• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

NC House Bill 1380--The Medical Marijuana Act!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the fact that it has even come this far is at least a step in the right direction.

Keeping my fingers crossed :)

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to throw a bump out there and let everyone know the status of our favorite house bill! Still awaiting our turn through the commission on health. If you'd like to contact any of the representatives serving on this committee, please follow this link:

http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/gascripts/Committees/Committees.asp?sAction=ViewCommittee&sActionDetails=House Standing_26

I would say the 2 chairmen and 4 vice chairmen are the most important to contact, but if you can just add the names of all the committee members it would be helpful.

I've been trying to check out the house calendar to see when the next health committee meeting will occur, but the most recent indicates they are having appropriation meetings now. Here is a list of almost-daily calendars for the house in the month of may. I do not believe our bill has been discussed yet, but if you feel like checking out some of the other interesting bills floating around the house, follow this link:


Come on North Carolina!


Active Member
One good thing about this bill is the status behind some of the people behind it..One of the local news websites here had a story last week about how a "few" main people in the NC house and senate "control" the flow of bills. The main guy behind this medical bill is one of the two main people that control the bills coming into the house/senate. So a few main people can directly affect the bills status..read, not read, thrown out, pushed forward, etc... Yet another reason that shows its who you know and not what you know. I'll see if I can dig up the story from WRAL.


Well-Known Member
Noted this on one of the links---Note: a bill listed on this website is not law until passed by the House and the Senate, ratified, and, if required, signed by the Governor.
Ugh, let's hope Bev Perdue has nothing to say about this!!! Just look at what she has done....tobacco country USA-----smokes cost what they used to in NY not too long ago. I swear people like that are just determined to MAKE people quit smoking.

Just saying no to pot

Submitted by janestancill on February 20, 2009 - 7:18pm.

Tags: Beverly Perdue | marijuana | Under the Dome

Gov. Beverly Perdue is not in favor of legalizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes.

Perdue was asked about it Friday at a forum for nonprofits held in Raleigh, reports Rob Christensen. The questioner said medical marijuana could produce jobs, tax income, and provide relief to sick people.
“Right now,” Perdue said, “I don’t see any way I would support medical marijuana.
“Right now, every child I look at who’s had a problem getting off pot,” Perdue said, “I worry about things like that.”




Active Member
:cuss:I say we all bombard the "beech" with some e-mail.

I agree..Even if the bill passes the house and senate..and public vote..she can throw it out with a 2 second signature, just because of her power and personal opinions...I really hate the way government works..


Well-Known Member
I agree..Even if the bill passes the house and senate..and public vote..she can throw it out with a 2 second signature, just because of her power and personal opinions...I really hate the way government works..
It's truly sick........I ought to let the BEECH get into my medicine cabinet. I take not one, but TWO level one drugs and am offered nothing but addictive medications on a regular basis for my symptoms! I know of all the "studies" done on these "Medications."Boy, would that woman get a dose of information from me!!! Dammit, I'll march by myself. When you see me in the news........that's me---Babs.
But, you are absolutely right. It's such BS that a woman standing behind her "moral" approach could stand in my way of FREEDOM to go "au natural." Did I say she was A B&TCH? Sorry, got a little worked up.


Well-Known Member
Gotta ramble some more......you know, if the worst encounter with "drugs" for MY CHILD was with MJ---and nothing else---I'd TRULY consider myself blessed. Know I am NOT advocating its use by CHILDREN.
But seriously, WHAT IN THE HELL is that woman talking about when she says “Right now, every child I look at who’s had a problem getting off pot,” Perdue said, “I worry about things like that.”

Alright, I'd better shut up on that note.


Active Member
Gotta ramble some more......you know, if the worst encounter with "drugs" for MY CHILD was with MJ---and nothing else---I'd TRULY consider myself blessed. Know I am NOT advocating its use by CHILDREN.
But seriously, WHAT IN THE HELL is that woman talking about when she says “Right now, every child I look at who’s had a problem getting off pot,” Perdue said, “I worry about things like that.”

Alright, I'd better shut up on that note.

Haha..yeah..you are worked up..its simple on her end, she's just uneducated on the issue OR just ignorant, or perhaps both...I agree with you, if a childs worst drug encounter is with MJ, yes that is a blessing...Too many crack towns here in NC, i grew up in one..Glad i moved...They keep cutting the NC education budget, even with the newly added "education" lottery..Simple research..Medical MJ=NC revenue..Not to mention the happy "patients" :joint:


Well-Known Member
Aww, but venting feels so good. <smile> Yeah, Bev's concerned about those kids "who can't get off MJ." wth??? I just don't see how someone gets addicted to weed, sorry. There was a talk show tonight while I was driving around and running some errands...locals speaking out for legalization. Some moron had to get on there and speak of how they were "addicted" to weed.........SIGH.
Am I the only one who gets really mad when "they" refer to it as the gateway drug????
There are street drugs out there with names I don't even recognize that ARE killing our children!!! And she's "concerned" about the kids who "can't get off MJ?" OH PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE
That woman is due for an introduction to my medicine cabinet!!!.......all of which are LEGAL.


Active Member
there are many people that need prescription medicine, pills and so forth..So dont take me the wrong way..Yet so many imo have horrible side effects and can make way for other health issues..I think most prescription meds make things worse...For example, my wife has had severe migraines her whole life, along with recently discovered high blood pressure (at age 25, thats insane)..She stopped taking ALL her prescribed meds, started more healthy living-organic foods, etc...She hardly gets migraines anymore and her blood pressure is normal most of the time, unless i piss her off..lol...

MJ is a highly valuable resource medically...One of my younger brothers has crohn's disease, medication made him irritable and nauseated...He stopped taking it and started smoking more MJ instead...The disease hasnt bothered him in almost 2 years..

As I get older, I find myself getting more liberal and pissed off about how our government works in general...


Well-Known Member
Precisely, there are all too many prescribed medications out there...some good, most bad in my opinion. It just so happens that there is a strain out there for every last one of my symptoms (and believe me when I say they are endless) With each "legal med" prescribed to me, there are an assortment of side-effects.....all of which defeat the purpose of taking to begin with.
I seem to make a living of going to doctor appointments. Just today, I was being asked for "my list of presribed medications." The nurse proceeded to ask me about ailments I had. I almost laughed and I had to ask her to be more specific. The only thing she could bring up that I did NOT have were migraine headaches......Thank God!!! I know those are a terror. My mother suffered from them.
What is so amazing is that MJ has been proven time and time again to at minimum alleviate SO many symptoms with virtually NO (if any) side-effects.
Furthermore, it has been SCIENTIFICALLY proven to halt my disease. One of my medications alone costs 2 grand a month......and for what??? Just a SLIGHT possibility that it will ward off the progression. Whereas, MJ has PROVEN to put it at bay.
I can not stress enough how much I simply LOATHE pharmaceuticals. Yet, I have had little choice but to break down and take a couple of them simply to function.......long story.
These medications are highly addictive, whereas a great sativa would MORE than adequately serve its place.
Let's face it. This isn't about "the evil of MJ"......it's all about the pharmaceutical industry all but going bankrupt for all of their "miracle meds" that would essentially be replaced.
I've ALWAYS had VERY LOW blood pressure...."yet now" that I have partaken of these "legal" medications, my blood pressure is slowly rising. Oh, trust me when I say I could write the book. I've turned away meds that would entail my liver being monitored for damage.....the list is ENDLESS.
I'm looking forward to the day where I can make a big ole bonfire and just tos them where they all belong. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Speaking of children, I wonder just how many people would consider these parents to be irresponsible. I feel for people who must go through this kind of abuse from our government. These poor parents are suffering terribly at the hands of those who are SUPPOSED to SERVE AND PROTECT.

Sorry, I don't know of any other way to post this, but worth watching---Drew Carey responds to Obama's Anti-Medical Marijuana.
Medical Marijuana:Good or Bad? | OpinionHead.com


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I like what this guy is saying. I'm going to read further.
Ask yourself these questions:
  • Do you watch the direction that America is being taken in and feel powerless to stop it?
  • Do you believe that your voice isn&#8217;t loud enough to be heard above the noise anymore?
  • Do you read the headlines everyday and feel an empty pit in your stomach&#8230;as if you&#8217;re completely alone?
If you&#8217;ve answered YES, then you&#8217;ve fallen for the Wizard of Oz lie. While the voices you hear in the distance may sound intimidating, as if they surround us from all sides&#8212;the reality is very different. Once you pull back the curtain, you realize that there are only a few people pressing the buttons, and their voices are weak. The truth is that they don&#8217;t surround us at all.
We surround them.


Well-Known Member
Gotta ramble some more......you know, if the worst encounter with "drugs" for MY CHILD was with MJ---and nothing else---I'd TRULY consider myself blessed. Know I am NOT advocating its use by CHILDREN.
But seriously, WHAT IN THE HELL is that woman talking about when she says “Right now, every child I look at who’s had a problem getting off pot,” Perdue said, “I worry about things like that.”

Alright, I'd better shut up on that note.
It is a statistical fact that the first drug a person uses will almost always be the drug of choice forever after. No bs.

what we need to do is concentrate on showing her how PILLS are the #1 abused substance, and how we should focus on the ban and prohibition of said narcotics. we need to also show her documents that state ANY SUBSTANCE that CAN be used medically CANNOT be made unavailable. there is tons of paper proof that pot is medically helpful, so there is no argument. if she doesn't support the bill and actively works to see it put down, she's in violation of the law.


Well-Known Member
Amen brother/sister....whichever is the case. But you are preaching to the choir here. We all need to get off our North Carolinian butts and kick ass with the FACTS. I'm prepared to. I have no shame regarding this cause WHATSOEVER. What is everyone so fearful over? Being exposed for supporting something natural vs. chemicals?
What are we waiting for here? For someone else to be brave enough to simply put forth the facts? The squeaky wheel gets the oil.........however the hell that saying goes.
Damn, I can SQUEAK LOUD AND CLEAR. If I have to go it alone, so be it.
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Well-Known Member
"go at it".......if you dare. I dare.;-)
Contact Us:

Governor Bev Perdue
Office of the Governor
20301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-0301
Phone: (919)733-4240
Fax: (919)733-2120


Active Member
Wow..All this political talk!! Love it!! I emailed Purdue's office email thingy last night..Surprisingly, no reply yet..hahhaha...Ok, gotta go be a botanist for a few...:)