Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof

Why don't you just put the tube in your rectum, really far up there. I'm pretty sure the dogs won't be able to smell it while it's inside you. If you want to bring weed to mexico (beyond belief) then do it right. If customs x-ray your abdomen and see what looks like a dildo inside you, the fun begins. Some dude named Juan is going to pull out the weed with his big, gloved hand, ouch. Then you will be sent to a mexican prison where they are going to laugh their ass off that you tried to smuggle what is so available and cheap in their country!! I was in Cancun for all of twenty-minutes and my cab driver pulled out some stinky ass killer dope, and some rocket fuel for all of about sixty-bucks. I got a sixteenth of blow and a quarter-ounce for sixty bucks!! My whole face was numb from a skinny ass line!! You can stick something up your butt or trust a local, either one is risky! I chose to buy from the cabbie, had a nice week in sunny mehico!!! Ok, thanks for listening to my two cents!! Peace!!
This thread is so old I cant believe its still going. I think everyone agrees that smuggling anything into Mexico is fucking retarded considering that everything you want is already IN Mexico...And every cab driver knows where to get it.

People dont lace weed anymore !!!!!! Why would a dealer waste good heroin or coke on some weed??just not cost effective! It will be pure mexican bush weed! Not the best but cheap! Last time down there i bought a whole plant wrapped in newspaper for 50usd ! Lasted 12 adults all week! Kid ran right up to our shuttle bus at the airport and the driver stopped so we could buy it!

My roommates are from Mexico an everyone there smokes there weed with coke cause its only 12$ a g for blow there.
And alot of cats from Mexico are just coke heads lol. if it aint weed or shrooms then your a retard for using it....well hash and salvia the of weed from mexico is only $50 in mexico for gringos and $100 if its brought across for you
shep care to elaborate? Lotta cats from Mexico do love thier coke thats a fact and if your smoking crack,meth, snorting coke or shooting heroine and dropping acid or popping pills all days you are an idiot so is it you smoke crack? shoot heroine? or angry that mexico has alot of coke users? at least if you want to take a shot put a little effort behind it to make yourself at least seem like you took 3 seconds to think about what you typed
shep care to elaborate? Lotta cats from Mexico do love thier coke thats a fact and if your smoking crack,meth, snorting coke or shooting heroine and dropping acid or popping pills all days you are an idiot so is it you smoke crack? shoot heroine? or angry that mexico has alot of coke users? at least if you want to take a shot put a little effort behind it to make yourself at least seem like you took 3 seconds to think about what you typed

I do care to.

"Lotta cats from Mexico do love thier coke thats a fact and if your smoking crack,meth, snorting coke or shooting heroine and dropping acid or popping pills all day"

I am not, and will not argue this point, and if in this context I will not argue
"if it aint weed or shrooms then your a retard for using it".

But I do think that people can responsibly use other substances other than marijuana and shrooms, the key word being responsibly. That is my only statement, and I don't wish for a big flame battle.
shep which drugs are you refering to as crack,coke,meth,pcp,and heroine destroy your body,brain and motor skills so there is no "responsible" way to use these as soon as you put them in your body your are being irresponsible? if you can tell me how any of those can be used "responsible" Im listening but your not going to be able to. They kill you and your body and that is well irresponsible of you as people are dieing naturally who would like to have the organs your trashing...Response?
shep which drugs are you refering to as crack,coke,meth,pcp,and heroine destroy your body,brain and motor skills so there is no "responsible" way to use these as soon as you put them in your body your are being irresponsible? if you can tell me how any of those can be used "responsible" Im listening but your not going to be able to. They kill you and your body and that is well irresponsible of you as people are dieing naturally who would like to have the organs your trashing...Response?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this shit is safe by any means.. I don't condone hard drug use.. I just think a little education about what they really do and really do not do is helpful.

