there are many people that need prescription medicine, pills and so forth..So dont take me the wrong way..Yet so many imo have horrible side effects and can make way for other health issues..I think most prescription meds make things worse...For example, my wife has had severe migraines her whole life, along with recently discovered high blood pressure (at age 25, thats insane)..She stopped taking ALL her prescribed meds, started more healthy living-organic foods, etc...She hardly gets migraines anymore and her blood pressure is normal most of the time, unless i piss her
MJ is a highly valuable resource medically...One of my younger brothers has crohn's disease, medication made him irritable and nauseated...He stopped taking it and started smoking more MJ instead...The disease hasnt bothered him in almost 2 years..
As I get older, I find myself getting more liberal and pissed off about how our government works in general...