light 24/0 to 18/6


Active Member
2 weeks into veg and i changed light from 24/0 to 18/6, to encourage root growthand plant shows first signs of flower.Iwant to veg for a couple of weeks more,what can i do?


Well-Known Member
2 weeks into veg and i changed light from 24/0 to 18/6, to encourage root growthand plant shows first signs of flower.Iwant to veg for a couple of weeks more,what can i do?
No problem, your just seeing pre flowers which is normal. Just continue the 18/6 until your ready to flower.


Well-Known Member
yea just pre-flowers....... i do 24/0 for transplant for a week or to then do another 2-3 weeks of 18-6.. Pe@ce..


Well-Known Member
2 weeks into veg and i changed light from 24/0 to 18/6, to encourage root growthand plant shows first signs of flower.Iwant to veg for a couple of weeks more,what can i do?
just so you know, light = roots, not darkness. that's a myth, as roots are a product of photosynthesis as well. try it like this, put a light on one side of a box, and clones on both side. after 3 weeks, check the roots. plants closest to the light have a bigger better root structure than those further away.

hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
just so you know, light = roots, not darkness. that's a myth, as roots are a product of photosynthesis as well. try it like this, put a light on one side of a box, and clones on both side. after 3 weeks, check the roots. plants closest to the light have a bigger better root structure than those further away.

hope this helps.
foreal? your def. gonna have to back that up withs eom proof..


Well-Known Member
just so you know, light = roots, not darkness. that's a myth, as roots are a product of photosynthesis as well. try it like this, put a light on one side of a box, and clones on both side. after 3 weeks, check the roots. plants closest to the light have a bigger better root structure than those further away.

hope this helps.
Where did you come up with this? I mean on your own or where you told that lights are good for roots?
Do you ever wonder why most containers are black? Or why we make sure that after we water (soil) that we make sure the soil is covering the roots.
Roots do like, let me say it again, roots do not like the light.
Roots have hairs on them (root hairs) they are very dilicate and are easily damaged by light and air if exposed.


Well-Known Member
Where did you come up with this? I mean on your own or where you told that lights are good for roots?
Do you ever wonder why most containers are black? Or why we make sure that after we water (soil) that we make sure the soil is covering the roots.
Roots do like, let me say it again, roots do not like the light.
Roots have hairs on them (root hairs) they are very dilicate and are easily damaged by light and air if exposed.
read before you post, my dear. i never said anything about lighting the roots. i said light = roots, just as light = photosynthesis.

now, don't you feel silly?


Well-Known Member
just so you know, light = roots, not darkness. that's a myth, as roots are a product of photosynthesis as well. try it like this, put a light on one side of a box, and clones on both side. after 3 weeks, check the roots. plants closest to the light have a bigger better root structure than those further away.

hope this helps.
in case you missed it again, here's my post.

the question here is which to go; 18/6 or 24/0. this is my explanation, right here. put the pipe down, and READ.

dammit :-?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Where did you come up with this? I mean on your own or where you told that lights are good for roots?
Do you ever wonder why most containers are black? Or why we make sure that after we water (soil) that we make sure the soil is covering the roots.
Roots do like, let me say it again, roots do not like the light.
Roots have hairs on them (root hairs) they are very dilicate and are easily damaged by light and air if exposed.
ok what ever bro. thats why when im rooting my clone and the roots come out of my rockwool cubes i leave them go for weeks later like that and all the roots want to doisgrow in the light,they don't stop or slow down if anything they do grow faster. and yes this is from my own experence. :hump:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
in case you missed it again, here's my post.

the question here is which to go; 18/6 or 24/0. this is my explanation, right here. put the pipe down, and READ.

dammit :-?
in the past i ran 24/0 the first 30 days of veg then then 18/6 . i veg for 60 days.


Well-Known Member
so is the arguement that roots grow faster if the plant itself receives more light... so a 24/0 plant will grow a bigger root system than an 18/6 plant... or is it that roots will grow if they directly receive light?? im a little confused... either way here is my 2 cents...
roots, as far as everything i have ever read and all my experience goes and everything i ever learned, do not like light or air... thats why roots dont grow through the drainage holes of the pot they are in.. in fact you can use light and air to root prune plants.. you might occasionally see some roots popping out of the bottom of your pots, but do they just keep growing? no.. they die... both due to air exposure and light... when you transplant you want to limit the amount of light the roots are exposed to because it can kill them.. as far as your clones go, i dont have any idea why the roots dont die.. that truely goes against everything i have ever learned about rooting and cloneing.. i would like to see pictures... not calling you a liar or anything by any means... just.. ive never heard of roots doing anything in direct light but dieing...
as far as the other arguement goes it only makes sense that you would have bigger roots under 24/0 then 18/6... i dont know by how much... but the extra 6 hours of light a day will keep the plant growing and growing faster... the more growth the bigger the root system has to be to support the plant... i cant speak from experience here as i only use a 24/0 cycle... and i dont think the root system on a 24/0 plant will be all the much greater in mass than an 18/6 plant.... but if you compare the roots of a plant that has gotten 24/0 and a plant under 18/6 after 2 weeks i would be willing to put money down that the 24/0 has a bigger root mass.. assuming all conditions (other than lighting) were the same...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
so is the arguement that roots grow faster if the plant itself receives more light... so a 24/0 plant will grow a bigger root system than an 18/6 plant... or is it that roots will grow if they directly receive light?? im a little confused... either way here is my 2 cents...
roots, as far as everything i have ever read and all my experience goes and everything i ever learned, do not like light or air... thats why roots dont grow through the drainage holes of the pot they are in.. in fact you can use light and air to root prune plants.. you might occasionally see some roots popping out of the bottom of your pots, but do they just keep growing? no.. they die... both due to air exposure and light... when you transplant you want to limit the amount of light the roots are exposed to because it can kill them.. as far as your clones go, i dont have any idea why the roots dont die.. that truely goes against everything i have ever learned about rooting and cloneing.. i would like to see pictures... not calling you a liar or anything by any means... just.. ive never heard of roots doing anything in direct light but dieing...
as far as the other arguement goes it only makes sense that you would have bigger roots under 24/0 then 18/6... i dont know by how much... but the extra 6 hours of light a day will keep the plant growing and growing faster... the more growth the bigger the root system has to be to support the plant... i cant speak from experience here as i only use a 24/0 cycle... and i dont think the root system on a 24/0 plant will be all the much greater in mass than an 18/6 plant.... but if you compare the roots of a plant that has gotten 24/0 and a plant under 18/6 after 2 weeks i would be willing to put money down that the 24/0 has a bigger root mass.. assuming all conditions (other than lighting) were the same...
this is just now. nothing speichal about this but after a week or so the roots will belong as hell and willkeep grow with the ligh right on them.:hump:



Well-Known Member
if air damages roots then how does dwc work so well?
in dwc where the roots are constantly "splashed" with water it keeps the roots wet.... the water protects them from drying out due to air exposure keeping them alive... its not the air exactly that kills the roots... its the air drying them out that kills them...

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
in dwc where the roots are constantly "splashed" with water it keeps the roots wet.... the water protects them from drying out due to air exposure keeping them alive... its not the air exactly that kills the roots... its the air drying them out that kills them...
roots need air along with water. if theres no air the plant will drown.