Electricity ate me out of house and home


Well-Known Member
is no one chilled tonight?
Nah, I'm chilled, I'm still at work though. Always makes me a little more edgy, but it's all in good fun. I really couldn't care much less so this certainly won't turn into a "heated" discussion.

Especially because it's so unfounded.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
You've smoked too much of your own shit brotha.

They tested MH. There's no reason to believe the old MYTH you consider to be truth. You have definitely smoked too much if you believe that a light on 1/2 the time will use more electricity without ANY proof. That's like believing in God.
dude all im saying is watch your meter when your lights come on that fucking thing spins out of control,a few hours latter it has slow way down. if you don'tsee that then you come back and call me a lire. thats called using more powerto start up.:hump:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Nah, I'm chilled, I'm still at work though. Always makes me a little more edgy, but it's all in good fun. I really couldn't care much less so this certainly won't turn into a "heated" discussion.

Especially because it's so unfounded.
its all good bro, hell if we all were to think the same the world wounld't be what it is 2day thats for sure. :hug:


Well-Known Member
i have 2600 in flower (12/12) and 650 (400 +250) in vef, plus pumps, fans, ac, blah blah blah.
peak months (summer) my bill tops 1100.

its about the cost of electricity where you live... not what you are running or how you run it.

gotta pay to play.


Well-Known Member
My bills about 150 a month 400w Hps, i also veg with CFLS with lower wattage, and i have fish tank with live plants so i run quite a bit but fish tank rocks... I also have my HPS running during Non-peak hours. look up your current electricity provider and see when its best to run your lights.

i have 2600 in flower (12/12) and 650 (400 +250) in vef, plus pumps, fans, ac, blah blah blah.
peak months (summer) my bill tops 1100.

its about the cost of electricity where you live... not what you are running or how you run it.

gotta pay to play.


New Member
Mygirls, I would think out your reasoning again. There are the same number of ignitions in a 12/12 setup as in a 18/6 set up~ 1 per 24 hour period.:-|


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Mygirls, I would think out your reasoning again. There are the same number of ignitions in a 12/12 setup as in a 18/6 set up~ 1 per 24 hour period.:-|
yes in the day but over the flowerperiod 12/12 fires up more time then 18/6


New Member
you're going to have to clarify your logic here. It doesn't matter how many days it turns on, it still only turns on once a day.

Unless you live on another planet or your weed is WAYYYYYYY better than mine.
yes in the day but over the flowerperiod 12/12 fires up more time then 18/6


Well-Known Member
Seriously you have to be high right now. on 12/12 the lights start once per day and go for 12 hours. On 18/6 they start once per day and run for 18 hours. The key here is once per day. So even if the lights used a lot more power when they start up which they only do for a few minutes at the most more like a few seconds. You will use more power to run 18 hours than 12. The only reason you would ever use more power to flower is because you're using higher wattage lighting.

yes in the day but over the flowerperiod 12/12 fires up more time then 18/6


Well-Known Member
What? Wow, I really want some of what he is smoking.
He has definitely grown some dank shit, must be just BLASTED on it right now...

I can't wait to go home and get blasted, but yeah, I would go back and watch the video as science means a lot more to me than "watch the meter outside spin"...just sayin


Well-Known Member
to mygirls - respect for trying to help, but unfortunately you are wrong in your assumption that 12/12 uses more power than 24/10 or 18/6.

You are perfectly correct that the light switching on uses a surge of power. However, the bills are based on usage over a period of time. Hence, for residential customers, a bill is based upon kwh used over a period of time, rather than the maximum demand at any one time (unlike business users).

So a 250w light will use 0.25kwh over a period of 1 hour, it being switched on and off has no relevance. So obviously 25/0 or 18/6 will use more power over a month than a light on 12/12.

Of course, if you have some scientific explanation as to why I am wrong, and all power companies bill incorrectly, I am happy to be enlightened.

Also, for all those people who believe high electricity consumption leads to arrest, I understand your paranoia, and this paranoia is very useful in preventing you being detected, but in this case it is wholly unnecessary. For you to believe this looks suspicious, you are saying that there is someone looking to see which customers have a higher usage than an average household, and then that person automatically assuming illegal growing is taking place, then notifying the police of their suspicions on this basis only.

There are several flaws in these assumptions, firstly, that someone is looking at this info, which there is no reason to do (bearing in mind that electricity companies are private profit making companies, and have no interest therefore in tracking criminal activity, and have no more relations with the police than any other private companies, other than checking for electricity theft, which is always reported, as the company loses money from it).

The second flaw is in terms of the usage of an average household. The band for this average use is so wide that no small grow would show up as unusual. After all, people live in 1 bed flats and 10 bedroom houses. Do you think that an electricity company has information regarding the size of each property or the number of electrical appliances?

The final flaw is that the company will see higher than average use as a grow, when clearly it could be to any number of reasons, most obviously air conditioning, which uses a significant amount of power.

I provide this information in order to help those who are worried about how their usage looks to their electricity supplier. I see these type of comments so often, but they have no basis in fact. Unless you have set up a mini factory, then you will not be detected by your bills, and even then i wouldnt be surprised if your supplier didnt notice or care.


Well-Known Member
Also, for all those people who believe high electricity consumption leads to arrest, I understand your paranoia, and this paranoia is very useful in preventing you being detected, but in this case it is wholly unnecessary. For you to believe this looks suspicious, you are saying that there is someone looking to see which customers have a higher usage than an average household, and then that person automatically assuming illegal growing is taking place, then notifying the police of their suspicions on this basis only. There are several flaws in these assumptions, firstly, that someone is looking at this info, which there is no reason to do (bearing in mind that electricity companies are private profit making companies, and have no interest therefore in tracking criminal activity, and have no more relations with the police than any other private companies, other than checking for electricity theft, which is always reported, as the company loses money from it). The second flaw is in terms of the usage of an average household. The band for this average use is so wide that no small grow would show up as unusual. After all, people live in 1 bed flats and 10 bedroom houses. Do you think that an electricity company has information regarding the size of each property or the number of electrical appliances? The final flaw is that the company will see higher than average use as a grow, when clearly it could be to any number of reasons, most obviously air conditioning, which uses a significant amount of power.

I provide this information in order to help those who are worried about how there usage looks to their electricity supplier. I see these type of comments so often, but they have no basis in fact. Unless you have set up a mini factory, then you will not be detected by your bills, and even then i wouldnt be surprised if your supplier didnt notice or care.

Pay your bill on time and there is nothing to worry about.

just don't steal power.....