SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal

so thought i'd share this laugh with you.. i lay my lighter on the top of my bong... and fucking dropped iit in.. heres a pic... i know im not the only one this has happened to.. but it still never gets old to laugh at... except i cant get it out... looks like im changing out the water....bongsmilie
that is funny. ive done this i dont no how many times, i'll have the bong sitting between my legs and drop the lighter and some how or another the thing ends up in the bong. fucking pisses me off to no end.would'nt be so bad if it landed right side up but flint down in the water 90% of the time. LOL:hump: oh my god thats a fucking bong bro. i like.:hump:
thanks for stopping by SLIPPERY... im hoping it some good meds too.. i dont live in an area i can get a med card.. and i absolutely HATE and distrust doctors... man made meds are made to keep people on them instead of healing them... i have really bad arthritis all throughout my body in various place due to a broken leg when i was younger.. the break broke my growing plate so my left leg is about a 1/2" or so shorter than my right... definatly has thrown my body outta wack.. but thanks again for stoppin in!

hey HEATHAA.. thanks for stopping by also!
i dont have the 4000w's yet.. i will in a month or so hopefully.. i have figured out though, using them on a 12/12 cycle, it will only add about $40 to my electric bill..
well 4000w = 4 kwhr x 12 hrs/day = 48 kwhrs/day x $0.04per kwhr = $1.92 per day x 30 days a month = 57.60... i was a little off... but electricity is cheap where i live... plus my bill is never over $150.oo as it is now, so it MIGHT peak a little over $200.00 a month.. which isnt bad considering what all i'll be using...

You pay $.04 kwh?!? I pay $.23/kwh in CA, and it goes up to .25/kwh over 200kwh A month.

CA has to be the worst state to live in right now... Good weather is not worth the high costs.
You pay $.04 kwh?!? I pay $.23/kwh in CA, and it goes up to .25/kwh over 200kwh A month.

CA has to be the worst state to live in right now... Good weather is not worth the high costs.

I would love i nice southern greenhouse under the nice cali-sun.

Add a little rock salt to the alcohol mix when you pour it out...Give it a shake and it will take any old resin build up out of your bong
that is funny. ive done this i dont no how many times, i'll have the bong sitting between my legs and drop the lighter and some how or another the thing ends up in the bong. fucking pisses me off to no end.would'nt be so bad if it landed right side up but flint down in the water 90% of the time. LOL:hump: oh my god thats a fucking bong bro. i like.:hump:

thanks bro.. she takes good care of me... just a bitch to clean out.... 3ft tall.. i think ill name her xena

You pay $.04 kwh?!? I pay $.23/kwh in CA, and it goes up to .25/kwh over 200kwh A month.

CA has to be the worst state to live in right now... Good weather is not worth the high costs.

thanks for stoppin in KG... i know im lucky as hell here... i wont lie.. its so cheap... but i dont get amazing outdoor grow weather like you do... outdoors up here not matter how hard you try always ends up being mids... its sucks... but damn... that is crazy expensive... well at least i think it is... i'd share some of mine with ya if i could... help ya out...

I would love i nice southern greenhouse under the nice cali-sun.

Add a little rock salt to the alcohol mix when you pour it out...Give it a shake and it will take any old resin build up out of your bong

thanks for the tip slip... ill try that out... i am always trying to figure out how to get it spotless... that sounds like itll take care of it...

id just love some so-cal sun... that would be awesome...
5/18 day 32:

so like i said i had gotten more mites... it was more than likely when we were running the electrical.. it was an 8 or 9 hour job, and i let the dogs out a couple times, and they either hitched a ride directly on me or got on the dogs who then jump and climb on me and thats how the little fuckers got in the garden... normally i change clothes or only tend garden after a shower... but i was in and out.. and so was my buddy... i was just asking for it..

anyways.. i hate spraying this late into flowering... upon MG's advice i went to look for the product he showed... couldnt find it.. went 3 places with no luck... couldnt even find no pest strips!! pretty much in the town i live we have a wal mart, home depot, or ace hardware... if i cant get it there i can drive about 30 mintues to a hydro shop...

what i did find tho was this stuff can fungicide... its a 3 in 1 product... kills mite, including spider mites, insects, and prevents fungus, mold, lead rust, ect... seemed like a good product... and for 7 bucks i figured why not... i mean one more day wont hurt.. if it didnt work i planned on going to the hydro shop today...

so i sprayed last nite with it... in fact i used the bottle up... i prolly didnt need to use that much.. but i really want to just get them killed off...

