Anti-Conservative Jokes

Musical Suicide

New Member
Just wanted to shed some laughter on conservatives. What a ridiculous mass of people. Their Ignorance and Decadence is disgusting and pitiful. They are the epitome of this decaying system... so lets have some fun at their expense!!!

What do you have when you get 1000 Coneservatives drowning in the ocean?

A good start

Musical Suicide

New Member
Bush calls Cheney because he is so proud of having finished a jigsaw puzzle.

"Hey, Dick", says Bush, "I am so proud because the box this puzzle came in says 5 to 8 years on the side and I finished it in just under 6 months."

Cheney sighs and says, "You are indeed a genius, George."

Bush says, "Hey, Dick, I'm having trouble with my new puzzle, though, can you help me?"

Cheney says, "Sure, George, what's your problem."

Bush says, "Well, none of the pieces fit together in any way. I didn't have this problem with the other puzzle."

Cheney says, "Well, look on the cover of the puzzle box and tell me what kind of picture you see - that should give you a hint."

Bush says, "All I see is a picture of a really big rooster."

Cheney thinks for a minute and says "George, put all the cornflakes back in the box ..."


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to shed some laughter on conservatives. What a ridiculous mass of people. Their Ignorance and Decadence is disgusting and pitiful. They are the epitome of this decaying system... so lets have some fun at their expense!!!

What do you have when you get 1000 Coneservatives drowning in the ocean?

A good start
I got one.

How do you ruin a country? Elect a liberal to give money away to failures.

I'm not too good at jokes I guess.

btw Dont blame the woes of this country on conservatives. Look towards the neocons and liberals for selling the hard working middle class out.
Your Bush joke was funny though.


New Member
Two conservatives walk into a bar, both go into the mens room and don't come out for 20 Minutes. You fill in the rest.


New Member
I got one.

How do you ruin a country? Elect a liberal to give money away to failures.

I'm not too good at jokes I guess.

btw Dont blame the woes of this country on conservatives. Look towards the neocons and liberals for selling the hard working middle class out.
Your Bush joke was funny though.
Its not a problem your try at supporting con servatives was funny any way.


New Member
Ok,I'll give this a shot.

"They were getting a blow job from you"
Your Sick Dude or Your A Sick Dude (if you are a dude?) How about you take it some ware else? Or how about someone bans this what ever it is for gross insults to members? Please Anyone?


New Member
Ha I call a con when I see a con and you can also kiss-assBut after Ill have to take a shower. I love it how these repugnant cons come out of the wood work when we have a little fun with them. (after what youve done to the US and the rest of the world you got nerve) BooHoo you guys LOST get it? Get over it and just go away. Thank You!!


New Member
You do like telling people you dont know what you dont know they dont know LOL. Know what I know? You can stillkiss-assand you are still one. Sorry cons but your time of raping the world is way OVER and so are you. Your done so again I say Boo Hoo you lost now get lost.

Musical Suicide

New Member
haha yeah, they get their panties in a bunch over anything. But I think its cause they are just sad, and really need a hug. Here you go!!!! *Squeeze* ahhh do you all feel better??


New Member
The last laugh will be upon you. I am already prepared and have protected my assets. My laughter will increase over time, yours will fall silent, very very silent. I will especially enjoy your posts a few years from now.


Well-Known Member
You guys are pretty pathetic..... You make it sound like conservatives are the biggest scum, you guys really should have paid attention a little more in class.