This is my OPINION. Unless you are constantly ordering seeds from oversea's i wouldn't worry about it at all. I'm not the least bit concerned about ordering seeds. Well...I might be worried about receiving them, but I would not be worried about any legal ramifications. Hundreds of thousands of people do it. The sellers (the good ones) are very good at doing what they need to do to stay in business. In England and many other Euro countries (perhaps someone can verify this) its actuall perfectly legal to buy and sell seeds. Germinating them can get you into trouble, but just buying/selling them is perfectly legal. If you had any idea of the sheer VOLUME of trade between the USA and europe you'd realize that there is no way they are going to know that you bought a few tiny seeds. And even if they did they really dont have the resources to go after every single person that buys a few seeds. There is TONS of actual weed being traded as we speak. They can't be everywhere at once. Dont get me wrong, you can't be TOO careful. you'll probably think I'm INSANE but last year I mailed an entire ounce of pot to Florida from...not florida lol. no problem at all. i would not want to be on the receiving end of that happened I swear! There are over four hundred million people 400,000,000 in the USA they cant possibly pay attention to what each of them orders by mail. Its just not possible.
FYI and i think this is awesome, but no-one seems to know....The very 1st marijuana LAW in North America said that EVERY land owner with suitable ground MUST GROW CANNABIS!! Or be fined and/or jailed. My how times have changed.
recently MANY laws have been passed that are blurring the line between usa And canada( and mexico) in an effort to make trade between countries more favorable(profitable) NAU? I've been seeing more and more seed banks in canada advertising to american consumers. The government is a business, not the Non profit big brother agency everyone thinks it is. They just want trade to happen. They dont care what you trade. outside of plutonium lol
Sorry to be so long winded all the time...I'm teaching myself how to type. no mre hunt and peck I'm up to 40 a minute.
