Well-Known Member
Nice. You bring up a good advantage to buying know what to expect as far as plants size and flowering duration etc...I've been growing Mostly short bushy indicas. I had one tall sativa, And one i have now is mostly (I think) sativa. Not knowing exactly what you are growing does make it much more difficult. So as far as how much room you need....? I would say MORE than you think LOL.
If you make a decision on buying seeds, I'd appreciate finding out how you make out with it. I've been checkin out some strain reviews and i really like the sound of 1- Blueberry. 2-NYC Diesel, and 3-the popular AK-47.
The thing with getting seed is the gov, they run the mail. I dont have a address i could use. I dont want to send them to the same add as my garden. I really dont want to join a club. , this is not a one time deal I will be a pot farmer.... with some help of course.