Do NOT use Hydrogen Peroxide

If you keep your nutrient solution below 68ºf
you will never need to use H2o2.

The max amount you should ever use in dwc is 2ml/gl
of 35% H2o2.

Avoid using H2o2 if at all possible.

A cool rez is the best way to avoid the need for H2o2.

Its very difficult for me to keep the res temp below 20C as Im growing in a cab. Min 22C/Max 24C so I have no choice but to use an additive to kill pathogens.
I dont have money for a chiller & even if I did I have no extra space in the cab.
earl couldnt be more right, keep your lid tight and water cool and you will be perfect

My res is closed & covered but there are a few pin sized holes which evaporate the water resulting in an increase of PPM so I top up the res once a week to decrease it.
If you keep your nutrient solution below 68ºf
you will never need to use H2o2.

The max amount you should ever use in dwc is 2ml/gl
of 35% H2o2.

Avoid using H2o2 if at all possible.

A cool rez is the best way to avoid the need for H2o2.
I agree with not having to use H2o2 if your water/rez temps are below 68 because at those temps and below pathogens and fungi can't thrive and also the colder the temp the more oxygen water can hold---but... If you need to use 35% H2o2 you can do it safely at 6.4ml/gal--I have used it at that rate on almost every-form of growing method without problems or burns or oxidation of equipment--I use that rate on cuttings and clones for the first week or two and have had explosive healthy white root growth.
Thanks DR Von for the dosage, should I start with a lower dosage with newly rooted clones & work up to 3.5ml per L?

To my understanding H2O2 will degrade to ONLY H2O if left out too long, assuming this is true should I change my reservoir more often than once a week? keep in mind that within a week I top up my res with tap water due to evaporation & transpiration. You can start at the 3.5ml/l of the 17.5% right from the start-----when you get ready to top of your res just treat the top off amount---wait 20mins and fill. Their are a lot of different ways to get a job done so if once a week works for you then go that route but only use the H2o2 once a week----that's all you'll need to use it:bigjoint:.

Ive been wanting to know how to use water straight from the tap without waiting 24hrs so thank again.
works great!!!
On a coment to earl saying not need that would be correct asuming your using the H202 as a pathegeon killer only. My main reason for usage is not that though. I use it for the elevated O2 in the res which helps promote healthy new root mass which increases growth rate and production so to advise against H202 completely wouldn't be a cover all statement. if you think you need it because of tank contamination then yeah you can avoid it by using the simple rulkes of cleanliness,cool res temps and overall just watching your setup. Now if you use it as an additive then all those points are side effects as I personally have notice much increase rtoot mass and growth speed when using it for more O2
hey filthy\ isnt that what the air stones are for, if you added a couple more 'stones, wouldnt you have the same effect?
plus isnt the oxygen that is released done so very quickly, so wouldnt it be just a very short boost...?(from my understanding, im always learning)

I was under the assumption that there could only be so much dissolved oxygen in the water. and if you res has enough air stones, the h202 wont do shit for adding for oxygen to the water...

if you have any reading you could point me towards, I would greatly appreciate it

cheers filthy

did you read this post I got from gypsy bush...




what do you guys think about subculture M and B? im a big fan of myccorizal but in soil, sub culter good in aero? i am an aero guy there for i never sue it in my systems only for cleaning, as the spray jets are well aerated, as for h202 i love using it in my soil especially if i think i overwatered
Im not really a big sub culture pure organics guy myself. The H2O2 is my o2 boost as I use it 3 days before the res change each week and I dont run airstones as its just more money and more elctricity i dont need to expend. The airstone also excellorates evaporation throught the bubbles which means ph and ppm flux more often
thanks filthy, cheers brother= )
I guess air stones arnt as important in an aeroponic setup.
peace in-much love
I mean they are good but not needed since my pump has an outlet side valave I set it open just a little so it blows out some water in the res while punmp so this stirs the nutrient solution keeps it moving and the the H2O2 adds more 02 for me. An airstone helps though in most setups I just do not need it with how I setup
I mean they are good but not needed since my pump has an outlet side valave I set it open just a little so it blows out some water in the res while punmp so this stirs the nutrient solution keeps it moving and the the H2O2 adds more 02 for me. An airstone helps though in most setups I just do not need it with how I setup

All of a sudden Im intrested in your method, could post a couple of pics please?
Why are people so against using this stuff? You spend 100's of dollars for stuff to add to your nutes, this stuff (h2o2) is all you need. I mean great roots and a clean nute tank, what more could you ask for. Plus, when you have growers with years of experience, suggesting you should use it, pay attention. I did and Im glad I did. H2O2 WORKS, PERIOD.
Would my Humboldt Nutrients Master A and B be considered Organic??
Its a 2-part Amino Acid Chelated Nutrients.

I just bought H202 and i wondered if it would be completely useless

thanks later
using the full humbodlt line of nutrients they are organic based and the H202 would not be a good choice to use with those as those nutes rely on an organism bacteria culture to feed the plant and the H202 will defaet those nutes.
dammmmmn, aight cool i guess ill just run H202 just for this round to make sure those no extra bacteria growing in my medium like old dead roots.

Would it be ok to maybe Flush with H202 for a day, like when i do a res change?? i just want to make sure no EXTRA Pathogens will be floating around??

maybe do a my nutes for a week then h202 for a week than back to nutes??

if this would be pointless just lemme no pleaase

dammmmmn, aight cool i guess ill just run H202 just for this round to make sure those no extra bacteria growing in my medium like old dead roots.

Would it be ok to maybe Flush with H202 for a day, like when i do a res change?? i just want to make sure no EXTRA Pathogens will be floating around??

maybe do a my nutes for a week then h202 for a week than back to nutes??

if this would be pointless just lemme no pleaase


just switch to general hydroponics...
my funds are pretty low, fuck it i will just flush with water and h202 for 4 days than just change my res back to nutes and do that. If anything it solved the problem i origanally had so it looks like its working..
using the full humbodlt line of nutrients they are organic based and the H202 would not be a good choice to use with those as those nutes rely on an organism bacteria culture to feed the plant and the H202 will defaet those nutes.

I think you missed my request in regards to post No. 90.
Would you be able to post a few pics please?