Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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Phototropism, or the plant's response to a point of light by elongating/expanding the cells on the shady side to tilt the plant material into the light source. Hope you don't mind me getting anal.
Plants are soo cool eh??:)
My approach turns with the wind, and seems to get less intensive as I learn more.. Started with hydro and screens, now I just like stout plants in free&cheap dirt mixes (the free stuff came from low lying loamy forest areas.. I never got burned by bugs doing that, though I've read about the risks).. I'm going all out with my dad's method this season.. I can't grow in the house, and I can't take any risk of getting burned tending plants, so I took a walk with a few seeds in my pocket, and I'll take another walk in late October to see whats standing.. Its funny how the police around here do aerial searches in the weeks surrounding labour day.. I guess thats because everyone harvests waay premature around here.. In previous seasons that really erked me, but this time its going to work to my advantage:).. Another thing working to my advantage is mosquitos.. THEY ARE BRUTAL THIS YEAR!! Not many kids are going to want to go thieving there for most of the season..
The OP is pretty clear.. UB waits until 6 or so nodes before topping to allow them to build a substantial root system with that foliage, then tops then way down.. This way they're ready to take-off with new growth, and hit 12/12 running.. How many weeks does it take your plants in your setup to reach 6 nodes?? That would be how many weeks is suggested with his method..
I've recently picked up my old gardening hobby, it's been calling to me for about 5 years now. I wanted to experiment since a lot of things have changed over the years as far as better CFL's and LED's. Anyways, to make this long story shorter, I have had a ton of luck with one particular plant, I intentionally bent and shaped the stem, from birth, in a circle (slowly & gently) around the pot. Keeping it in place with paperclips and clothspins. Within 3 weeks of manipulation, the plant had formed a nice 1/2 inch woody "trunk" and was nice, and short and bushy. Exactly the results I was looking for b/c I am using a fairly small grow space. This strand is also developing really, very quickly. As you can see, a nice thick stem and dense cluster buds @ just 26 days! I can't w8 to try some more.


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I've seen that wrap around lst method work really well, but I've also seen utter failures that just ended up a tangled mess that was pretty much solidified as a tangled mess.. Its a tough method to master I suppose.. All UB's method asks of the grower is that they can count to two.. Its kind of funny how many ppl ask for help with that..:)
yeah, i had to cut the branches that were touching the soil before they began to rot or hide buggies. As you can see, i did different things with the plants, and unfortunately, i don't know what strands i am using either. so my methods are purely for the "fun" of it. i planted 8 seeds simultaneously and only two have shown female, the 3rd and last one i have (5 came out males) is taking 4ever to sex ... but i also topped it very early and had it outside for the first few weeks, until i saw the indooors doing so much better, and brought it in.

I am very happy with that indica or hybrid, whatever it is. it gets me up in the morning:)
Its buds you really gotta worry about wetness with as long as the plant is established.. Read up on adventitious roots, its pretty nifty when you see it..
Its buds you really gotta worry about wetness with as long as the plant is established.. Read up on adventitious roots, its pretty nifty when you see it..

Edit: WTF, a 4hr lagged double post??
Hey UB,

Do you have any book references for me so I could begin learning the science behind plant growth. I want to be able to obtain this knowledge without having to ask everyone, how things work or how to get the plant to do a certain thing.
Its all on the net dude.. The problem with books is they'll either be really dumbed down, and expansive, or very advanced, and you won't be able to comprehend enough to justify the textbook price, and it will still leave you with a ton of holes in knowledge.. Atleast start on the net.. Google Books will be a big supplier of that info, and you might find books you'd like to buy if you want to go that indepth..
Yeah, the internet has tons of good sites. Google is your friend. If your area has a Master Gardeners program, suggest you enroll. In general, if folks would be spend less time seeking (and taking) advice at cannabis forums and more time at general plant culture sites and their local ag extension service, they would be much better growers. My first indoor effort was one of my best, and I didn't have any pot books or the internet to check out, just common sense regarding plant culture. I don't know how so many people can screw up growing a weed, but they seem to manage. :D

Yo Uncle Ben, since the topic of seedling care has come up, whats your take on rubbing stems for strength?? I haven't done that many from seed, and I rubbed them all because that seemed to be a popular trick on OG, so I have no idea whether it helped or not..

Edit: And on that last question, I meant what were you using for lights?? Street lights?? (I know you could buy them, because my grand parents had them..)
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