my little sister is a dumbass..

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Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
I need advice, here is what happened....

my asshole 13 year old sister has been staying at my house while our mom has been out of town. . . I've a few flowering plants in my home and I didn't even know she knew what weed looked like. Anyway, I came home today to find that some of my young girls were MISSING MANY BUDS!!! Come to find out, my sis picked them off and took them over to her stupid friends house and tried to smoke them as is!!!!!!! hairs still light, trics clear and all!!! THEN SHE HAD THE NERVE TO STRAIGHT UP LIE TO ME AND SAY SHE HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT!!!!!! I am going to fu&%ing kill her in her sleep tonight......


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i would say something like oh wellwho ever took my shit with all the nasty chemicalsin it righ now and not being done yey well most likelydie in about 48hr. tell her that if they knew anything about growing that youcan'tsmoke chemicals like that, and watch her freak out. ha ha LOL see what she says or does.


Well-Known Member
You expect anything less leaving something like this accessible to someone in your home? Live and learn friend. It sucks, I feel for you. Next time keep em somewhere where they can be locked up or better yet, don't babysit. :)

That is the least of your concerns now. Your sister and all of her stupid little friends now know about your grow. Which means all her friends little stupid friends now know. Older siblings, you name it. Congratulations, time to tear down.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Your 13 year old sister found your grow and stole bud from you... I think you have more problems than losing a couple nugs. You have a teenage girl who is already exposing you to her friends. Not to mention telling God knows who else your growing. My advice to you sir is pack it up and take your losses... Just me though.


Well-Known Member
well depends on ur relationship with ur parents i take u dont live with them and thats why she there either way she probably going to tell ur parents so u might aswell let them know not only did she steal from you but she stole to do drugs and let them give her the ass whooping she deserves now u might get some lip about growing or just having pot but either way ur proably going to get some greif from parents and tell them next time they take her with them o almost forgot go to the friends house and get her friend in trouble to that will piss her off good

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Your 13 year old sister found your grow and stole bud from you... I think you have more problems than losing a couple nugs. You have a teenage girl who is already exposing you to her friends. Not to mention telling God knows who else your growing. My advice to you sir is pack it up and take your losses... Just me though.

Aztros THANK YOU FOR SEEING THE SERIOUSNESS OF THIS SITUATION!!! wtf am I going to do? I'm still 4-6 weeks from harvest. Do I just hold her hostage for that time and not let her come into contact with anyone anyway shape of form until then?


Well-Known Member
[tell her not to tell no one cz if she does you go prison and mum will be very sad and thats your job to grow plants and thats how you pay the bills so its our secret and dont tell no one our her dolls will wake up headless mwuahaha:fire:

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
well depends on ur relationship with ur parents i take u dont live with them and thats why she there either way she probably going to tell ur parents so u might aswell let them know not only did she steal from you but she stole to do drugs and let them give her the ass whooping she deserves now u might get some lip about growing or just having pot but either way ur proably going to get some greif from parents and tell them next time they take her with them o almost forgot go to the friends house and get her friend in trouble to that will piss her off good

dude thats actually really good advice. I am never gona hear the end of it from my mom tho that woman is going to ream me a new one....good thing I'm moving far far away this summer. And I've still got a few weeks to torture my sister.


Well-Known Member
Just remember 13 year old sisters grow up to be 18 year old sisters with 18 year old friends. Not a bad thing to have around at any age.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well me Id have to scrap the grow or move them out of the home and property as a 13 year old girl who just told what 3-4 friend her bro grows at his house then gave them fresh nugs proving that its still going not good. She told 2 friends and they told 2 friend and they told 2 friend and 2 cops showed upo for distribution to minoirs, growing with intent to distribute, possesion, cultivation or a controlled substance, if you anywhere near a school then zero tolerence laws. If it were me id be done son.Oh and a side thought i dont know your sister but if she got some 13-15 year old wanna be troublers then your now open to your house getting broken into and robbed looking for weed cash and fun


Just let it go. Act like it never happened, and don't let her stay at your home anymore. She's more worried about your parents finding out than you are. It's the beauty of having your own house, you can do what you want.
My grow room is an actual 'room' that I had built, the door is very solid and 3' thick with a deadbolt lock on the door. If you can put a lock on your grow room, I would suggest it. I always lock up if people stay here, I assume they wonder why I'm always doing laundry when they are here, but no one has figured out the true story yet.


scare her into keeping her mouth shut haha, or hook her up to keep her quiet. it might be cool smoking with your sis. make her feel cool. let her know its a secret, my brother is 13 and he smokes more than me little fuckers


Well-Known Member
dude i know what these are saying about scraping your crop and its so easy to just sit here stonned and type it its not them who are sat there with doubt and a pear of scissors in there hand trying to cut there healthy plants that are 4 weeks for harvesting just finish your crop dude i have a plan for you here lol

bribe your sister say if no one knocks on my door or asks me about that little thing i have going on i will give you £ or $ for not saying anything and i bet you that money she doesnt tell anyone just makes sure she doesn't lol

good idea ??

peace and respect :joint::peace:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
toke that was some incomprehendable shit you typed in there but think i got it figured out lol set the Blunt down for a second lol the question is what if the knock comes and its the police who arrested her friend on some other charge but when they ask (oh and they will) for info on anyone selling or having drugs in exchange to be let off easy she sasy well my friends brother has some weed. Now its not so easy when a warrant shows up and 20 charges hit you. Is a few plants worth that? nope once compromised ytou have to be retro active or you end up like the dummies on the news
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