5/18 day 32:
so like i said i had gotten more mites... it was more than likely when we were running the electrical.. it was an 8 or 9 hour job, and i let the dogs out a couple times, and they either hitched a ride directly on me or got on the dogs who then jump and climb on me and thats how the little fuckers got in the garden... normally i change clothes or only tend garden after a shower... but i was in and out.. and so was my buddy... i was just asking for it..
anyways.. i hate spraying this late into flowering... upon MG's advice i went to look for the product he showed... couldnt find it.. went 3 places with no luck... couldnt even find no pest strips!! pretty much in the town i live we have a wal mart, home depot, or ace hardware... if i cant get it there i can drive about 30 mintues to a hydro shop...
what i did find tho was this stuff can fungicide... its a 3 in 1 product... kills mite, including spider mites, insects, and prevents fungus, mold, lead rust, ect... seemed like a good product... and for 7 bucks i figured why not... i mean one more day wont hurt.. if it didnt work i planned on going to the hydro shop today...
so i sprayed last nite with it... in fact i used the bottle up... i prolly didnt need to use that much.. but i really want to just get them killed off...
i was nervous this morning walking in.. i was sure i was gonna have a garden of chemical burnt dead girls... but to my surprise they are all COMPLETELY FINE!! no signs of eggs or mites... non.. at all.. i sprayed the walls and floor too.. to make sure any eggs that werent on the plants got it also... the plants arent burnt at all... the pistils didnt even turn.. i figured that would have happened at least... but nope... so i figure i might pick up another bottle of this stuff for later in case... its really only the summer months i have to worry about it... and ill feed the girls some neem too... help the cause a little...
damn... they will be getting a super batch of nutes and stuff next feeding...
my douche bag buddy still hasnt brought over his camera for the good pics... and i still havent made the 5 minute drive to get it... soon tho... soon