kinda crappy but here we go. First grow


Well-Known Member
Can you explain 'retarded'? I'm trying to plot myself on a time-line somewhere as far as my grow schedule goes and before I go buy the materials to make a permanent kind of box I wanted to figure out WHY my grow looks off. I'm banking on the fact that my light source has been about a foot and a half away from the plants since they were potted.

Thanks, and.. /jealous :hump:
By retarded I mean...right fucked up. Check the pics on page 4 or 5 of this thread and you will see what I mean.


Well-Known Member
ok some updated pics of my older ones.
the hempstar ladies and my big blueberry lady. First 6 pics are the stars (1 of which I topped)and last two are of the blueberry(also topped).:joint: I'm probably going to have to top the other two as well.



Well-Known Member
ok some updated pics of my older ones.
the hempstar ladies and my big blueberry lady. First 6 pics are the stars (1 of which I topped)and last two are of the blueberry(also topped).:joint: I'm probably going to have to top the other two as well.
so thick and delicious :weed:


Active Member
You've got some nice looking babies there! I'm on my first run too, and lost one; so dont feel bad if you dont have a 100% success rate! Anyways, happy growing :)


Well-Known Member
You've got some nice looking babies there! I'm on my first run too, and lost one; so dont feel bad if you dont have a 100% success rate! Anyways, happy growing :)
Thanks man. I'm very lucky I don't have a 100% success rate due to the fact I started way too many seeds for my space. Losing one is pretty good on your first run. I lost 6 in the first 2 weeks.


mist your babies more,to small to water three time a week this will get the humidity up,you need to be between 50% 75% they will be a lot happyer


Well-Known Member
mr goodstuff! Lookin good:eyesmoke: I like the flower box!
Thanks boss! I am so glad the friggin thing is finished.:hump: I currently have a hps on one side and an mh on the other, but they seem to be leaning towards the hps ALOT. So I guess the next purchase will be another hps bulb. I can't wait until I no longer have to buy pot.


Well-Known Member
The ladies at their photoshoot. Picture 5 is the plant that was burnt and had to be trimmed back as a little girl.
Watered them last night for the first time since they went into the big box. Im going to put 2 hempstar clones in tonight.



Well-Known Member
okay I was advised not to trim anything from my hedges so I attempted a little supercropping. On the Hempstar in the first 2 pics I just bent the shoots out a little to open it up a bit. But on the blueberry I bent the main tops right out sideways.:joint:

