Well-Known Member
I hate my mom. We haven't talked for years. She fucked up my family with her actions and my father divorced her... no need to explain, but shit man... everyone is right. She didn't leave you. She took care of you for at least 18 years. You should appreciate her. Someday she will be gone. Not everyone dies of old age, remember that. You don't wanna look back and wish you would have done something different, ya know. I'm sure if one of my kids posted shit about me online I would be a bitch to... That's just karma. You can't say your mom is a douche... if you were comparing her to some other peoples mothers she would be a godess. I have dealt with a poor mom, but was lucky to have a hell of a dad. I wouldn't change a thing, but I think everday how if my grandma was alive how much I would cherish her and spend as much time with her as I could. Don't go through the same thing w/ you mom.