Low Budget Startup Grow


Well-Known Member
Nice info slip, shame im in uk :(

Yeah man...way too bad...It's getting to be the best time of the year here. Never been to the UK...I need to make a trip to europe and see some real history someday...If they don't lock us in first.

thanks for stopping in RJ.....Here is an interesting article I just ran across.
Is UV important for blooming?

Is UV important for blooming?

High elevation plants that have been there for generations are high in thc but more importantly it is a lot more complex. On a short term basis a clone from a known variety Indica type will have a slightly more up high with the addition of UV during flowering but Sativas seem to improve a lot more with a much clearer up high.

I would suggest that if breeding for seed indoors the addition of UV a/b tubes as supplementary lighting would help to improve the stock a lot. Your plants getting some real sun would probably allow them to express the potential of that generation. You can easily test this If you make a number of cuttings from a mum and grow half with sodium only and supplement the other half with sun when you can, I think you will find quite a difference between the two stones the more sat in the var the bigger the difference.

I have been coming across this a few places and I think there may be a very direct connection to THC levels. I just happen to have a large tanning bed. In the next few crops I may get it hooked up. Its pretty pimp....4 fan vents...glass sealed...Looks built for growing....??:joint:

:peace: slippery


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic i wanted of the bend I did to the plant. I want to compare it to a pic in 3 weeks. I bent this a few days ago....it looks its going to grow out...I should be able to get a few even tops out of this.

My seedling S4 wants to bud so bad....it has more hairs then the plants in veg for a week...Cant wait to get some clones into flower....I want to top it and root the top, Im definatly gonna make sure my clones take, first. :hump:

Yess...I hear rain....Its gonna be a good day



Well-Known Member
If its not day 38 I'm close...I'm not as concerned about the day as I am the maturity of the bud.

Good news with the PH is back in line 6.5 which makes me relieved... :hump: I didn't believe when I saw the meter....I thought it would be a little low but damn....It good to be back in line...I swear the grew yesterday since I fixed the problem.

There is a picture of on of the leaves....I don't see anything that looks to bad...maybe a bit dark green...I don't know what it means, They may be a bit dry on the very tips....Any comments are welcome :peace: Slippery



damn those look great! too bad im gonna start out with regs. oh i checked and i cant get the license but im gonna go stealth. ive got a dresser that i dont use anymore thats like 3 feet tall 15 inches deep and 28 inch wide. think it will work?


Ah the perfect leaf. Lookin great slip, Im Thinking if I should do 2 white widows and another church in my next grow to see the differences because of the differentsoil and nutes. When my harvesting and curing is done i'll see how the church tastes and if its potent or shit. White widow never fails on getting you baked, so we will wait and see.


Well-Known Member
Ah the perfect leaf. Lookin great slip, Im Thinking if I should do 2 white widows and another church in my next grow to see the differences because of the differentsoil and nutes. When my harvesting and curing is done i'll see how the church tastes and if its potent or shit. White widow never fails on getting you baked, so we will wait and see.
The church you had looked bomb, and you know what to expect from the widow...plus lots of widow grows to scope on RUI....I cant wait to see what you decide. You guys are like the friends I cant have here.....

My friend said " shit that is like a myspace...execept everyone grow pot and is on pills." Your current journal is done now RJ...sorry to hear about the little hemaprodite fucker....Let me know when you new journal is up.

damn those look great! too bad im gonna start out with regs. oh i checked and i cant get the license but im gonna go stealth. ive got a dresser that i dont use anymore thats like 3 feet tall 15 inches deep and 28 inch wide. think it will work?
I have seen stealth PC case grows....You may have seen then. They appear to have alot less room then you. It goes to prove where there is a will, there is a way...GL on whatever you choose. Stealthing from the man is much harder then stealthing around people who know you....All important considerations.

Having to dump your grow after spending alot of time and money can be a disaster. GL whith what ev :peace:


Well-Known Member
The church you had looked bomb, and you know what to expect from the widow...plus lots of widow grows to scope on RUI....I cant wait to see what you decide. You guys are like the friends I cant have here.....

My friend said " shit that is like a myspace...execept everyone grow pot and is on pills." Your current journal is done now RJ...sorry to hear about the little hemaprodite fucker....Let me know when you new journal is up.

I have seen stealth PC case grows....You may have seen then. They appear to have alot less room then you. It goes to prove where there is a will, there is a way...GL on whatever you choose. Stealthing from the man is much harder then stealthing around people who know you....All important considerations.

Having to dump your grow after spending alot of time and money can be a disaster. GL whith what ev :peace:
I was following another church grow that went bad yesterday....I got it confused...Im glad yours looks great...I just went and checked :hump: :peace:


hey thanks, i have seen those PC boxes and thought there is not enough room so thats why i am going with the dresser. oh the man is going to be easy to hide from, but the people who know me is gonna be another thing. whats a good way and a CHEAP way to filter out smell. im running low on funds and dont have any way to get some more any time soon.


oh had another question whats a light trap exactly? i know it has something to do with catching light but for what reason?lol anyways


Well-Known Member
hey thanks, i have seen those PC boxes and thought there is not enough room so thats why i am going with the dresser. oh the man is going to be easy to hide from, but the people who know me is gonna be another thing. whats a good way and a CHEAP way to filter out smell. im running low on funds and dont have any way to get some more any time soon.
No matter what your grow will cost you cash...lights, nutes, screws and Misc shit like that....One good thing is it can be purchased small amounts at a time.

