NC House Bill 1380--The Medical Marijuana Act!

Alright, so it seems our legislation may have hit the first of many snags. The House convenes on Monday, May 11 to discuss a litany of items on their docket. Upon investigating the calendar (on the first page of the website) it appears our 1380 and 1384 bills have not yet made it to the committees. It's supposed to go through health first, then judiciary II and then finance. The "health" committee has 9 items on their schedule for this convening, so it is possible they have maxed out and have to wait until next month (or meeting, whichever comes first) to fit it in. I checked the Senate calendar as well, just to be sure I didn't miss it on the House one, and found nothing. But, it is encouraging none the less that they update their schedule and share it with the public.

So, we keep waiting and talking about bojangles. I gotta wanna needa getta havea something other than fried chicken, biscuits, gravy and sweet tea...

I'm going to the Outer Banks in a couple weeks...Portsmouth Island (south of Ocracoke) it out there...
Portsmouth is even better than Ocracoke in that it is completely abandoned. The last people moved out in like 1971, so there a ghost town of abandoned houses, general store, and a couple other buildings.

And its on the freaking outer banks! We're gonna do a LOT of fishing, drinking and SMOKING MY HOMEGROWN!:hump:
Well damn, I'm now thinking we may have this thread open for months, years?.......we'll have to start posting about something other than Bojangles though while we await the big answer.
I just went to my local hydro shop yesterday and the 2 guys working there were telling me about "how hard their job was." They gave me free samples :-) naturally, I had every intention of hearing the sob story.
It turned out their big gripe was that apparently some guy has been coming around attempting to get others to sign this petition, LOL. Can you imagine why they had a problem with this?
Anyway, I only spoke to my mother just yesterday regarding emailing Earl. She said she'd be happy to email him and make an inquiry. Maybe because he knows her, he will be able to offer something a little more concrete. Then again, I have to wonder if he even reads his email. Either way, I'll let you know if she hears anything.
On a more negative note, the store employees are convinced the bill will be laughed at.
Bone!!! Don't go to Ocracoke to smoke up with Jerry........I'm jealous.
Jerry, you're going only minutes away from where I recently moved from. It's amazing how one can spend years in the beach area and take it for granted. I used to live less than five minutes from the beach. Now, I ask myself WTH I didn't go more often!
Oh well.....just another excuse to bump for NC.
Well guys, I may or may not be able to get back to you with a reply. Being on this forum is like stepping into the twilight zone. I just now received a "warning" from FDD. Here it is.......I don't know, you tell me.....huge sigh. I may not be able to read your reply..
fdd2blk said:
Dear Babs34,

You have received a warning at Marijuana Growing.

Inappropriate Language

what did i just say? :evil:

Original Post:
In fact, come to think of it, it was SHE that taught ME what the hell "lol" was........LOL.

Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,
Marijuana Growing
You completely lost me here. You apparently just don't like me. You don't tell me what I do wrong here either.
"Playing the theme song to the Twilight Zone"
fdd2blk said:
Dear Babs34,

You have received a warning at Marijuana Growing.

Inappropriate Language

what did i just say? :evil:

Original Post:
In fact, come to think of it, it was SHE that taught ME what the hell "lol" was........LOL.

Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,
Marijuana Growing
For the record, you didn't just say anything to me prior to this "warning." Truly, you need to clarify. Posting this pissed off and "twisted evil" face really is purely instigating. If I did something wrong, specifically point it out.......but accusing me of instigating with you by asking a mere question as to HOW I am doing something wrong is well, just WRONG.

There you have it.........I just don't know what "it" is. So, if I don't get to post the reply, "this" is why.
Hey Babs, I went back and read the thread and found out I posted in there as well. It was a simple incident with a seedbank that turned into a racial and personal attack thread. FDD came in there and gave a warning and unfortunately you followed up and posted something immediately after he posted the warning. I think it was just bad timing and you probably didnt see his warning. I wouldnt worry about it man.....
Exactly what happened Bone. I was posting as he had posted his "warning." Sorry, I've never been threatened to be banned from any forum, so I was kind of like "wtf"......I guess I'm on my way out, and for what......I'll never know.
HAHAHA.....I lost points, so I was told......and I still don't know wth for. "Oh well."
See my avatar. Life really is as good as those around you allow it to be. I'm trying to make it good on my end.
Exactly what happened Bone. I was posting as he had posted his "warning." Sorry, I've never been threatened to be banned from any forum, so I was kind of like "wtf"......I guess I'm on my way out, and for what......I'll never know.
HAHAHA.....I lost points, so I was told......and I still don't know wth for. "Oh well."
See my avatar. Life really is as good as those around you allow it to be. I'm trying to make it good on my end.

