it did hurt a lot sometimes doing that, I find the resentment isn't as hard as it would be if I lowered myself to her level.
If you want to be the one to change from your parents, don't go about it lowering yourself to their level, because once you're at their level you'll be able to see eye to eye with them.
Hope you sort this out dude, and I'm sorry that you're mother hurt you like that.