Let's actually look at the dangers of those drugs you listed in their pure forms. Crack & Cocaine are the same thing btw (benzoylmethyl ecgonine), cocaine is used (currently prescribed) as a pharmaceutical for an oral analgesic. Beyond it being a stimulant, and potentially causing perforation of the septum, the side effects are not too drastic.. crack on the otherhand is quite pneumotoxic, I will give you that long term abuse of cocaine of crack could potentially lead to renal failure.. but to be honest using it on occasion will not cause many (if any) adverse effects to the body.

I'm not going to justify methamphetamine.

Heroin (diacetyl morphine) is actually more safe then most of the currently prescribed opiate/opioid pharmaceuticals on the market. Pharmaceutical grade heroin is actually rather safe (europe uses diacetylmorphine if I am correct)... to be honest I can say that almost no one has ever died from heroin overdose (as heroin is almost immediately converted to morphine via hydrolysis), granted that would fall under morphine overdose.

PCP, is the most neurotoxic out of the whole bunch, I know a couple of people who use it on occasion, but I wouldn't recommend it.

As to "destroy your body,brain and motor skills so there is no "responsible" way to use these as soon as you put them in your body your are being irresponsible?"

Just that statement alone tells me you've not done your homework on substances and substance abuse.. let's use some nice terms here, neurotoxicity = brain damage
renal toxicity/failure = kidney damage
hepatoxicity = liver damage
pneumotoxicity = lung damage

Now, motor skills? Marijuana doesn't cause a loss of motor skills? That's new news to me. Now I'm not saying any of these drugs listed above are less dangerous than marijuana, I would be retarded... but aren't marijuana and crack the only two on there that can cause cancer? Now lung cancer kills around 162,460 a year.. I've seen more people drive on weed than any of the other substances you listed, and you can't be saying it's safe to drive on a substance can you?

I just don't see how occasionally using a pharmaceutical or hard substance is going to instantly "kill you and your body" or any of that shit.
Well Put Shepj. You Can Use Any Drug In The Entire World And Not Die If The Proper Dose Is Used. And Believe Me. I've Used All The Drugs Listed And I'm Not Damage At All To My Knowledge.
well put but wrong. Cocaine and crack are not the same as apparently you have never cooked crack before or you know the cut and additives in it are much different then powder coke cut with soda. The polutants in crack destroy your body as said. Your teeth rot, your lungs dies, the tissue in your mouth decays and your throat will disolve.Heroine which is one of the easiest drugs to become addicted to(that alone is bad and irresponsible) will cause organ damage and incresed heart stress leading to stroke and heart attacks. It is used in extract form or man made form for pharmaseudical purpose but true heroine is dirty and unclean carrying many many substances that will damge your body so your arguement is moot on that one. You say no one has died from a heroine overdose huh weird then I guess my buddy growing up who double dose mainline heroine and is has been laying dead in his casket for 12 years never died. This is great news as when I was carrying his body and putting his casket into the ground I thought how sad I was that he overdosed on heroine and everything it is concieved and that I would never see him again. Good point no one dies on heroine.Lets go on to damage of motor skills. MArijuana use can temporarily slow motor skills but they return after the high. Crack,heroine and pcd dame your neruons that transmitt your motor skills. this damage in non reversable and permanant to your body. You know any hard core users then you know the shakes that do not go away ever.So now that ever point you made has been wrong and it won't hurt you let do a study here to prove this . I need you to go out get an 8ball of heroine and freeline it direct into your vein but have someone with you as I want them to come back and post your obituary how the occassional use(just that one time) is not harmful to your body and how just because your heart stopped your not really dead..Now what about driving high you asked? look the stats up not a single autoaccident death has every been directly link to marijuana in the US..not one..alcohol yes, pcp yes... crack yes...cocaine yes...heroine yes... so I might be going out on that limb when I say it is irresponsible and deadly using those drugs.. If you want to rebuff it show me a marijuana related death in the US caused by marijuana not suicide .
Ganjaglutin what are your renal values? care to have them tested and report back? i am very familiar with them as my fiancee is a kidney transplant recipient so i know what they should be and what each drug does to them and what values should be.You smoke crack and meth and do heroine. I bet your reflexes show signifgant deteriation from before usage
well put but wrong. Cocaine and crack are not the same as apparently you have never cooked crack before or you know the cut and additives in it are much different then powder coke cut with soda. The polutants in crack destroy your body as said. Your teeth rot, your lungs dies, the tissue in your mouth decays and your throat will disolve.Heroine which is one of the easiest drugs to become addicted to(that alone is bad and irresponsible) will cause organ damage and incresed heart stress leading to stroke and heart attacks. It is used in extract form or man made form for pharmaseudical purpose but true heroine is dirty and unclean carrying many many substances that will damge your body so your arguement is moot on that one. You say no one has died from a heroine overdose huh weird then I guess my buddy growing up who double dose mainline heroine and is has been laying dead in his casket for 12 years never died. This is great news as when I was carrying his body and putting his casket into the ground I thought how sad I was that he overdosed on heroine and everything it is concieved and that I would never see him again. Good point no one dies on heroine.Lets go on to damage of motor skills. MArijuana use can temporarily slow motor skills but they return after the high. Crack,heroine and pcd dame your neruons that transmitt your motor skills. this damage in non reversable and permanant to your body. You know any hard core users then you know the shakes that do not go away ever.So now that ever point you made has been wrong and it won't hurt you let do a study here to prove this . I need you to go out get an 8ball of heroine and freeline it direct into your vein but have someone with you as I want them to come back and post your obituary how the occassional use(just that one time) is not harmful to your body and how just because your heart stopped your not really dead..Now what about driving high you asked? look the stats up not a single autoaccident death has every been directly link to marijuana in the US..not one..alcohol yes, pcp yes... crack yes...cocaine yes...heroine yes... so I might be going out on that limb when I say it is irresponsible and deadly using those drugs.. If you want to rebuff it show me a marijuana related death in the US caused by marijuana not suicide .