Well, I gave you some back :hump: Not to undermine anyone, cuz you were a bad bad boy, but just because you like the OBX

:peace: Out
LOL, no........personally, I can't stand OBX. I just realize that not everyone is capable of speaking/typing as well as you and I are. I was bad, really? Dayum.
My "infraction" was for bad language.........???
Yeah, I guess I was a bad girl.......pfft.
I guess I would have understood it had I told someone to burn in he&%. See, now I have to fear typing the word. (rolling my eyes)
I received a reply back after sending an email showing support, from the links on the first page of this thread. I got a reply from Rep. Daughtry's legislative assistant (Margaret Dockery). Just a simple thank you for showing support and she would make sure that he is aware of the support of the 2 bills..I have asked for an update and will post results when/if I get a response..
I received a reply back after sending an email showing support, from the links on the first page of this thread. I got a reply from Rep. Daughtry's legislative assistant (Margaret Dockery). Just a simple thank you for showing support and she would make sure that he is aware of the support of the 2 bills..I have asked for an update and will post results when/if I get a response..

Thank you, Mr. Rouse. The bill is still in House Health Committee. The website is the best way to track a bill - it's updated immediately after any action..

Margaret M. Dockery
Legislative Assistant to Rep. Leo Daughtry
Room 1013
Raleigh, NC 27601
(919) 733-5605
[email protected]

Thank you for the communication. Can I have an update on the bills status? I have checked the website regularly to check the status on the bill, but have seen no updates. My brother has Chron's disease, along with my mothers bout with cancer, I believe H1380 would do nothing but benefit people such as them. Thank you again for taking the time to respond.

On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 9:48 AM, Margaret Dockery (Rep. Daughtry) <[email protected]> wrote:
Thank you so much, Mr. Rouse, for taking the time to express your
support of House Bills 1380 and 1383. I will make sure Rep. Daughtry
knows how you feel about these 2 bills.


Margaret M. Dockery
Legislative Assistant to Rep. Leo Daughtry
Room 1013
Raleigh, NC 27601
(919) 733-5605
[email protected]
Thank you, Mr. Rouse. The bill is still in House Health Committee. The website is the best way to track a bill - it's updated immediately after any action..

Margaret M. Dockery
Legislative Assistant to Rep. Leo Daughtry
Room 1013
Raleigh, NC 27601
(919) 733-5605
[email protected]

Thank you for the communication. Can I have an update on the bills status? I have checked the website regularly to check the status on the bill, but have seen no updates. My brother has Chron's disease, along with my mothers bout with cancer, I believe H1380 would do nothing but benefit people such as them. Thank you again for taking the time to respond.

On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 9:48 AM, Margaret Dockery (Rep. Daughtry) <[email protected]> wrote:
Thank you so much, Mr. Rouse, for taking the time to express your
support of House Bills 1380 and 1383. I will make sure Rep. Daughtry
knows how you feel about these 2 bills.


Margaret M. Dockery
Legislative Assistant to Rep. Leo Daughtry
Room 1013
Raleigh, NC 27601
(919) 733-5605
[email protected]

Wow fastnlow93teg, that is great to actually get a response. It is nice when they at least take the time to respond, even if only a couple sentences.

So Margaret has confirmed for us that the bill has yet to hit the Health Committee, which means it could possibly be on the docket for June. We'll keep an eye out till then, but there is plenty of time to rally more support for the cause!

And on a side note, the freaking Hurricanes blew that game tonight and are probably going to blow game 7...ugh...
Yes, it is nice that they responded. I was really surprised honestly, my wife didnt get an email response, lol..

Yes, The canes did blow it, perhaps they will make up for it in game 7.

Thanks for the rep btw! Maybe it will reach the docket for June, hopefully so.
OK, so I was a bit late in sharing Earl's email address....but, letter has been mailed as of yesterday.
So, if it doesn't even pass Health, WHO will march with me?
Just wanted to chime in and wish you the best of luck getting this passed. I'm sure it will be a long long time before anything like this happens in Texas. I have some fond memories of your state. I smoked my first hash there in 1970. Scored it at a hippie house near the UNC campus, then went to the drive-in and saw Easy Rider while we smoked it. Then there was that week I dont remember much of at the outer banks......