i was nervous this morning walking in.. i was sure i was gonna have a garden of chemical burnt dead girls... but to my surprise they are all COMPLETELY FINE!! no signs of eggs or mites... non.. at all.. i sprayed the walls and floor too.. to make sure any eggs that werent on the plants got it also... the plants arent burnt at all... the pistils didnt even turn.. i figured that would have happened at least... but nope... so i figure i might pick up another bottle of this stuff for later in case... its really only the summer months i have to worry about it... and ill feed the girls some neem too... help the cause a little...
damn... they will be getting a super batch of nutes and stuff next feeding...

my douche bag buddy still hasnt brought over his camera for the good pics... and i still havent made the 5 minute drive to get it... soon tho... soon
that is funny. ive done this i dont no how many times, i'll have the bong sitting between my legs and drop the lighter and some how or another the thing ends up in the bong. fucking pisses me off to no end.would'nt be so bad if it landed right side up but flint down in the water 90% of the time. LOL:hump: oh my god thats a fucking bong bro. i like.:hump:

did you notice that if it wasnt for the ice catchers that mine would have been flint side down too?? bongsmilie if not for bad luck id never have any at all

oh and heres a few pics of that spray.. meant to post with the other post..


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ya i have used that but not very good. 1st and 2nd time it killed most of them but then it seemed like they got use to it. but as a fungas and mold control it works great.
mold and fungus are my biggest concerns right now when it comes to spraying... i just hate the idea of my girls growing mold in those beautiful buds... but like i said i probably went over board using the entire bottle... but they seem to be ok... thanks for letting me know about the fungus and mold though... i was still worried about it...
mold and fungus are my biggest concerns right now when it comes to spraying... i just hate the idea of my girls growing mold in those beautiful buds... but like i said i probably went over board using the entire bottle... but they seem to be ok... thanks for letting me know about the fungus and mold though... i was still worried about it...
if you have great air flow you have nothing to worry about, mold any way. hell i mis every 3 days whilein flower heavely and never had moldy buds. thats due to the air flow i have and the amount of it. :hump: good luck with all that.
i should probably be ok to spray neem then... its just hard because the basement was a whole different environment.. where they are is like bio dome... i mean perfectly stable... i have to adjust to it.. there are some things, list misting without mold problems, i couldnt do before that i can probably get away with now.. ill take a few more pics of the room so you can get a better idea of the set up... itll be a while... gonna take the dogs out to play for a while once the neighbors mow.. gotta clean up after that before i go in..
simpsonsampson, jsut wanted to stop by and give u props, out of every1 on rui...u and MG have been the most helpful....++++++++++++++rep for u when i can+++++++++++
so i took some more pics of the pups today while we were out playin.. had to wear their asses out before they would lay still... only got one of my rotshep... he thought i wanted to play more and wouldnt hold still..

and the other 2 are just for a visual comparison as to how big the buds will be... i hope the taller girl fills out more... im sure she will... gonna start that koolbloom bloom booster shit so... and the other girl right now is my fattest girl.. its hard to see but all around her bottom are more buds the are swelling up into her... she goes down another good 6 inches...



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looking great man and the dogs too. ya id say the one will fill out a lot more. just when you think it wont BAM THEIR IT IS BIG AND FAT. great job
its sick how much they swell during the 6th week... i just wish it would hurry up and be harvest already so i can start the hydro grows... and the way things are looking ill be able to get the stuff i need to start the 4000w grows sooner than later... things are coming together nicely..

thanks for the compliments on the dogs too... they were wore out in those pics... the black pit could barely keep himself up... they are awesome dogs..
its sick how much they swell during the 6th week... i just wish it would hurry up and be harvest already so i can start the hydro grows... and the way things are looking ill be able to get the stuff i need to start the 4000w grows sooner than later... things are coming together nicely..

thanks for the compliments on the dogs too... they were wore out in those pics... the black pit could barely keep himself up... they are awesome dogs..
ya iwhen i take mine to the beach hell the hurt so bad the next day they can barley move, limping aroung. LOL
5/19 - day 33

so i figured out how to get close up pics with my phone... i changed the settings i didnt know i could change.. and wow... well see for yourself... enjoy!!


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good dam sweet as hell bro. i wonder if i can change the seting on my camera. imgoing to read the manual. shits off the hook bro keep it up.
im really impressed with the camera... especially for being a cell phone camera...

and thanks... the ladies are plumping up nicely... i still wish they would get as big as yours will tho... oh and if you didnt see ill for sure take as many seeds as you want to send me... just let me know how you want to do it brotha!!

so i forgot to mention i started watering with the koolbloom dry stuff and molasses today... had to water 2 pots.. will prolly have to do the other 4 tomorrow... interested in seeing the growth diff using the koolbloom addidtive..