haha.. you've never taken chemistry I presume? As you don't know that cocaine is an alkaloid known as benzoylmethyl ecgonine.. the salt form is Cocaine HCl, the freebase is crack.. Yeah if you don't know how to makie crack you are an idiot.. you simply make a suspension of Cocaine, remove the salt and turn it into the freebase (by colloiding) via NaHCO3.

I agree, crack is not safe, nor do I think it can be used very safely even in a "controlled environment", so I will give you that one.

If you had read my whole post instead of skimming to make another argument, as it appears you did... you'd see that I was only referring to diacetylmorphine, not street heroin (wtf is heroine?). Also like I said, hydrolysis converts diacetylmorphine into morphine in your body in about 5 minutes.. you die from morphine not heroin overdose.

"Crack,heroine and pcd dame your neruons that transmitt your motor skills. this damage in non reversable and permanant to your body."

Please show me this scientifically proven and cited. You don't even know what the fuck a neuron is.

"Now what about driving high you asked? look the stats up not a single autoaccident death has every been directly link to marijuana in the US..not one..alcohol yes, pcp yes... crack yes...cocaine yes...heroine yes..."

I am aware no deaths have happened due to marijuana intoxication and driving, I said accidents. Find me a source stating death due to pcp/heroin intoxication and driving.

You have to resort to using stupid dosages to prove your points:
"I need you to go out get an 8ball of heroine and freeline it direct into your vein but have someone with you as I want them to come back and post your obituary how the occassional use(just that one time) is not harmful to your body and how just because your heart stopped your not really dead."

You are utterly retarded. And eight-ball is 3.5 grams, the recommended dosage is 20-40mg IV.

Stop arguing.. you've no grasp on chemistry, pharmacology, nor neuropharmacology. You're talking out of your asshole.
When I went to mexico last year, there were no drug dogs or anything of that nature. Perhaps I could have walked it right on. I had a hard time finding bud in mexico and wouldnt even dare this time around! prolly end up robed or killed. I also wouldnt think its worth it to risk ur vacation over an 8th of weed... although it was nice getting blazed in mexico:mrgreen:
I'm amazed this thread is still alive.
Smuggling weed in to Mexico has to be one of the dumbest ideas in the history of dumb Mexico-related ideas.
The OP is probably in the middle of a Chinese finger trap with two Mexican inmates right now. ;)