I've recently picked up my old gardening hobby, it's been calling to me for about 5 years now. I wanted to experiment since a lot of things have changed over the years as far as better CFL's and LED's. Anyways, to make this long story shorter, I have had a ton of luck with one particular plant, I intentionally bent and shaped the stem, from birth, in a circle (slowly & gently) around the pot. Keeping it in place with paperclips and clothspins. Within 3 weeks of manipulation, the plant had formed a nice 1/2 inch woody "trunk" and was nice, and short and bushy. Exactly the results I was looking for b/c I am using a fairly small grow space. This strand is also developing really, very quickly. As you can see, a nice thick stem and dense cluster buds @ just 26 days! I can't w8 to try some more.