this is my first grow


Well-Known Member
yea will give it a few more days just for the hell of it. whats a few more days lol after all this time. like them mommies huh, me too think ill be cloning off them all summer, have other beams to grow but why this is fine for now, o hey i got seed for one of those bag plants,dont no how but it not very many.


Well-Known Member
Hey, if you like the smoke of the bag weed you got another strain. Nothing wrong with a few surprise seeds. they are usually female.


Well-Known Member
hey the bag weed was the first thing i had and it look great so hope it as good as it looks but i cant wait till the others are ready thats what im looking forward to.The only reason the bag is still in there is because i was learning how to clone with it. this will be the last of it once its done, will keep the seed for sure just because you know,i turned the lights on the next grow tonight so it going to flower, they got a little taller these last few day more than i wanted but its going now.all clones look good so far. LOL no i havent pulled them yet,going to wait till friday. But there ready im not seing any more growth on buds so.
hope you had a good week end show ya pic soon


Well-Known Member
Hum, This happend to be before. I had lighting issues on an indoor grow and some plants started growing 3 blade leafs. One that hermed had a few single blade leaf.

Could be she stressed a little from the top and move so close together. I would just keep an eye on her. Could be fine but may herm on you. Look for male parts. "balls" on it and keep your fingers crossed. Not much else you can do now. Next time you do it, top and wait a couple weeks, then put the plant outside for just a couple hours the first few days before planting. Thats called harding off.


Well-Known Member
she was toped two weeks before puting out side. and she was put out for a few hours a day for two days well all week end then put into the ground on that sunday.Dont know what could be stressing it. done nothing to it but hey its just bag so if it dose go hermy then o well .bummer.i have a thai super skunk clone to go in its place, so piss on it . lol


Well-Known Member
lighting schedule got messed with so it's throwing out odd leaves. this happens. it may just grow out of it. IMG_3013.jpg


Well-Known Member
cool thanks bud ill leave mine to. i saw were you were talking to a guy that had some heat trouble and his plant had the same leaves it looked like? so will see


Well-Known Member
Im going to do a lowrider grow and was thinking on doing a seed run on one of them.I have some blue berry pollen thats i took off one of my male. Now it was'nt a auto flower but the other is so wounder what the baby will be?


Well-Known Member
these are new pics of 1 lady ats 8 weeks done on sunday. a crystal thats look nice and blue berry in the corner, they are in week5. the next grow is 5 crystal 5 blue cheese 3 thai skunks 6 blue berry, all are in week 2 of flower. then the babys up top all clones, rooting out nicely, so tell me what you think good or bad, ?



Well-Known Member
man the heat got to me. i came hot breaker thrown open the door and is 115 in side all clones couldnt handle it. plants were ok it seems. although one lady doesn't look good. been given her alittle extra fluids may just go a head and harvest her, her buds are very nice , bummer man . thats the first time thats happen guess ac was working over time ,its a window unit. 8000 btu. thinking im going to change it out tomorrow and put a bigger unit in there and plug up to 220, Other one is a 110. 8000 is struggling. its been hot here and going to get hotter. Think after this last grow im going to redo my shop. I gut it and insolate the wall better and ceiling to, then i can keep it what ever i want. Yep that nexts. i have 4-5 weeks left on the last batch.


Well-Known Member
Cool man,

That first pic, thats one bud?

Now you got a grow under your belt and have learned what to expect I see your making some improvements.
I do it all the time. well, when I can afford it. Its fun but it can get pricey.

I like your choice in curring jars. The square take less room to store.

So you are going aeroponics too eh? I would have done it different if I had more room but what the hell.
Check out some of Earls posts. he's got it down.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
will do bud. yea it just makes more sence. and no dirt yea, space will be better used as well. youll see freind, when the time comes. jars work good, going to empty 4 jars this week end, just to fill them back up nexts week end dammm bummer huh lol. you know what the coolest thing is. IM NOT BUYING IT any more yea. this last grow should take care of me for a while. hey at it teast great even the bag is 2 hit quit. this crystal is very sweat and frutie, i think ill keep it going for the rest of the year, off the mother out side.