Microbes are not all created equal. There are different levels of symbiotic relationships here; some help the plant indirectly because they compete with pathogens and do not hurt the plant. Others will break down dead plant matter in to useable nutrients. Some help hold the soil together, others help move nutrients in the soil.
The stuff I use gives me great results and is worth the money to me. I use this stuff from fungi.com which contains bacteria:
Beneficial Bacteria Bacillus subtillus, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus azotoformans, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus pumlis, Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus stearothermiphilis, Paenibacillus polymyxa, Paenibacillus durum, Paenibacillus florescence, Paenibacillus gordonae, Azotobacter polymyxa, Azotobacter chroococcum, Sacchromyces cervisiae, Streptomyces griseues, Streptomyces lydicus, Pseudomonas aureofaceans, Deinococcus erythromyxa
and fungus:
Endomycorrhizal fungi
Glomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae, Glomus aggregatum, Glomus clarum, Glomus deserticola, Glomus etunicatum, Gigaspora margarita, Gigaspora brasilianum, Gigaspora monosporum
Ectomycorrhizal fungi Rhizopogon villosullus, Rhizopogon luteolus, Rhizopogon amylopogon, Rhizopogon fulvigleba, Pisolithus tinctorius, Laccaria bicolor, Laccaria laccata, Scleroderma cepa, Scleroderma citrinum, Suillus granulatas, Suillus punctatapies
Trichoderma Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma konigii
sounds nice how much is it. I guess i like the epsoma cause it cheap and i can pick it up,$8 for 4lbs here what it has.
Non-Plant Food Ingredients:
Contains 5,678,688 colony forming units (CFU’s) per lb. (378,579 CFU’s per lb. each of the following 15 species):
Bacillus subtilis
Paenibacillus polymyxa
Bacillus licheniformis
Pseudomonas alcaligenes
Bacillus megaterium
Pseudomonas chlororaphis
Bacillus marinus
Pseudomonas putida
Bacillus coagulans
Acidovorax facilis
Bacillus thuringiensis
Arthrobacter agilis
Bacillus pumilis
Rhodococcus rhodochorus
Bacillus lentimorbus Ectomycorrhizal Fungi: 44,200,000 propagules/lb. of the following 8 species:
Pisiolithus tinctorius (40,000,000 propagules/lb.)
Scleroderma Citrinni (1,000,000 propagules/lb.)
Scleroderma Cepa (1,000,000 propagules/lb.)
Laccaria Bicolor (200,000 propagules/lb.)
Rhizopogon Roseolus (500,000 propagules/lb.)
Rhizopogon Subscaerelescens (500,000 propagules/lb.)
Rhizopogon villosuli (500,000 propagules/lb.)
Endomycorrhizal Fungi: 1,200 propagules per lb. of the following 2 species:
Glomus aggregatum (600 propagules/lb.)
Glomus intraradices (600 propagules/lb.)
Sizes: Available in 4 lb. and 25 lb. bags
Bio-tone® Starter Plus is an all natural plant food enhanced with biostimulants, beneficial bacteria and mycorrhizae. This proprietary formula works naturally within the soil to help plants establish fast, withstand environmental stress, promote deeper roots better blooms ,and improve soil structure.
Microbe enhanced all natural plant food
Includes both Endo & Ecto Mycorrhizae