Here is a link to a pimp DIY carbon filter perfect for a small area...good luck




Well-Known Member
Oh and phen...another consideration is...Dressers dont make any noise so having a fan going in the dresser could be tought...plus with no funds...steathing may cost you extra cash? At least the pc cases when the fan is going it seams normal.


I spent about £250 on my grow $400 everything in the UK is really cheap for hydroponics.


Well-Known Member
I spent about £250 on my grow $400 everything in the UK is really cheap for hydroponics.
Do you like Hydro over soil? My first grow was hydro...back in 90 something....I used a plan out of the high time growing guided...I made it with 2 ltr bottles and pvc.

The ph change has certainly fixed things...I think they grew more in the last day and a half then they did last week....Once school is out I won't be up at stupid hours of the morn.

I finally got some more soil mixed up for the 4 young plants in bud....I swear the plants can smile, they look instantly happier. The roots were running laps around the pot they were in.




No I meant growing in general not just the hydroponics. As you should know im a 1st timer too, so I have only ever done soil. Cheapest is easiest haha.


Well-Known Member
No I meant growing in general not just the hydroponics. As you should know im a 1st timer too, so I have only ever done soil. Cheapest is easiest haha.
I mis-understood....I didn't think i was following any hydro-grows. Your crop looks sweet for your first.

TM...The day is going great...One thing to know about it up here is memorial day weekend...rains 95% of the time....The week after...fking sweet. I got no resposibilties so things can't be that bad

I know I stunted the plants...It is easy to tell they weren't doing anything...Now it should be a sprint to the finish line...Your buds are thick as hell...I'll be working to get there in the next couple crops...:hump:

I'll check you guys later :peace:


Well-Known Member
ur in the bittroot right...my buddy just started another 60 clones..all name brand..all started from nirvanna..bcbuddepot and a few others..but now only clone status..for awhile he wuz donning them 2 me right out of the cloner..in a cup of water..hes really stepped up, and now they come from 25-35 a piece..over 1ft tall , no wilt, potted in foxfarm 1 gal containers.,fully rooted..under MH, and ready to flower.. make the trip on next cycle..pm me, and ill get u some giants of ur choice..up to u..save alot of time..he might flex on 6 or more too ...goo, blueberry, blue heaven, grunk, g 13, heavy duty fruity, big bud, trainwrek, papya, medicine man, ww...dude his list is fatt..bozeman son...ne time..and if ur all good, its allgood..jsut thou id throw it out there..i dont make it out much cept once a year to victor..hehe


Well-Known Member
ur in the bittroot right...my buddy just started another 60 clones..all name brand..all started from nirvanna..bcbuddepot and a few others..but now only clone status..for awhile he wuz donning them 2 me right out of the cloner..in a cup of water..hes really stepped up, and now they come from 25-35 a piece..over 1ft tall , no wilt, potted in foxfarm 1 gal containers.,fully rooted..under MH, and ready to flower.. make the trip on next cycle..pm me, and ill get u some giants of ur choice..up to u..save alot of time..he might flex on 6 or more too ...goo, blueberry, blue heaven, grunk, g 13, heavy duty fruity, big bud, trainwrek, papya, medicine man, ww...dude his list is fatt..bozeman son...ne time..and if ur all good, its allgood..jsut thou id throw it out there..i dont make it out much cept once a year to victor..hehe

Good looking out dog I need to get an upgrade in genetics....I was away for a day...how did the apointment go...glorious weather today....maybe its time to move a lady to the greenhouse...to test quality of one from inside and one from outside?

I have a plant in 18/6 that is flowering....you ever see this in any of your experience....It was bag seed..but the high was an 8 of 10.

+rep...If i could...check you later:peace:



Well-Known Member
I love friday....Its like a holiday once a week...I happen to have no smoke...some major BS....I been layin of the PK's, but today...time to double up, lots of pain today.

I don't see the point of shit, when im so fucked up I cant drive or anything....Fuking oil barrons got everyone fuct on pills, energy, plastics...Acetemenophin is made from oil...and packed into every pain killer.

I'm one of the people that has never believed what Im told...I'm a show me kind of man....Ill take it for the good and the bad...Like Floride being good for dental health and water...but then also great for rat poison.

If your eating sugar free....Please stop...Or at least check this link out before you start feeding it to your kids (aspertame) They put it in childrens vitamains to sweeten them up a bit.

apermatic acid...real nice stuff that the pentagon has classified as a bio weapon...basically the same stuff. Rumsfeld was paid 12 milion to push it...its super poison for the overweight.


I topped my seedlings....I also cloned the one that showed sex....Im in bad need of more light, finances won't let me take care of it for a month or 2 maybe....Too bad

Its day 43 or so in bud and day 11 or 12 for the staggered crop. After FIMing for the first time...I think Im in favor of topping. It caused a good growth spurt but isn't as effective as topping. My first few crops are all going to be micro crops...hopefully it will give me enough smoke to get by.


